Comments 2,586

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 400


I'll be spending A LOT of time on Riders Republic which after playing the beta I couldn't help but buy the digital version yesterday rather than add it to my birthday list..absolutely loving it!
Tales Of Arise is also on the agenda as it is every day
Project Zero tonight and also Voice of Cards on Switch.
Enjoy your weekend all!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 399


Been playing the Riders Republic beta and am absolutely loving it!Only an.hours worth of playtime left but I'll definitely pick this one up at some point...or stick it on the birthday/Christmas list.
Will also be continuing the excellent Tales of Arise...just finishing up sidequests at moment before carrying on with the story.
Bought Cosy Grove last week which I'm enjoying alot.Very relaxing and I'm enjoying the change of pace.

On the Switch I've been playing Eastward.A great game that I nearly didant bother with.Glad I did,it will keep me going until Voice Of Cards next week!

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Tales of Arise?


Having an absolute blast with it and put nearly forty hours in so far!
Personally at the moment id give it a 9 but maybe after feeling so let down by the last two Tales games I played I feel extra relieved and excited that the series is back on form and I'm just being extra generous.
Tales Of Graces and Tales Of Abyss have always been my favourite but with this game it might of just reached those heights for me.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Far Cry 6?


@Flaming_Kaiser I don't understand why they aren't doing a physical everywhere else.I'd much rather physical but so desperate to play Project Zero I'll buy digital day one.Can't decide Ps4 or Switch though!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 397


Fired up my PSVR first time in MONTHS to play Puzzle Bobble 3D..been looking forward to it and pleased to say I'm having a blast with Bub And Bob
Continuing my adventure in the fantastic Tales Of Arise..really loving it now,such a great game compared to the last couple of Tales I played.About 30 hours or so into it and don't want it to end.
Will do a bit of Yakuza Zero on the Ps4 too which I'm still working my way through..just keep getting distracted by the business side of things

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Far Cry 6?


Where's the option for 'it's going on my birthday list'?
Seriously I was planning on buying the steelbook with season pass but I have so much to play as usual id be tempted to throw what I'm doing aside.Besides,I have Project Zero and Voice Of Cards at the end of the month!

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for October and November 2021


My birthday in November so I'll probably have to add all the games to my list or I will get moaned at.
Far Cry 6 is an obvious one as I've played them all.
Guardians Of The Galaxy to me looks surprisingly fun and decent.

Games that are digital only I will be able to buy Day One such as House Of Ashes even though I know it won't be a patch on Until Dawn.Project Zero..absolutely stoked for this game!
And lastly Voice Of Cards which I'm more excited for than I ever thought I would be!

Re: Poll: Do You Want Even More PS5 Marvel Games from Sony?


I'm pretty sick of the whole Marvel world now.I tried to keep up with the films but I'm way behind as I just got burnt out on watching superhero stuff all the time.As much as I love Spiderman game for the PS5 and the fact I'm looking forward to eventually playing Miles Morales,Spiderman 2,Wolverine and Guardians Of The Galaxy,id rather them give it a rest and give us something original.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 394


@Daleaf Yeah gotta say I was stuck in that one for a bit too the first time I played it.But unfortunately it's not that one it's the 'Every Trick In The Book' trophy where you have to obtain all the throwable techniques.Which I have done,I'm totally levelled up now and no trophy.Extremely frustrating as I'm sure if I'd of kept more than one save file I may of been able to get it to pop but alas..
Cheers for your help though

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 394


I'll be playing the Iki expansion in Ghost Of Tsushima.Finished the main game 100 per cent for second time and I STILL failed to obtain the Plat as one trophy is obviously glitched.
Finished Life Is Strange True Colours which I loved..for the first three episodes and then it all went downhill from there.And only ten hours to complete and Plat??I'm pleased with my steelbook but not worth the money.
Started Tales Of Arise which I'm really enjoying..

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Deathloop?


I loved both the Dishonoured games but this game held no interest for me from the moment it was announced.The amount of advertising it had I ended up getting sick of hearing about it.
I'm glad it got decent scores but I doubt I'll ever play it..unless it ends up on PS Plus.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Tales of Arise?


Put in a preorder as soon as id spent ten mins on the demo!Not started it yet though.
Played every game in series except Berseria (which I have in back log).
Hopefully a Tales Of The Abyss and Graces F for Ps5 until next game in the series..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 393


Today I'll be continuing my second playthrough of Ghost Of Tsushima..absolutely loving it like the first time I played it and yet to explore Iki expansion yet too.
I've also been doing a lot of Neo The World Ends With You which id put on pause for a while but I'm really into it now.
Started Life Is Strange True Colours last night and asking myself if I should also start Tales Of Arise.I'm back to work next week so with limited game time I don't think having loads of games on the go is a good idea..

Re: Tales of Arise (PS5) - A Fantastic JRPG, and the Strongest Tales Game in a Long Time


Thanks for the review,so excited to see it receive a 9!
Absolutely loved the demo..and after only 10 minutes on it I just decided id buy Day One.
After being disappointed on the last two I played im so relieved to see the Franchise get back on track.
Just one the town's all look different and have their own personality or do they feel copy and pasted like the last couple..(I think it was Zestiria?)

Re: Feature: Our PS5, PS4 Predictions for PlayStation Showcase 2021


Personally I'd be happy if they don't mention or show ANY game that we don't already know about and concentrate on brand new games only.Of course that in itself is unrealistic as I expect ten minutes will be on Deathloop..
Id love an Infamous Collection to be announced as I only ever played and loved Infamous Second Son/First Light.
A new Burnout game announced.
Gameplay on Callisto Protocol.
Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake announcement.
Days Gone 2 surprise announcement.
Sly Cooper/Jak And Daxter crossover game.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut?


I'm buying the Ps4 upgrade.Was going to go the PS5 upgrade route but to be honest I have plenty of memory left on Ps4 compared to Ps5 and I'll just start from scratch again.
Never managed to obtain the Plat the first time either because I had trouble with my account that prevented 11 trophies from pinging.

Re: New Saints Row Game Reveal Teased for Gamescom Opening Night Live


@Logonogo Oh I'm not denying it was fun,I just felt disappointed after absolutely loving Saints Row 2.I admit my memory isant that good but I do agree with @Wolfie_Pie that the story was so much better for 2 and the others that came after seemed to take a backseat to the story and were just trying to make it feel more like a 'go have fun in the playground'.
Shaundy Stoner hippy all the way!lol

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 388


Been heavily into Shadow Of War...Absolutely fantastic game that considering I loved Shadow Of Mordor I waited this long to play the sequel.
Also really got back into Yakuza Zero after giving it up or putting it aside when the Real Estate made an appearance as I was totally confused but now it's one of the best parts of the game!Making tons of money
Finally managed to buy some third party joy cons for my Switch which arrived today so hopefully I can play handheld without drift at long last.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for August and September 2021


Life Is Strange True Colours I'm actually looking forward to the most on this list but I will most probably buy Tales Of Arise day one now because it's really looking like it will make up for the last couple of disappointing games in the series.
Sonic Colours and Kitaria Fables im also interested in..
I also love the look of Lost Judgement but I'm still playing Yakuza Zero and any more would burn me out.