
Topic: PS5 and Series are both bad consoles.

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The dualsense control sticks drift after 1 to 3 years of use. This is intentional. PS2 controllers work to this very day.

PS5 games get ported to PC after a mere 2 years or even 6 months. The PC ports often have better features and were cheaper at launch than their PS5 counterparts. Porting their games to PC would be fine if they were transparent about it and didn't leave us wondering whether it will be 6 months or four years before a port. Making people think that a game is going to be exclusive to PS5 and then porting it over a few years later is a dirty bait-and-switch tactic. Xbox doesn't have any truly exclusive games and MS' game output has been bad for over a decade. PC would be a better choice, except half the games are infested with Denuvo and there are no physical copies on PC. After years of claiming that exclusives are bad, Xbox has turned to buying up massive swaths of the industry in order to make those games console-exclusive. Not having Bethesda games hurts PS5. These games were 3rd party multiplats for over a decade. They are now threatening to do the same with multiple Activision titles.

PS5 comes with ads built into the UI and you can't remove them. (At least this is the case in NA).

PS5 and Xbox game prices are being raised to $70.

Too many games have microtransactions in them that are just plain unfair. "It's just cosmetic! It doesn't affect gameplay!" Dressing my online avatar up however I like is part of the gameplay. Trying to charge $10 for a cosmetic item that could have been $1.00 is just pure greed.

The physical retail sections of both PS5 and Series are a joke. Nothing is kept in stock anymore. They both want to push you to the glorified rental that is a digital copy. Most AAA western games on both consoles are just bad. What few are good are being bought up by Xbox en masse. Soon we will have Xbox which has few good 1st party games and PS5 which has good 1st party games but few good western AAA games. And before you get to saying it Bethesda/Obsidian/NinjaTheory/etc. are all 3rd party moneyhats. Not 1st party Xbox titles.



get a load of this guy



True, but a lot of what is said has nothing to do with PS5 or Series being a bad console or not.
But I'm guessing OP means bad generation.



1.- Bad luck, people said the same about the sticks in the ps4 controller, how they stopped working and how the rubber broke just with a week of use. To this day i have my first controller that came with my ps4 and is working 100%

2.- They already explained how ports to pc work. The more successful the game, the more it will be only on ps. There is no PS games that only lasted 6 months as exclusives, you are talking about third party games that had some kind of contract with sony. Days Gone is the least successful game ported and it waited 2 years to be on pc. God of War, 4 years. Horizon 3 years, even Returnal a successful smaller game waited 2 years.

3.- A console not having a game doesn't make it "bad". Switch doesn't have a lot of games and is great for what it is.

Micro transactions, prices, stock and if you like or not western games doesn't have anything to do with the ps5 being a good console or not. Those are your personal problems with the industry in general.

Edited on by GymratAmarillo



Everyone has to choose what’s important to them. Guess if games being ported is a issue you could get a Switch and stick to Nintendo games. I don’t see any problem with games being ported. More the better. The ported games seem expensive to me but I don’t really follow them.

I agree that controller reliability is a problem but we do have options. Scuff for one.

Micro transactions are the game developers fault. Don’t play those games that have them. Seems pretty straightforward.

New consoles are a great piece of kit. There is no way I would want to go back to PS4 or DualShock.



I already collect some kids games on PS5. 😊
I have written almost 50 PS5 titles on my list with 99.9% of kids games.
I don't have the machine yet but I will get PS5 machine someday.
That's really good console to play kids games. 👍

Edited on by Anti-Matter



@ChadR I agree with the dualshock, I'm glad the dualsense is so much better.



@GameCollector84 great post GC84

I think you have nailed most of the bad points.

For me it's the microtransactions (hate hate hate them), day 1 dlc, special game editions with extra missions, unfinished games, roadmaps, basically anything to do with post launch gaming.

Secondly the dualsense imo is bad. Truly the worst stick drift I have ever had. I have stopped using my PS5 as both my controllers have stick drift so severe its unenjoyable.

To counter your points.

The xbox has a lot of exclusives which are hidden. Nothing as ground breaking as God of War 2 or Miles Morales. But Forza Horizon 4 and 5 are amazing. Then you have Ori, The master chief collection and games like immortality or road 96. Which are all perfect experiences in their own way.

The PS5 has had a bunch of mesmeric games. The thing holding both consoles back is that very few games have taken advantage of the head line console. Both the PS5 and XboxSX are great pieces of kit. Severely underutilised though. Once we move away from last gen better things will happen.

PC ports are frustrating for all the reasons you mentioned. Just buy a PC and you don't need a PS or Xbox.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@ChadR 'Micro transactions are the game developers fault. Don’t play those games that have them. Seems pretty straightforward.'

Great post Chad however what i have highlighted above is fundamentally flawed. The money game developers are making from micros is too much to ignore. It's now a major part of gaming production. You will be left with scraps at best if we carry on at the rate its accelerated. A Bury your head in the sand approach just doesn't work anymore. Every game will have some form of post game payment in the not so near future.

Unless legislation comes in, which is regularly threatened but nothing happens. Then we will be dealing with store pages within bought games for generations to come.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


The issue with the micro transactions, which I personally deplore, is that maybe some people like them. I don’t see that we should have legislation against them. As long as they don’t do anything illegal big brother doesn’t need to step in. I do think that any game that sells items in the game should have that listed up front when you purchase the game so you understand that you are not getting the full game up front.



@themcnoisy @ChadR Microtransactions are just the new normal, we don't need legislation banning them sadly as there is nothing legally wrong with them. Are they annoying, yes does it cause game developers to sell half made games, they can.

Problem is companies today have it ingrained into their business models that no longer has the consumer make a one time purchase. It makes it so the consumer keeps giving them money.

When I was a kid my parents bought one fridge their entire life (not counting moving or some disaster) they would last forever. Cars same thing now, your lucky if either of those last 10 years. Somewhere someone went hey if we make cars, fridges lifespan shorter people are buying one every ten years rather then once a lifetime which equals more money in the end. Video game developers just did the same thing. Why sell you a $70 game once when you can keep paying for DLC, new costumes, dances etc.

This behavior falls more on the consumer especially the younger generation who don't know and just accept it as it is. You see it with cellphones and electronics. The moment the new one is announced they are buying it regardless if they need it or not. Unless my phone breaks or gets stolen I keep it until the cell phone companies make it so it won't work with anything.

Anyway sorry about the rant but yeah I don't see microtransactions going away anytime soon.

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At the end of the day, you as a consumer should have as much choice as you can to make the best decisions to suit you and your preferences. You are not forced to buy MTX's or even a Console these days so you have a 'choice' as a consumer.

Take the PC Ports. If you want to wait for Sony's games to come to PC at a later date, you can. You will of course 'miss out' on that 'day 1' experience, may even see spoilers etc but you'll get the 'highest' tier of Graphics/Performance possible but that's what spending more money gives you.

Xbox Cloud can be played on Mobiles, tablets, even TV's with no hardware required. Its literally the 'cheapest' option for gamers today - just a small Monthly sub fee - but its 'limited' to the few games available to stream, limited to 1080/60 at best with 'streaming' issues etc.

Series S is the 'next' tier up requiring a Small upfront cost but that does buy you a bigger Library and the Local gaming experience as well as improved PQ upto 1440p and upto 120fps.

Series X/PS5 is the 'next' tier up requiring a medium upfront cost but that does buy you improved PQ over the Series S (higher native resolution/settings and/or better performance modes/options) and/or a Disc Drive (if you decide to pay for it with PS5).

However, the PC is the 'highest' tier up requiring the most upfront Costs but that does directly buy you the options to play games at the 'highest' PQ with the best settings inc highest RT options, and/or highest Frame Rates in excess of what the Consoles could offer. It also has the widest selection of games as ALL of Xbox games as well as PC/steam exclusives and of course some Playstation games too.

The more you are willing to invest, the more 'games' and/or better PQ/performance you can get. It's up to you as a consumer to decide which is going to be the 'best' option for you. Consoles offer excellent bang for buck, but are 'locked' systems meaning that 'some' games will never come to that platform - so you have to choose whose games you prefer and accept that you aren't getting the 'Premium' experience, even if you get to play it 'first' on PS. PC's are able to offer the 'Premium' experience but that does come with a Premium price...

If no-one purchased MTX, DLC etc, then Companies wouldn't offer them. If you are 'offended' or 'angered' by them, don't buy - I haven't bought any for YEARS but its not stopped me Playing any games that 'offer' them...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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@Tasuki I get that bro. But legislation is happening with electronics. Apple were forced to use USB to charge phones and consumers to have the ability to self repair. All courtesy of the EU.

In Europe you get a two year standard warranty with all electronics. So legislation helps a lot.

As for games they could literally force full price games to not include additional purchases in the form of microtransactions.

Or possibly more realistic is for games to show prices for cosmetics in real money (rather than gems as an example).

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


i agree about the microtransactions for customization in games ; the things people become de-sensitized to if enough people do it is crazy. proof being that skins in games ACTUALLY COST MORE THAN A DOLLAR! never thought id see the day where a digital pixelated cosmetic character customization would cost more than 50cents to a dollar (or TWO AT MOST)! but to charge anything more, especially double-digits, is unbelievable.



@themcnoisy I expect that in the EU, games with any MTX will automatically be given an 18 (adults only) certificate and some indication on the packaging that it contains additional purchases...

@nomither6 I totally agree. I had 'no' issues with Black Ops 2 (PS3/360 era) MTX packs - they had some cool weapon skin packs with reticles, badges etc too - all for 'pocket' money cost and if you bought a pack, you could use it on ANY weapon. I think that was around the last time I purchased any MTX.

Cosmetic items shouldn't cost more than 'pocket' money and certainly shouldn't cost more than the game itself to buy a 'few' items. I don't think MTX themselves are 'bad' or even 'break' a game - it's more the way Devs/Publishers use and price them I have an issue with!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@nomither6 Yeah I was surprised to hear that you can get skins in Fortnite for about 20 quid.

Like you say it has become almost normal for some people. Doesn't help that whales will just buy everything with out any thought of the consequences.

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@BAMozzy I would also add the ease of use for consoles over PC. Just plug and play as they say. For me the biggest advantage of PCs is mod support. They can completely change a game making it better or just different enough to replay again. Also mostly free. For myself I'm mid tier in your groupings. I only have a ps5. I love what I get out of it. My PC is too old to play much, but only enough time for one system anyways.
As far as dlc is concerned I rarely buy and it doesn't affect me much.



@Elodin I am sure I stated 'Ease of Use' when I commented on the thread about buying a Console in 2022. It is 'just' plug and play and games are (or should be) optimised to your Hardware by the developer, don't need to worry about what settings you need to tweak to get a 'consistent' frame rate etc, don't have to seek out and/or update drivers etc.

That is also part of what I consider the 'high-end' experience which comes at high cost. You can 'Optimise' how you want and have a much bigger Library - some of those as you point out with Mod Support too and of course a PC can be used for a LOT more but, that flexibility and options is what you are 'investing' more upfront to get.

A Console is a 'entry' tier option for many - although with Streaming, that could change. Its the 'cheapest' option to play certain games as they won't release or run on any 'lower' cost hardware. The entry level to play Spider-Man 2, Wolverine etc is a Digital PS5 limiting the 'choice' of how you buy the game to play it. Spend a bit more to get the Disc Drive and you unlock the option to 'shop around' to find the cheapest place to buy.

If/when A/B is bought by MS, CoD will become available via more platforms and 'cost' structures. The 'entry' way is likely to be Streaming - a low cost option with limited library and games limited to 1080/60 - maybe how it will be delivered to Switch too. Spend a bit more upfront to buy a Series S, you get some 'upgrades' on PQ/Performance, spend a bit more on PS5/XSX, you get upgrades on PQ and spend more on a high end PC and yo can get the best PQ/performance so it still comes down to the right balance of Cost, Ease and/or Library. It maybe 'easier' with the Plug and Play nature of Consoles, but that is offset by the lack of mods, versatility and/or flexibility an 'open' platform offers.

Personally, I have a Series X and PS5 - even though I could of bought a decent GPU for a PC that would give me 'better than series X' versions of Xbox games, a chance to play some PS games better than I could on PS5 and access to 'hundreds' of games that neither offer as well. However, I like the Plug and Play ease of Consoles and don't want to spend time tweaking settings, updating drivers, putting up with cheaters/modders who 'ruin/break' games...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


GameCollector84 wrote:

The dualsense control sticks drift after 1 to 3 years of use. This is intentional. PS2 controllers work to this very day.

Switch controllers have major drift issues as well. I'd guess the underlying issue is with the production chain both of these companies likely utilize to manufacture their products. Alleging some sort of planned obsolescence scheme is ridiculous, though.

GameCollector84 wrote:

PS5 games get ported to PC after a mere 2 years or even 6 months. The PC ports often have better features and were cheaper at launch than their PS5 counterparts. Porting their games to PC would be fine if they were transparent about it and didn't leave us wondering whether it will be 6 months or four years before a port. Making people think that a game is going to be exclusive to PS5 and then porting it over a few years later is a dirty bait-and-switch tactic. Xbox doesn't have any truly exclusive games and MS' game output has been bad for over a decade.

Aside from Nintendo first-party developed titles, exclusivity isn't really a thing anymore. With that said...

GameCollector84 wrote:

PC would be a better choice, except half the games are infested with Denuvo and there are no physical copies on PC. sounds like you'd rather play Sony and Microsoft games on console anyway. So what's the issue? Are your knickers really that twisted by people getting to play games on their platform of choice?

GameCollector84 wrote:

PS5 comes with ads built into the UI and you can't remove them. (At least this is the case in NA).

That does suck. No disagreement.

GameCollector84 wrote:

PS5 and Xbox game prices are being raised to $70.

Agreed, although Xbox also adds their games to Game Pass day and date, so that helps mitigate the cost issue.

GameCollector84 wrote:

Too many games have microtransactions in them that are just plain unfair. "It's just cosmetic! It doesn't affect gameplay!" Dressing my online avatar up however I like is part of the gameplay. Trying to charge $10 for a cosmetic item that could have been $1.00 is just pure greed.

That's... not a problem with the PS5/XSX, though. Well, I don't know about Microsoft, but Sony's games aren't riddled with microtransactions. Are we blaming the manufacturers for the sins of industry at large now?

With that said, if microtransactions are so offensive, don't play games with microtransactions in them. Very few of the games I play have microtransactions/season passes/loot boxes/etc. It's not like there's a lack of great games out there that still ship without them.

GameCollector84 wrote:

The physical retail sections of both PS5 and Series are a joke. Nothing is kept in stock anymore. They both want to push you to the glorified rental that is a digital copy.

Maybe this is a local problem? Most stores around me that carry games have large-ish PS5 sections.

GameCollector84 wrote:

Most AAA western games on both consoles are just bad. What few are good are being bought up by Xbox en masse.

Easy solution: reject inferior Western games, and embrace glorious Nipponese software. Problem solved!

GameCollector84 wrote:

Soon we will have Xbox which has few good 1st party games and PS5 which has good 1st party games but few good western AAA games. And before you get to saying it Bethesda/Obsidian/NinjaTheory/etc. are all 3rd party moneyhats. Not 1st party Xbox titles.

This is absurd. You realize most first-party studios are purchased by the manufacturer, right? Guerilla Games didn't always belong to Sony. Naughty Dog used to be an independent company. Monolith Soft was an independent JRPG dev who primarily released games on Playstation consoles before Nintendo snapped them up. You don't get to arbitrarily say something isn't a first-party title just because you're salty that their games aren't releasing on Playstation consoles anymore.

Edited on by Ralizah

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