
Topic: Do you think Sony needs something comparable to Miis and Avatars?

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Do you guys think Sony needs something similar to the the Nintendo miis and Micosoft Avatars on the PS4/Vita.

Currently Sony has PlayStation home and the sims/second life life like style avatars which they use for this services as well as certain games.


But i'm probably not only one who finds these characters boring and sort of unsettling.

I am of the personally opinion that these generic in the wrong way guys are apart of the reason why the  Move and its games didn't sale as well as they could have,.

I mean compare



Its also helped that developers can leverage the Mii's and Avatars in games. The Wii version of Sonic all star racing included mii's and the Xbox version had avatars.

Microoft even has quite a few XBLA games where the playable character is an avatar and they connect together to unlock rewards through each of the games.

SO would you you want to see something like this for the PS4. Maybe sackboy becoming Sony's Miir character.

[Edited by shingi_70]


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I think you have a point, but I also think it's a good thing they kept a separate image. Xbox 360 Avatars and Wii Miis are virtually the same thing. The Home Avatars have a more grown up feel and I'm happy with that. After all you buy a Wii for Wii Sports, but I doubt many people buy a PS3 specifically for Move sports games. It's a more "mature" console, that's all.



Maybe they plan to use PS home avatars for these.

PS: please remove the 4th image from the post you kinda broke the site xD.

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PSN: Epic-ZX


i don't think it really needs them to be honest because they don't really add anything to the console, the only reason Nintendo did it was as a way to have multiple users on one console then Microsoft copied them

i think it's good that Sony decided to to follow them in this regard

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I was hoping Modnation Racers would expand from racing and become Sony's equivalent to Miis and Avatars, but Sony gave up on the Modnation series about a year before the PS4 was even announced.



Quite simply yes. Cartoon, realistic, photos, some combination? Building off Home may make sense. Not sure, but definitely yes.

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Oh god, no!

Sorry, but no, I don't think Sony needs those...and I don't even own a PS3.

I could tolerate the Xbox avatars when they were forced upon me and the other Xboxers, but only because I can mostly ignore them. Not having to bother with little men and women jumping around in my consoles main menu is one point of envy for me concerning the PS3...and since I plan to buy a PS4 I hope Sony sticks to that. As was said before: if anyone wants to hang out with avatars, there's always Playstation home...



I think it'd be good to have something, especially with real social networking becoming part if PS4. Being able to have a version of you that you could play in games or just have as your ID avatar would be quite nice. Could even have clothes or outfits that you could unlock from every game on the system. Last thing I'd want is them looking anything like Xbox Avatars (they are hideous!) but there's something really nice, warm and charming about "seeing" who you've met when out on the 3DS or seeing all the Mii's rushing around the games they've been playing on their Wii U's. Sadly I can't see it happening.

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I don't think it matters. Hell at this point it may not be worth it to add anything, they'll just be accused of copying Nintendo and MS anyway.


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