
Topic: Probs a silly question about PS5 before I buy.

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I have a silly question but I need to ask. I have a Digital PS4 Console. If I buy the PS5 disc version. That means I lose everything that I bought digitally on my PSN account which is everything meaning I'd after start from scratch again correct?

Edited on by antdickens



I don't think there's such a thing as a Digital PS4 (all PS4's have a disc drive) - but either way: no
As long as you log in with the same PSN account, you keep everything in that account.
Disc version just lets you use discs in addition to any digital purchases, while the digital edition doesn't - but the access to digital content is the same on both.



Sorry, should have worded correctly. I mean my PS4 only has digital games on my PSN. I was worried if I buy a PS5 Disc my PSN wouldn't work meaning I'd lose every single 1 of the digital games that I bought. Because I'd of bought a disc PS5 not a digital PS5. Sorry if I am still not making sense.



@Davehunt It should all be connected to your PlayStation account rather than the console.

And if you currently have the games on your hard drive, you can even transfer them straight across onto your new PS5 when you set it up.



@Davehunt As voltan said, as long as you use the same PSN ID when you log in to your ps5, you will have access your your ps4 library of games.

You can either download the games again, or transfer them from your ps4 to the ps5 using WiFi or an ethernet connection.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Thanks for all the replies guys much appreciated just ordered the PS5 with the new Horizon game will be here in 2 days once again thanks guys have a good day.


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