Comments 103

Re: Ubisoft Investor Calls for Company to Go Private, and CEO Yves Guillemot to Be Replaced


@Northern_munkey I think they're completed overrated , and if youre not a fan there's something wrong with you, I mean elden ring is the same gameplay loop for hours, it's just not my idea of a good time, and I feel they won't offer difficulty changes because it's the only thing it has going for it , take that away and it's an empty world filled with text to read, I don't think I've just kicked the hornets nest, I've probably just took a flamethrower to it 😂

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@Kameleonic honestly I've never had an enemy ignore a dead body , they discover ,and than anyone in the vicinity goes on alert , until a set amount of time has lapsed which is pretty much standard for most games of this type, I think most people have a problem with the instafail stealth missions , but these can be avoided with a bit if planning , the imperial bases are the most difficult as there are plenty of stormtroopers, officers (they have coms with which they sound the alarm and call backup, you can steal there coms with nix though) also cameras, seems to me the problems are bug related , I have a consistent one where when you summon your speeder, it zooms around you at high speed and doesn't stop until you press summon again, it's kind of funny.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@torquex there is a myriad of difficulty settings one of which is stealth , I really don't know what the fuss is about, its not that hard,granted its harder than mgs , assassin's creed etc, the only thing it reminds me of really with regards to difficulty is hitman , where as its as hard as you want it to be, and I don't mean mechanics before I get jumped on 😂

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@Kameleonic I couldve chosen other games to prove my point , pretty much any game which relies on basic ai , games are sorely lacking in that department , I wish they would use the extra power for that rather than fancy shadows and reflections to be honest, players take advantage of an npcs shortcomings ,when it comes to Intelligence, using red dead an example again , you can approach a non aggressive area with a camp attack kill a few and run away , return 5 minutes later and there's no reaction , I'd love it if they'd remember, maybe some dialogue thrown in, and they try to kill you on sight.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@Kameleonic but every game known to man can be dissected in this way ,why don't the guards in mgs know the box has just moved from one place to another, why do enemies in elden ring only follow you up to a certain point then go back to there original position, how can I drag a woman through a town in red dead with no consequence, how can I commit random acts of violence in gta, hide near a bin for a few minutes and it's all forgotten about, you want realistic AI in games ? That would be about as fun as a dark souls game, what youre mostly describing are bugs or glitches in the game not the actual mechanics, you ask people these days oh you didn't like a certain game have you played it , they reply no but I've watched a walk-through, same thing 😂 as with all media it can control people and alter their perspective if you show them what fits your narrative , experience things for yourself, otherwise you're not really entitled to an opinion 😁 and anyone who pays 70 for a game is a fool and moronic if they pay 100 , shop around I got outlaws for 54 , for the amount of content and absolute joy it's given me , absolute bargain.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@species just because someone doesn't agree with what you're saying doesn't make them a troll, ill wager I've been frequenting push square for far longer than yourself ,just because you've only just seen me , doesn't mean I've not always been here 😁 I've not experienced any of those things you mentioned , maybe you're just unlucky , I mean elden ring one of highest rated games of all time has issues with enemy /player detection , there's nothing wrong with the stealth in outlaws ,it seems you're experiencing bugs not the actual stealth mechanics.

Re: Days Gone Director Roasts 'Small Game' Astro Bot PS5 for Deacon St John Cameo


Hmm , he clearly has issues with Sony and how he was treated, for someone to hold a grudge for so long it must have been pretty bad and I feel there's more to it than just not given the greenlight for a sequel , days gone was a good game in my opinion it was treated harshly by some , he probably feels even worse now that Sony has cancelled a game that cost them 200 million, dont take it out on your peers though, it's not asobis fault is it , he probably thinks how dare you.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@Kameleonic well the choices do matter with regards to side quests I mean your locked out of certain ones if your rep isn't high enough , do they affect the main story no they do not , anyone can destroy a game if they nit pick certain bugs and glitches and make a video about it.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@SASnake which is what you do in mgs is it not , the stealth in outlaws gives you so many options , you can take out the alarms , steal the officers com units so they can't call for help, trap the alarms, use nix in a multitude of ways , you're using one tactic by whistling, why is that the games fault , you're making it boring for yourself.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@SAMTYLER1974 ridiculous pricing ? It was 56 on amazon at launch if you get it digitally shop to had a 70 for 54 psn card , the stealth is great i feel and better than most games , if your rep is high enough you can cut out a lot of it , there are a lot of abilitys that help with it also ,I don't agree with the terrain either , most can be jumped over as long as you have the jump ability installed, and have upgraded your speeder enough it handles really well, the ai I have to agree with but in most open world games the ai is garbage, elden ring for example they just rush you that's all they do , and when you get a certain distance they walk away.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@MathiasBS what issues do you have with the stealth ? I use nix a lot and levelling up abilities does help , it can be hard at the beginning, distract with nix, lure with whistle? Attack with nix then smash em, also dropping objects helps , also setting traps on alarms first helps a lot

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


@Ravix couldn't agree more , as a star wars fan myself, I watched at the cinema in the 70s and been a fan ever since , it's like a dream come true , my two favourite things come together in a massive world I can fully explore, I think the games been treated unfairly by some , if you look at the game as a whole package it's fantastic , we can all nit pick games , vampire saviours seems quite popular at the minute , which I could say I was playing similar games when I watched star wars decades ago, but i won't 😁