Comments 583

Re: Open World Martial Arts RPG Where Winds Meet Announced for PS5


People think any action game with this camera angle and a lock on mechanism is a Soulslike. It's tiring. Demon's Souls incorporated existing mechanics and added its own ideas. Many 'Soulslike' mechanics were around long before From elevated themselves.

This looks more fast paced so it's closer to a Nioh/Team Ninja game than a Soulslike.

Re: Team Ninja Reveals Rise of the Ronin's Links to Nioh, Ninja Gaiden


@Deoxyr1bose TN have never made a soulslike. The last few games have been Ninja Gaiden hybrids that become progressively easier with each game. They have some FromSoft inspirations. RotR is the closest but still more Nioh than a Soulslike. Nioh is 100% not a soulslike. If you tried to play that game like it was a Souls game you'd struggle a lot.

William is also a character creation option in this, just like Nioh 2.

Re: Square Enix Game Cancellations Likely as Publisher Records $140 Million Loss in 'Content Disposal'


Remake comes out - Finally FF7 has been remade in modern glory! Nope, we were misled. It's a sequel with KH level of story changing nonsense.

Rebirth comes out - We now know it isn't FF7 remade in modern glory. We are afraid of how much worse things can get. The dev team didn't learn their lesson from the previous game. Hype is reduced.

Part 3 will come out. Even less hype due to even more story changing nonsense. They will sell even less.

People can choose to blame what they want but sales don't lie. All the OG fans who made Square successful were expecting the promised faithful remake. New fans were confused by the new sequel story or flat out disappointed by the plot holes.