
Topic: Playstation Now & PS+

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What do you all think about the following idea: Sony stops providing games to PS+ members through the "IGC". Instead they gave you a subscription to Playstation Now included with your membership.

Would you be happy about this? Do you think it would work monetarily?

Honestly, I think it would be a humongous success. Especially once they get the service activated on TVs, Tablets, and everything else. By merging PS+ and Playstation Now they would automatically get a ridiculous amount of subscribers right off the bat. PS4 owners membership would push 100%. But would $50 a year from each person be enough to keep the service afloat?

I bet this much: I bet they've thought about it.

[Edited by Squiggle55]

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein


I don't think I'd like it. First off, nintendos speed at releasing virtual console titles is discomforting (and I hope ps now is not like that). Secondly, it hasn't proven it is stable yet. I'd rather keep it the way it is and pay extra when I feel like I sing playstation now.



I rather they offer it as a separate price.  I honestly don't mind paying for PS+ and a separate monthly fee for PS Now.

For one thing I don't pay a month fee for PS+ I just get a yearly membership so the extra 15 bucks or whatever it is for PS Now wont be that big of a problem.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Would you be happy about this?

I would not. I'm a PS3 only owning and the main reason I have PS+ is to get PS3 and PSN games off the IGC.

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PSN: Splathew


Interesting responses! I love the IGC, but if PS Now works flawlessly and quickly fills with PS3 games, I think I would prefer to have access to its library with PS+ instead.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein


One thing I learn is to never be too optimistic or excited about something.

Anything could happen from this

[Edited by LzWinky]

Current games: Everything on Switch


Would you be happy about this? Do you think it would work monetarily?

I would not, and I would immediately cancel my PS+ subscription (which I have solely for the free game library).  Not only are data caps getting more common in the USA, making streaming services a difficult pill to swallow (Netflix alone puts me over my cap every month, a cap every ISP in my city added a few months ago), but latency, packet loss, etc..., while it might be ok for a video/audio service where you can buffer the data, its not Ok for playing a game live.


PSN: thedevilsjester


It would be a terrible idea. Sadly it seems the sort of thing Sony would do.

I love PS+ and it's brought my attention to so many games I would never have tried - Need For Speed being one - however Sony are, quite simply, ballsing it up at the moment in Europe. The lies about the service keep on growing...
- always three PS3 games (we have two yet the Yanks keep three)
- the service NOT being effected by PS4
- two AAA and an indie on PS3
- yearly rotating Vita IGC games
- 13 updates a year now being 12
- twelve games less in the collection than the US gets
- paying more than the US subscribers and getting a lot less
- sales discount of 10% when the US subscribers sometimes get up to 70%

A lot of people are getting really pissed off about it. What makes it more infuriating is that there are hundreds of comments on the European blog asking for answers yet they are repeatedly ignored - we've even been told they won't answer them!

Before I get whined at I'm not complaining, I'm content with what's going on but agree with the complaints and wish Sony would actually answer these questions. You can't tell people "PS4 will not effect PS+" and then cut a load of content without telling people. They only revealed the games would be cut from two to three almost a fortnight AFTER the blog post saying there would be only two games that month (October) I think. That's wrong. All people seem to want is Sony to actually tell them before things happen. Is that too much to ask?

As I'm lucky enough to have all three consoles I get amazing value for money. Thing is if you just have one consoles - particularly the Vita - then you're being conned at the moment. The fact a lot of people stocked up on PS+ during a sale so are stuck with it also stings. The biggest concern is that now with PS4 you have to have PS+ Sony don't seem to give a shit as you now need to pay them so why should they continue to give us great games and offers?

Sorry for the rant but no-one else on here seems to have mentioned this. As I said, I'm not that concerned myself but as a massive, massive kick in the customers faces by Sony this needs to be brought to peoples attention, no?

** Actually I'm kind of complaining as I'm fed up of Sony Europe seeing as I've been charged this month for downloading a free PS+ game yet got no response from Emailing Sony or on the blog - no surprise there - and when I rang customer support the lady didn't even know what PS+ is.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

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Sounds great in theory, but in practice it would be horrid. I live in Australia and my 12.7mb/s connection can barely stream 1080p videos.... Yay... 'Straya. Having IGC cut would make PS+ seem useless to me, so I would cancel it stat. World internet speeds aren't up there with American standards. Not everyone's getting Google Fiber... Lucky guys...

Daily schedule:
Eat, work, make love to my beloved Pokémon LE N64, play EarthBound, repeat.


@XavandSo 12.7 doesn't work for you? I only get 6 mb/s and my streaming is perfectly fine 9 times out of 10.

I understand the argument that a streaming service has 2 potential problems. 1) not having enough speed to make use of it and 2) data caps leading to extra charges. Those are too big problems facing Playstation Now. I still wouldn't mind having it attached to PS+ in some way. Personally I wouldn't mind Playstation Now taking the place of PS3 updates to the IGC.

@thedevilsjester that sucks being charged for overages. ISPs are going to have to start reconsidering that model eventually. Hopefully customers don't put up with it for long. Quite frankly I will just cancel my internet if I start getting charged for watching too much netflix.

[Edited by Squiggle55]

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein


@thedevilsjester that sucks being charged for overages. ISPs are going to have to start reconsidering that model eventually. Hopefully customers don't put up with it for long. Quite frankly I will just cancel my internet if I start getting charged for watching too much netflix.

I am not sure that canceling your internet, and therefor no longer having any access at all, is the right approach for getting overages.

The ISPs are not going to change any time soon, they just moved to this "new" model.  It would take state or federal regulations to get them to go back to unlimited, and that is not likely.

But even were we to get unlimited bandwidth (again), the connection speeds are barely good enough to support Playstation Now by itself.  Having to tell my kids or girlfriend that they cant watch Netflix on any of the other TVs because I am playing a game on one of them, is not going to go down very well.  Remember Playstation Now cannot buffer, and degraded video can be harmful to your gameplay, so using it and Netflix at the same time is not like running two instances of Netflix.

At the end of the day, its not a service that can be used regularly by quite a lot of people, so replacing the IGL (which even someone on the worst non-dialup connection in the world can eventually download bit by bit) and that requires no persistent internet once downloaded, with something as flaky as a game streaming service, would be a very bad move,

I don't think it will be tied to PS+, as a recent mockup/screenshot? has shown, its going to be individual (low, like $3) prices to rent/unlock?  A game through PSNow.  If its an "unlock" (i.e. purchase of sorts) and not a timed rent, then I can see PS+ occasionally throwing in a free unlock for this or that game.  Or if its a rental situation, say monthly?  Let PS+ users "rent" one game per month free.  But replace IGC?  No thanks, its literally the only reason I have, and will continue to have PS+.


PSN: thedevilsjester

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