Comments 2,586

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 385


This weekend I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be finishing Miitopia for the Switch.Think I've put about 30 hours into it and loved every minute.
On the PS5 the on!y game I'll be playing for the time being is Chicory.Felt like something light hearted and fun and after reading the review on here I went for it...Absolutely beautiful game that deserves more attention!

Re: Feature: The 10 Most Anticipated PS5, PS4 Games for the Rest of 2021


No interest in DeathLoop so my Top 5 would be:
5,Marvels Guardians Of The Galaxy
4,Far Cry 6
3,Dying Light 2
2,Kena Bridge Of Spirits
1,Horizon Forbidden West.

As much as I'm looking forward to the Tales Of Arise game I couldn't put it in my top 5 just in case it disappoints like the last couple.Let's hope it's as good as Graces F!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 382


Having finished Ratchet And Clank A Rift Apart very recently and obtained the Platinum I am now concentrating on Control again.Absolutely loving it the more time I spend with it.I think I'll spend a lot of time with this one.May try the dlc too.
On Switch I'll be playing Miitopia a game I think I'm near the end of now.
Oh and I still have the Monster Hunter Stories 2 demo to try.
Have a good weekend all!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381


After FINALLY and unfortunately coming to the end and obtaining the Plat for the absolute gem that is Persona 5 Royal I am putting a lot of my gaming time into the also fantastic Ratchet And Clank.I doubt it will take me 150 hours like Persona but I'm definitely gonna love every minute of it!
Control is also taking up my time alongside Miitopia on Switch.
Enjoy your weekend all.

Re: Hands On: Vibrant JRPG Tales of Arise Looks to Tantalise Newcomers and Franchise Fans Alike


@wiiware Yep I'm the same.I have steelbook for Persona 5,Persona 5 Royal,God Of War and a few others along with Tales Of steelbooks on Ps3.I don't see why they are becoming less popular and the ones that are,are restricted to overpriced Collectors Editions.

@KingPev Graces F was my alltime favourite followed by Abyss!I'll get round to playing it eventually,most likely if Tales Of Arise turns out to be as decent as it looks it will give me the enthusiasm to play it.

Re: Hands On: Vibrant JRPG Tales of Arise Looks to Tantalise Newcomers and Franchise Fans Alike


I still have Berseria to play..I bought in a sale but after the disappointment of the last couple of games in the series I just can't bring myself to play it.However I'm cautiously optimistic about this new game and hoping it's more in line with the greats of the older Tales games.I just hope the town's are nice and cheerful and don't all look identical to each other..

Re: Talking Point: Was Ubisoft Forward a Show to Remember?


I would of voted Very Poor until Mario And Rabbids 2 was announced.I bought my Switch FOR the original so I'm mega hyped for that!
Far Cry 6 which I'm excited for still...well to be honest I thought the graphics for the trailer looked like a ps3 game..but the dlc looks cool.Um,yeah WOW what a show...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 380


@gollumb82 Like @TraCuz- says you can't quit now after getting that far!Looking up a guide isant cheating when you are so frustrated by a game that you want to give up.
It seems everyone hates that Palace and boss and it was only a few weeks ago I was stuck roo!Took me about 12 attempts to defeat the bast*rd and that was only because I ended up changing my characters,tactics and using the Baton Pass alot.Once you get past that boss no one has come close to being as tough!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 380


After a week off I only have the weekend to make the most of my gaming.
Will definitely be playing Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart,I received it a day early but it's so good I don't want to get to the end so I'm trying to save it and concentrate on other games!
Been playing more of Control which I'm still really enjoying.It seems to of for a bit easier now I'm further in.
Obviously I'm STILL playing Persona 5 Royal...130 hours in and still going.Absolutely fantastic game that even though it's extremely long it doesant outstay it's welcome (unlike Trails Of Cold Steel 2 that after 100 hours I was sick of it).
Miitopia on Switch and my daily visit to Animal Crossing.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 379


Obviously still playing the fantastic Persona 5 Royal,this game is so crazy good surely it's illegal
Seeing as I'm now done with the fantastic Resident Evil Village I've recently started Control on Ps5.Gave up to begin with as I was finding it really tough but I've had another go since and really enjoying it.
On Switch Miitopia is ruling over everything else!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 378


@ItsATM Can't believe you haven't played the original Resi yet!I think they gave the remastered version away with PS Plus a few years ago.
Resident Evil Zero was pretty good,I played that on the GameCube when it was released I think.
That's a good list,my faves are Resident Evil 2,RE2 Remake, RE Remastered,RE7,RE Code Veronica and RE Villiage.
Personally I think 5 and 6 weren't too bad so long as you go in knowing it's action over horror.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 378


@ItsATM Oh cool that's reassuring to know!Would really love to platinum this game if I can.
As for Resident Evil Village,yeah that Doll Mansion was awesome and it's a shame more of the game wasn't like that but after completing it myself last night I can honestly say I thought it was a fantastic game added to the franchise and not disappointed at all.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for June and July 2021


Huge Ratchet And Clank fan so getting the new game goes without saying.Also I definitely cannot wait for Yuffie dlc,I really hope it's quite meaty and not a few hours..
After playing Scarlet Nexus demo yesterday I am absolutely sold on that game so could be a Day One too..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 378


@ItsATM Hey mate,I think there's a tiny chance I may get the Plat myself..just spent two or three hours in mementos hunting down Personas!I think the only one I'll struggle with is defeating the Reaper!
Congratulations on finishing Resi Village!It's such a fantastic game I want it?I thought I'd be disappointed that it's not as scary as VII but it's had a few scary parts but mainly it's just tense and atmospheric..keeps you on your toes!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 378


@TraCuz- I've literally just started what I think is Palace number 7 so I think I'm near the end.I played the standard version years ago but seem to of forgotten a lot of it..
Cheers for the link,I'm surprised I hadn't seen that already but it looks like I've passed the objective in getting the new semester!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 378


I'll be busy with Persona 5 Royal as usual,I think I'm on the last palace in the main game..and hopefully I did everything to get me a pass into the bonus semester.Absolutely fantastic addictive!
I'll also be continuing my tense playthrough of Resident Evil Village..I think I'm near the end but who's bl**dy great though!
On the Switch im playing Miitopia...great game,especially having Betty Boop and Shantea in my party!lol

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 377


@Rob_230 I played the base game too but to be honest I had forgotten alot of the story and Palaces but I was sure I never had as much trouble with a boss as that one.Didant realize they had changed it until recently.And yeah I can absolutely see people giving up there.I've never done it in all my gaming years but I came that close to throwing the controller out the window lol.
I played it on normal difficulty but turning the difficulty UP was the last thing I was thinking of!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 377


Apart from Persona 5 Royal which I put hours into every day because it's so damn good I'll be playing Resident Evil Village which I'm enjoying a lot and also Miitopia on the Switch because the demo was so much addictive fun I just had to buy the main game.
Oh and complete and the Stamp Rally in Animal Crossing.
Enjoy your weekend all.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 376


@ItsATM I did play and finish the original Persona 5 and spent about 115 hours on that one so yeah gonna be on this for a while yet as it's not actually the final boss I'm stuck on,it's actually the boss of Palace number 5!lol
I don't know if they have changed the boss tactics for the Royal version but I don't remember having this much trouble and being stuck on him for so long!
Glad you enjoyed your experience on it,Persona in general is such a fantastic franchise!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 376


I'm hooked on Resident Evil Village so that one will be my main focus this weekend.
I MAY go back to Persona Persona 5 Royal as I've spent over 80 hours on the game but the main boss on the latest Palace is absolutely doing my head in!I've managed to get through the game with no problem until this damn roadblock.Must of attempted this boss about 8 times so far with no luck.Such a fantastic game I can't let this stop me.

On Switch its my twenty mins on Animal Crossing and some Mario 3d.
Enjoy ya weekend all.