
Topic: The game that got you to buy a playstation

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well besides Resident evil Director's Cut Dual Shock Edition being my first playstation game to get for my old Playstation back then, i was sort of planning on getting Blasto or something at the time



For me, the first game I played was Wipeout as that was used to promote the PS1 in some club I went to. I have had every Playstation to date and my 'interest' in buying the Hardware came before the Launch. I wouldn't say Wipeout though was the 'sole' reason - I thought the game was 'fun' and fast at the time, but it was the whole marketing thing at the time that made it seem more like it was going to be more for 'young adults' than Kids as Consoles were still seen as more Electronic Toys for Children and 'home computers' were better for teenagers (Commodore/Amstrad/Sinclair etc and PC's were becoming more common and cheaper too) as they would be able to do school work on etc.

So Sony's entrance into Gaming - a hobby I really liked as a 'young adult' too seemed a good choice and Wipeout was 'fun' but I still expected better and also got better games over time. The PS1 had 'potential' and the game I tried was fun in the club....

I doubt any 1 game has ever really made me buy hardware or would. I think about the lifetime of the Hardware and whether or not I think I'll get my money's worth or not. And I expected that I'd play 'lots' of games and spend enough time on the hardware to justify purchase. I bought a PS4 Pro (and XB1X) despite owning a console that would play ALL the same games - albeit with some advantages - no '1 game' made me think I must buy that...

Wipeout introduced me too using Playstation to Game 'before' it officially launched in the UK and Sony seemed to be marketing it more as a 'young Adult' console and seemed a good option and then alternative to my N64.

Edited on by BAMozzy

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


The original Ridge Racer. I remember just standing at dixons window watching the demo and being completely blown away. Thinks that's the last game that really gave that feeling of a huge upgrade in generations



PS1 was ridge racer for me, it was like looking at an arcade cabinet in my house! Blew my mind as a kid.
PS2 was a mixture of tekken tag and Pro Evo3
PS3 and PS4 were gifts. I barely touched my PS3, my PS4 brought me back to gaming.
PS5 is the first launch day console I ever bought. My unit was defective and had to be sent back, absolutely gutted! Having said that, astro playroom and experiencing the haptics on the controller is as close to the joy I felt at seeing ridge racer on a ps1 back in the day.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


The yummy taste of PS1 discs apparently

A Child Of Divorce

A Child of Divorce (again)

Slightly misused high school bursary

Student loan

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


The only particular instance I had bought a PlayStation for any particular game(s) was PS3 to play MLB The Show series (and God of War III, though more after the fact). I already had earlier launched X360, and would usually buy games to play on that even if were also on PS3.

And on maybe a sidenote, I primarily bought Warhawk for PS3 just to get the included bluetooth earpiece 😉.

Edited on by sd7232



Persona 3, SMT III (PS2)
Demon's Souls, Persona 5 (PS3)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP)
Persona 4 Golden, Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita)
Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy XVI (PS5)

I hear ZOV.

PSN: animeshnick666


PS1 Crash Bandicoot
PS2 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
PS3 - not one specific game as such but Motorstorm and Uncharted were the first I bought
PS4 - FIFA (I think 14?)
PS5 - again not game specific but probably Demon Souls




I remember it well. Back in those days, mid-90s, I was really into SEGA and Nintendo, and I'd been badgering my parents for SEGA Saturn because I was total moron. Anyway, we went on a school trip to Lightwater Valley (a rubbish theme park in the North of England) and they had an arcade. I played Tekken. Loved it, and was later dismayed to discover it was on PlayStation but not Saturn.

That was the thing that turned me toward getting a PlayStation. At the time I liked games but I didn't love them. It was Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill that changed that. Such an important console for me. If I hadn't gone to that arcade because there was nothing good to do at Lightwater Valley I probably would've ended up with a Saturn. I might never have gotten as into games as I did. Maybe I'd be really into reading or something. Maybe I'd have another fun hobby.

Either way, I probably wouldn't have sunk 1,200 hours into Final Fantasy XIV this year. So cheers, Tekken.




@antdickens PS1: WipEout like captain price in cod says "watch those corners"
@JohnnyShoulder @Shepherd_Tallon @CJD87 ps5 demon souls absolutely necessary purchase @Zuljaras Bloodborne worth it @Anti-Matter PS3 : Final Fantasy XIII like it @Ralizah finally a Silent Hill 2 fan nice one @Buizel PS5: Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart absolute 🔥 a must have
@kyleforrester87 PS2 - SSX PS3 - MGS4 the Boss has spoken @Gremio108 @NoCode23 PS2 - GTA III the game that started it all @RogerRoger PS2: James Bond 007 good games

Discussion starter// This is my Twitter now X// Indie Game Dev//


@johncalmc I went down the Saturn route at first. Ended up badgering my parents for a new console just a year later. They said no, obviously, so for the next 18 months I saved whatever money I could lay my hands on. I would even offer to take the trolley back at the supermarket for my mum and then pocket the pound coin. I managed to get one eventually, but I look back fondly on the Saturn. You'd have still been into games, don't worry. Nights was ace. Also, Lightwater Valley - jesus. Is that place still going?

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


PS1 Tomb Raider
PS3 Uncharted Drakes Fortune.
PS4 Battlefield. Great machine, terrible terrible day one regrets with that game though but not the console as Resogun was great but the first 12-18 months was largely pants.
PS Vita Uncharted Golden Abyss.
PSVR1 Skyrim (bought the Skyrim bundle).



P.S. 1 — Final Fantasy 7. After playing FF 6, well 3 on the SNES at the time and loving it I couldn't wait for the next game, boy what a disappoint that was. Thankfully there were a bunch of other games that were good so I kept my PS1.

PS2 — Not so much a game but the overall functionality of it. I got it mainly for a DVD player at the time and a game console second.

PS4 — Again not so much a game just the direction Xbox first went with the Xbox One and the fact it was cheaper then the Xbox One at the time. By the time Xbox corrected things it was to late I had my PS4 and a pretty decent library of games.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Guitar Hero. Flashback to 2005-6: I was an XBox fanboy who was enjoying cheap, used Dreamcast games. I figured this would soon be the end of my gaming days. I was more interested in retro than modern gaming. And then I met my girlfriend (now wife, soon to be ex-wife), she moved in, and she brought her PS2 with her. I refused to play it…until Guitar Hero came out and was only available on the PS2. I knew that game was in my wheelhouse and I’d love the hell out of it, so I did the unthinkable: I bought Guitar Hero and the guitar for a system (PS2) that wasn’t even my own. And so, what can I say? I had to keep the girlfriend so that I could keep on playing my game. Now, 18 years later, I’m still playing Sony systems. And the wife? She can take the PS2 with her when she leaves. I’ve got plenty of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games for my PS3 and PS4. 🤣🤣




1997. I was working at a theme park in the summer when one day on my day off I was hanging around the arcade. I came across a machine I had never seen: a weapons-based fighter called Soul Edge. I hadn't really enjoyed the first Tekken, but this? I fell in love, and once I saw in a magazine that there was a console port called Soul Blade, I headed straight to the mall....




I only had a Gamecube and a DS at the time when there were demos of the first Motorstorm in stores. Tried it and liked it so much I considered trying to get it instead of a Wii, but I got the Wii instead since I knew more of the games. I did try to get a PS3 later though, but it was too expensive and supposedly had too many M games and not enough T or lower (did not know about its backwards compatibility at the time). A game store recommended a PS2, so I got that. I didn't know many of the games, but tried some, and while I probably played less than the Wii, I still found some good games.

Midnight Club 3, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Soulcalibur 3, Ratchet & Clank, Baja 1000 (closest to Motorstorm on the system before Arctic Edge), Motorstorm Arctic Edge, Kingdom Hearts, Burnout Revenge, were some of the games I got into back then. I did end up getting a PS3 and Motorstorm sometime after I got my Wii U, but before I got my PS4. Still play it from time to time. Was playing some Resistance 1 on it a couple days ago. The PS4 and PS5 I never really got due to specific games, but more to upgrade from the previous gen.



armondo36 wrote:

1997. I was working at a theme park in the summer when one day on my day off I was hanging around the arcade. I came across a machine I had never seen: a weapons-based fighter called Soul Edge. I hadn't really enjoyed the first Tekken, but this? I fell in love, and once I saw in a magazine that there was a console port called Soul Blade, I headed straight to the mall....

I have Soul Blade myself. It's not quite as good looking or smooth as Soul Calibur, but it still is pretty good. I was playing it a month or 2 ago actually. I still want to try and finish it sometime. That and Tekken 3 are probably my favorite PS1 fighters so far.



PS1 Ridge racer

PS2 Tekken 4

PS3 motor storm

PS4 fallout 4

PS5 ? nothing ?



PS1 = FF7
PS2 = MGS 2 Sons of Lberty
PS3/4 = skipped..
PS5 = Demons Souls (+PS4 classics I missed)


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