Comments 139

Re: Rec Room Dev 'Can't Justify' a PSVR2 Port


Recroom is free... because it SUUUUX. dont port that crap then!!!!!!

The good news from RAD

Hey Everyone!

We’ve completed our build for the PlayStation 5 and PSVR2 apps and we are now waiting on Sony to ingest the apps and make them available to users. We expect this to happen in late January 2024.

EDIT: RAD is charging 50 a year...... F RAD AND SONY

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


There is an argument here.. sony has complete control and monopolization of its digital games prices. there is no competition and so prices can get out of hand. Its lawsuits like these that put a spot light on the company and its prices and it is necessary.

For some numb skull to say why are there no lawsuits against rising prices of goods.. thats ridiculous. Those companies have competition and those prices rise because of inflation. Not related to a no competition law suit like this at all.

Re: Sony Says PS Portal Wasn't Designed to Make a Profit


I see this useful for a few people. If your in a crowded house with no tv to use.. but in that case wont that crowded ass house all be using your wifi and slowing it?

Or a trucker or someone whos away from the house and wants to game.. but in that case you need wifi wherever your at so that wont work.

My solution is making this thing 5G capable would make it actually useful to many more.

Re: GTA 6 Publisher Is Anticipating a PS5 Pro


Yes probably will upgrade. I HATE the options of 60 fps with slightly downgroaded visuals. Or 30 fps with full 4k. It is annoying and I thought the ps5 should have been able to do it all... but FINE take my money and give me my ps5 pro