Comments 2,586

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 363


@Culjoseth Oh I'm not giving up believe me!Spent about an hour in a vault earlier and ended up giving up and just exploring the world again.Finally able to upgrade my weapons and buy a few abilities which have since helped me in places.Loving the game it's just nothing what I imagined it to be..but in a good way!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 363


I recently started Immortals Fenix Rising after finally putting Assassins Creed Valhalla aside for now.Really enjoying it alot although it's a lot harder than I imagined!I like the humour in the game too,makes a change from the seriousness of other games and has made me chuckle a few times already.
Will try and continue with Nelke And The Legendary Alchemists on PS4 despite not really into it.Feels very cheap if I'm honest and the 'cutscenes' I just fast forward as they are so boring compared to other Atelia games.Shame.
On the Switch im tempted to go back to Stardew Valley now it's had the new update but I'm trying to hold off until im done with Story Of Seasons..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 362


Have my Vaccine jab tomorrow so if all goes well I may be coming to the end of my shielding phase and back to work I go so will have to make the most of the gaming time I have left.
Got the Plat for Bugsnax yesterday,absolutely fantastic game and hope a sequel is planned!
Started Concrete Genie which is an amazing and light hearted game that I'm enjoying immensely.
Also started Nelke And The Legendary Alchemists but it's not really grabbed me at all..
May play a few games of Destruction All Stars which keeps pulling me back for another go despite not being a multiplayer fan..
Also still pressing on with Assassins Creed Valhalla

Re: PS5 Owners Confused by Incorrect Profile Listings for Games


@BearsEatBeets Yep,I had demos I played appearing twice but also games like Ghost Of Tshushima appeared once with my correct hours of 77 hours and further down the same game appearing with about 2 hours played.
Then I also had a game appear Minit?or something I've never played anyway but I click on it and it changed to Gravity Rush 2 which I am playing.Bizarre.

Re: PS5 Owners Confused by Incorrect Profile Listings for Games


Yes I noticed this the other day.I also thought someone had hacked my account like they did in the Xbox 360 years ago and bought the digital copy of Fifa using my money.
Also noticed games appearing twice both with different play times.It's a right mess to be honest.What with the store being totally inferior to the Ps4 as well..

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for February 2021?


The last few months have been really good.What's even better is I haven't owned any of them.
Really looking forward to Concrete Genie as it's a game I was hoping to get the Christmas before last but never happened.
Control I enjoyed the ten mins I had on the Switch and even though I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer games Destruction All Stars gives me an SSX Tricky vibe but with cars..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 361


Still playing Assassins Creed Valhalla...130 hours in and I think I'm near the end of the main campaign but not sure.Still loving it and will continue to explore even after the campaign but at the same time I want to start Fenix Rising which I've had since Christmas..
Also on Ps5 I've been playing Bugsnax and gotta say I LOVE it!Can't believe I waited so long to play this game.
On Ps4 I'm playing The Last Of Us Part 2 New Game Plus just to try and grab some trophies.
On Switch its Animal Crossing and Sakuna Of Rice And Ruin.

Re: PS Plus February 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


Another fantastic month and again,I don't own any of them!Destruction All Stars looks like alot of fun,Concrete Genie I have wanted ever since it was announced but never got round to buying it and Control I enjoyed in the pathetic ten min cloud demo on Switch!

Re: Poll: Do You Have a PS5?


I managed to get mine on release from Base.I didn't even have to through the hassle of trying to pre order one,they just sent me an email asking if I'm interested in buying one.Very lucky.
I think it's absolutely sickening that scalpers are just snatching them all up though.I feel sorry for everyone who was told last November was the ps5 launch and yet are still struggling to get hold of one.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 360


@SomewhatDamaged wow you have a huge choice in games to play then!
The Uncharted Games were fantastic....all except for the the latest anyway which I found dissapointing.
I just finished The Last Of Us Part 2 last night actually...definitely one of the greatest games I've played in a while..which is strange cuz I remember I wasn't a huge fan of the original.But I may go back myself and play the remastered version just to see if my opinion has changed..
Enjoy your PS5!

Re: Some PS5 Owners Are Still Waiting for Their PSVR Camera Adaptor


I didant even order one.I have my Ps4 and PSVR next to my Ps5 so can just use it as normal but to be honest..I haven't even played VR since last April,mainly cuz my eyes are pretty bad now and I'm unsure of it's all the virtual reality gaming or not.
The only reason I would order an adaptor is if the new Resident Evil game was going to be compatible like VII but it hasn't been mentioned sadly.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 359


Still playing Assassins Creed Valhalla on PS5 with over 100 hours playtime and still not sick of it yet.
On the PS4 I'm still running through The Last Of Us Part 2.Absolutely brilliant game.Never felt that way about the first one.
Also gone back to My Time In Portia after a very long break but seeing the sequel coming got me back in the mood.
On the Switch its still Animal Crossing (just got my badge for reaching 300 days) and the delightful Sakuna Of Rice And Ruin.
Enjoy your weekend all and stay safe.