Comments 2,586

Re: Dying Light 2 Sells Five Million in First Month, Content Reveal Next Week


The original was a fantastic game that along with its expansion easily made it one of my all time favourites.
Bought Dying Light 2 on Day One but unfortunately I've only played a few hours as I got pulled into Horizon Forbidden West and am still deep into that game.What I played of Dying Light 2 has impressed me though and I'm really glad it did well,hopefully I'll get a chance to get back into it soon.

Re: Best Indie Games on PS5


I've only played three out of this list :Chicory,Kena and the best Bugsnax.There are a few on the list I'm very interested in but what with the new Ps Plus Tier system soon to start im hoping a lot of them are included in the 'free' games..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 420


@Tsushima If you like strategy role playing you should enjoy this.Plays like Final Fantasy Tactics and has about 4 different endings depending on what paths you take.
Got to confess there is a lot of dialogue in the game and to begin with I was unsure I was going to enjoy it as it seemed a while before I even got to the first battle.Glad I stuck with it though as I'm hooked!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 420


I think today will be another day where I play more of Triangle Strategy on Switch than anything else.I absolutely love this game!
Of course I WILL be playing something else and that game is the brilliant Horizon Forbidden West.About 40 hours into it and still have half the map to uncover..
Also I may have another go at Spongebob Squarepants for a bit of fun.

Re: Huge PS Store Spring Sale Discounts 1,000 PS5, PS4 Games


Is it worth buying anything in the sale when a lot or some of them may be instantly free when the new Plus Tier system starts?Like others have said,Returnal,Death Stranding and Miles Morales we already know will be available so why buy them if you have plans to subscribe to the top tier?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 414


Horizon Forbidden absolute masterpiece and I've only played 2 hours of it so far!
The original game was my Game Of The Year and this will be too for sure.
I'll also be playing Battle Chasers: Nightwar.Started playing a few days ago and can't get over how awesome this game is!
I may give Far Cry 6 and Dying Light 2 a go too.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Patch 1.5.0 Will Release Next Week


I haven't played this game for months! I enjoyed it a lot but wasn't a patch on Assassins Creed Origins or Odyssey.Unlike those games I didant try and investigate every part of the map and the dlc hasn't interested me at all...until now.
Dawn Of Ragnarok really looks like a decent add on that will most definitely finally pull me back to Assassins Creed.

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


I think this game looks absolutely fantastic and I was definitely going to pick this up until I saw some guy on YouTube doing a playthrough who was getting absolutely hammered.
It's a shame it's so tough because I really don't have the time to try and 'git good' because I don't have much time to play games and I'm not getting any younger unfortunately..
Pleased it received a decent score though.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 412


Unfortunately I'm back to work next week after a nice relaxing week off so my gaming time is going to be very minimal again.
Today I'll be concentrating on Far Cry 6 which i am doing quite well on now and also been enjoying it co op.Still think Far Cry 5 was better though..
Went ahead and bought Dying Light 2 digital yesterday ( passing up a Steel book version) and what I've played I've loved! Can't wait to get really stuck into it.
On Switch I may continue with Pokemon Lets Go..I didant realize how grindy these games were and I can't say if I'm really enjoying it anymore..

Re: First Impressions: Ghostwire: Tokyo Goes Heavy on Supernatural Action


Evil Within 2 was my favourite horror game,a huge improvement on the excellent first game.To say I was disappointed when Ghostwire was announced instead of Evil Within 3 would be a huge understatement.However this stream immediately convinced me this would be another great and original game that id have to looks awesome!
And if Evil Within 3 gets announced as an Xbox Exclusive then I'll just have to jump ship..maybe.

Re: Dying Light 2 (PS5) - Good Sequel Hurt by Expectation


Great review, a 7 is the kind of score I was expecting at the end of that read.Which is no bad thing.Absolutely loved the first game and been eagerly awaiting this one!
The story business doesant really bother me I'm more disappointed in no dualsence use.
Still buying this Day one..just unsure of I go digital or buy the physical steelbook..

Re: PS Plus' PS5, PS4 February 2022 Games Are Available Now


Looking forward to Tiny Tina despite having played it...
I loved Theme Park in the good ol days and hoping Planet Coaster will be like that but pretty sure it will end up being too difficult and complicated for me.
But seriously do I need these games? I'm about a quarter through Far Cry 6,have Dying Light 2 out at end of week,Horizon Forbidden West out in a couple of weeks plus I've just started Pokemon Lets Go Evee my first ever Pokemon!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 411


With a nice week off and on my long weekend to boot I have plenty of gaming time ahead.
Most of my time has been spent on Far Cry 6 and I doubt that will change.A huge and fun world but so far Far Cry 5 was better.
Been playing a lot of Dirt 5 recently too after d/l from ps plus.
On the Switch front it's Animal Crossing as usual and I did something I never thought I'd do..bought Pokemon Go Eveee.My first ever Pokemon game...yet to start it but kind of excited..

Re: Talking Point: Do You Read All the Crap in Games?


The only series of games of which I read ever single note is the Resident Evil games.
I read most of what I found in Horizon Zero Dawn and a few bits in The Witcher 3 and Skyrim on the Xbox360 but I get bored..would rather play than read.If I want to read if read my book.

Re: Manufacturing Tittle-Tattle Tips PSVR 2 to Enter Production Soon


@thefourfoldroot I do wear glasses as it happens..driving and tv only.I admit I am having eyes seen too once a year due to scar tissue but the decline of my eye sight just seems a big coincidence on how it sped up when I started playing vr.
Good idea about the prescription lens though!I only wore glasses once and that was enough to scratch it...only slightly though luckily.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


Recently I've been playing a lot of Riders Republic,absolutely love the game and even though I've played it more or less every day,ever since finishing Guardians Of The Galaxy I've been putting a lot more time into it.
Also I've been playing Resident Evil 3 remake which considering it was my least favourite back in the day I'm really enjoying this remake.
I'm also considering whether to start Scarlet Nexus or go back to The World Ends With You.
Enjoy your weekend all.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 406


I'm right at the end of the excellent Guardians Of The Galaxy.Will definitely finish it tonight.A fantastic game that is so much better than I expected.I really hope a sequel is on the cards..
I'll also be playing more Riders Republic which I find so addictive and fun!I don't think I'll ever get bored of this game..

On the Switch I'll be playing the usual Animal Crossing cuz it seems to be the only game that gets played on the console.

And very unusual for me as I don't usually go for mobile gaming but I downloaded Fantasy Life Online and I.Am.Hooked!
Loved the 3ds version and even though it's not a true sequel...I'm really happy with it!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Thankful for in Gaming?


I have been thankful for games since the early days for taking me out of my own life and putting me in another.
I used to only play rpgs at one point just to escape into a world that was so much better than mine and not have to deal with all my worries.
I'm thankful for consoles like the Wii for Wii Sports and the Kinect on the 360 for Kinect Sports,games that really brought me and my family closer together.
I was thankful for Call Of Duty years ago for creating the friendship with three of my work collegues.
I was especially thankful for Animal Crossing on the Switch coming out just as the pandemic started and I was stuck at home for months like a lot of people.My first Animal Crossing and so far I've put in 270 every day.
But mostly im just thankful for games in general for bringing me so much entertainment through good and bad times and being pretty deaf,single and not many hobbies I can't imagine doing anything else!