
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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I just tried a Pela and SW combo on the Ebon Deer in VS and I've never seen so many debuffs before lol Practically all the way across the Deer's health bar. I should have gotten SW's SLC damn.



z0d15g0d wrote:

@Shigurui Wow that's some amazing luck. Hope it continues well into the future.

So about that. If you recall I had 20 pulls saved and used 10 on the Blade LC win, 10 pulls left so I used those earlier and this happened.


Now I know this must seem like a massive troll at this point so here's my pull history between Kafka and Blade



And here's my store, as you can see I've never bought a single top up.


I have no idea what's going on with this account. Unreal amounts of luck!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


I don't even know what to say but Congrats!! Hear ye Hear ye here come the chosen of the RNG gods lol
I'm lucky if I get a 2 4* in 10 pulls.



@z0d15g0d - Lol, thanks man. Only problem I have now is I can't fully build her for weeks. Recently I've taken Blade and Lynx from 0 to 80, fully maxed all of Blade's traces with Lynx's to 8/8/8 and raised 3 LC's from 0 to 80. Add to that their relics and I'm flat broke! I've got around 250k credits and 2700 fuel so I'll see how far that gets her built. After that I have an E6 Sampo to build from scratch, it never ends!!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui I'm tempted to start an alt account just to see if it has better RNG



So...I downloaded on mobile just to see if RNG is different and got Bronya and Yanqing in first 10 pulls So my main account suffers from being an early fan? that's messed up.



@z0d15g0d - Yanqing and Bronya in the first 10 pulls is nuts. I'd keep playing until Belobog, by then you should get your guaranteed 5* and I'd decide whether to keep the account or not from there. That's a great start though mate.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant - Genshin codes from todays stream.


Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui THANK YOU! I completely forgot about the live steam. I'll probably wait for a YouTuber recap video for all the surprises.

Congrats on your continued success, it gives us all hope! It will happen at some time for me, even if the account seems (partly) cursed right now. lol. But it is what it is.

@z0d15g0d That's a great start, tempting. Would you run both accounts or switch accross if you stay lucky?

I ask as I used to run two Genshin accounts. In fact I did so for almost 2 years... which in hindsight was a colossal waste of time. The benefit was between the two accounts I could have just about every 5-star I wanted as F2P but the time investment was a chore as was redoing many of the quests. Though I actually enjoyed doing the world exploration. But what was most annoying was the little bits of luck between the accounts e.g. not getting 4-star weapons or characters and good artifact rolls. It always felt like it was on the wrong account!!! Like i'd get a weapon or artifact perfect for a character on the other account! Frustrating.

Honkai has actually stopped me using that second account almost completely. I just log in every month or so for the live stream rewards, and patch rewards, monthly shop etc. and any other freebies just so that if I DO ever decide to go back to it I will have a LOT of wishes stashed away.



@Shigurui Yea it seems this new account is blessed for now lol. Also a lot has changed since I first played. What's with the free 20 basic wishes each time TB level reaches a certain point? I never had that on my main account. The characters also get levelled up when my TB level increases without having to use resources. That was never there either. It seems it's only for the characters in the enabled team though. I'll get to Belobog and decide which account to use as main as you suggested and have the other in reserve.

@themightyant Thankfully Honkai isn't as time consuming as Genshin and as you said, after a certain point you're just logging in to complete daily's. I'll keep both for now but hope at some point in the future they allow for account mergers like warframe is planning to do next week.



@themightyant - You're welcome mate and thanks. I'm honestly stunned at getting her. It was a throwaway pity build 10 pull and as soon as I saw the glowy ticket I just thought, here's my E1 Welt or Himeko and Kafka decided to show up. I'm still in shock lol.

@z0d15g0d - Yeah the game throws free pulls at you until TB 35, if you dialogue skip you should get your 50 pull guaranteed 5* in Belobog after about 4 hours and if you rinse everything in Belobog and the space station before going to Xianzhou you'll have enough pulls for another standard 5* and a featured 5* by the time you beat Phantylia in Dan Heng's story mission. At that point you'll have a decent roster of 4* too. By then you'll definitely know if the account is a keeper or not.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Yea this new acc seems to get more than the original. Could it be because my first account was when the game was bare bones so they had to make RNG an ***** but now there's a lot more content it's better? I did 10 pulls again no 5* but 3 4*. Luka, Herta and A Secret Vow LC. On my main it's only ever 1 4* with 10 pulls.
Good to know there's free pulls for levelling up TB. Did your active team level up also when your TB level increased or is this another new addition? I'm tempted to make a team of characters I don't normally use just to take advantage of this and save mats for my actual teams.



Also Phantylia was an awesome boss. I really enjoyed the fight and the soundtrack. Reminded me of back in the day fighting Apocalypse in X-men vs Street Fighter lol.
Any Idea what happened to Tingyun. It feels so weird knowing I've actually got Phantylia on the team instead of Tingyun lol

Edited on by z0d15g0d



@z0d15g0d Re: Tingyun. I was sure someone in game suggested she might be being held somewhere and we might find out later but then never did. (considering this event was 6+ months ago). So I googled this a while ago and it seems accepted online that Tingyun died.

Note: some spoilers for Honkai Impact too in the next spoiler ONLY last is just HSR.
Apparently the Honkai Series is keen on killing characters including other versions of Himeko and Welt in Honkai Impact.

Personally I find this really odd that you can keep using a character after they have died in game, I know it's a fantasy space RPG with all sorts of unbelievable & fantastic elements but this crosses a line for me subconsciously for some reason I can't quite explain. But I don't think it's Phantyllia either, I just don't think it makes sense at all. Hence in my head canon she isn't dead and we will discover her fate later, my brain accepts that for some reason.

Edited on by themightyant



@z0d15g0d - Phantylia is brilliant, I love how she's so laid back at the start of the fight and her aggression ramps up in each phase. Her little lazy flick attack at the start is hilarious. I don't recall my team level raising but it may have, really not sure. I just ignore what happened in the marked spoiler, I don't know what happened but I like to think everything is just fine really lol.

@themightyant - I just noticed I'm in with a shot of getting Raiden Shogun. I'm at 61 pity with the entirety of Fontaine to play through, loads of quests and 2 ongoing events so should get 20 pulls easily before her banner ends. My last Genshin 5* was Neuvilette and iirc that was a guarantee from getting either a Mona or Keqing dupe . Time to learn how to play Genshin again lol. It's been a very long time!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Raiden is incredible good luck (assuming you need it!).

Despite losing the 50:50 I ended up dumping almost all my saved Primos to get her C2 in the end. The reality is I use her in almost every spiral Abyss (usually "Raiden National" Team with OP 4-stars Xianling, Xingxiu and the true Pyro Archon Bennett. lol. Though Furina has some fun Raiden comps too as does new character Chevreuse).

While you absolutely don't need C2 at all - she is still top tier at C0 - C2 is seen as one of the most OP Constellations in the game. As I use her so much I figured I'd be better off spending my gems on her than a character I get, build but then rarely use. (Although now i'd seen Xianyun is Cloud Retainer, I kinda want her. Oh well... maybe the rerun!) She's also one of the few characters I have her signature weapon, so I thought I would double down. Now to save again for Neuvillette C1 he really needs a shielder otherwise and I use him a lot, C1 would make team comps more flexible as I could drop a shielder.

Genshin is a quite different to HSR in terms of rosters imo in that there is so little end game content and you just don't need as large or wide a squad of characters. Also many supports can be half built as they are only on the field for a split second to drop their skill or ultimate and aren't likely to die, unlike HSR.



@themightyant - I'd like her but if I lose it's fine. My GI luck is nothing like HSR so I'm very used to losing a 50/50. I bet C2 Raiden with signature is a monster! I have C2 Kazuha no signature but even with an R5 Fav Sword he just breaks the game. Good to see my hyperbloom overworld team still wrecks in Fontaine. I'm running around with Alhaitham (Mistsplitter), Nahida (signature) with C6 Kuki and Xingqiu. Hot knife, meet butter!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Yeah 100% C2 Kazuha is another of those monster early constellations. Maybe one day.

They broke the game with Dendro and Hyperbloom, its TOO strong. Nahida + Kuki + Water & Dendro is hard to beat unless you whale hard. I have several teams along that archetype. Obviously we are in Fontaine, land of Hydro, but they have been adding bosses and content to try and lessen this ever since without resorting to an overall powercreep, something Genshin has been pretty good about compared to other games. Obviously there's always going to be the occasional new character that creeps to the top but Dendro and Hyperbloom really busted it open for the first time. It's the first time I think they got their calculations slightly wrong as all you need is EM main stats.

I slightly worry with HSR that they will powercreep even more which would diminish my interest somewhat, so hoping they don't!

Edited on by themightyant



@themightyant Lol yea it's really odd that they would do such a thing. And just like you my brain also put this scenario in the "all will be revealed at a later date" pile.

@Shigurui I'm looking forward to what the boss fight for Penacony will be.



@themightyant - Hoyo have always had a decent grip on creep, compared to Tower of Fantasy where new SSR (5*) absolutely destroy the previous SSR, both GI and HSR are a long way from that. But yeah EM hyperbloom is and likely always will be ridiculously broken. From my limited time in Fontaine and the new enemy mechanics, my 1K EM Kuki popping Dendro cores basically ignores all of that and smashes through regardless.

@z0d15g0d - Definitely looking forward to Penacony bosses, I really like all the main boss fights in HSR, even the sub bosses are pretty cool, though I hate fighting Yanqing, that little prick needs to die in a fire lol. I'm just salty because I've only managed to A rank him in the new event. Beat Ebon Deer, Kafka, Bronya/Gepard with S rank no problem but after multiple attempts I'm still 4 points shy of S ranking him!

Edited on by Shigurui

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)

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