
Topic: I need some game ideas for a soon to be first time PS5 owner.

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I'm finally getting myself a PS5 for this Christmas and I'm trying to figure out what the best games currently are. I'm really only interested in exclusives. I've seen too many best of PS5 lists where more than half the games mentioned are also on PS4. I have a PS4 already if i wanna play last gen games.

So please no suggesting Horizon forbidden west, no last of us, eldin ring or any of that. If it's on PS4 then it's not really a PS5 game now is it? Let the PS4 die already! Anyway give me some ideas of what to buy for my first few games. This thing has been out two years. Surely there's some worthwhile exclusives right?

Tell me why i should be buying a PS5 without recommending last gen games.
Let's see what we can come up with.

I am considering Demons souls and i realize that's technically an old game but from the looks of it I'd say it might as well be a new one!



If you're limiting yourself to ps5 exclusives then there isn't a great deal out there. Returnal and ratchet & clank come to mind, plus the bundled astro. Deathloop and ghostwire Tokyo, though not played the latter to recommend it.

Edited on by MatthewJP

PSN: mpquikster


@Truegamer79 Returnal is a fantastic game. It’s not everyone’s thing given that it’s a Rogue-like and pretty damn difficult but it controls better than almost any game I’ve played before and I really loved the gameplay loop.

It also utilises the dualsense controller and 3D audio brilliantly so really helps show off what the console can do.

And make sure not to overlook AstroBot which comes with the console. A wonderful little platformer than also embraces the dualsense controller.



for racers NFS Unbound is agood return to form (10hr trial on EA play)



Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart for that real eye candy. Especially if you have a 120 Hz VRR display, the fidelity VRR mode looks absolutely incredible. It's on sale as we speak as well should you prefer digital. But it looks stunning in the Performance+Raytracing mode as well.



Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I may look into some of those PS4 remakes and remasters on PS5 at some point. I just really wanted to focus on exclusives first. If I'm gonna get a PS5 i kinda wanted to see what it can really do instead of loading up on games i can already play on PS4.


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