
Topic: PS Multiplayer Via Streaming and 2 Accounts

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In the middle of June, PS Now and PS Plus will merge together to become a single PS Plus service. At that point, if I purchase 2 PS Plus accounts, will I be able to stream a game on account A from my PS 5 (which would today be considered a PS Now game) and then connect multiplayer to that same game from a PC that is logged into PS Plus account B and streaming the same game via PS Plus (which again would today be considered PS Now)?

Note: The PC and the PS 5 are in the same household and are on the same !Gb internet connection.



Yes. If it's not a PS3 game, you can even download it on your PS5.

Even better is that secondary accounts don't need to have PS+ to benefit from downloaded games (can even play online). So you might be able to get away with a single PS+ subscription. With subscriber account, download game to PS5. Have nonsubscriber launch the game, and subscriber stream the game on PC, then play together.


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