
Topic: PS Extra and Premium, What are you playing?

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With the new PS plus service rolled out I'm sure there's quite a few that have upgraded extra and premium just wanted a thread to discuss what people are playing on the new service, any hidden gems?

What I've been playing..

1. My friend Pedro love this game had it Xbox and now playing on ps. Kind of Max Payne meets Hotline Miami.

2. Guardians of the galaxy, honestly fed up of marvel TV and Movie wise but gave this a go and loved it not often a game is laugh out loud funny.

Edited on by Ssimsim



@Ssimsim great topic. So much to choose. I was playing Death Stranding and loving it, but had to switch to Red Dead 2 as it is leaving in September. Quick one on the side.Tetris. Enjoying the music on that one. Many more to enjoy after all of those. Fingers crossed they stay on long enough for me to get to.



@Elodin nice, yeah red dead 2 is amazing. I think death stranding will be one of my next games I play, put it off last gen wasn't 100% convinced but with the directors cut added to new plus service I may have to give it a try now.

Also see you mention Tetris have you ever played tricky towers? It's on plus service and that game was awesome maybe worth checking out.

Edited on by Ssimsim



Spiderman. Was in the mood for an open world game and haven't played this one yet. Enjoying it very much. Also planning to do Miles Morales soon after I finished this one, since we have acces to both with this subscription now I can finally play both

PSNid: Lavalera


Platted Guardians of the Galaxy x2, Telling Lies, Spider-Man Miles Morales x2, and The Artful Escape x2. Up next I'm gonna play Cris Tales. I decided on Cris Tales next because Push Square is called out in their trailer.

Guardians of the Galaxy and Miles Morales are both great games, but Telling Lies and The Artful Escape are not.

Telling Lies is supposed to be some innovative story telling, but the reality is you're always listening to half of a phone conversation so every cutscene is unbearable with minutes of silence.

The Artful Escape is a bad platformer (almost exclusively hold right with the occasional floaty jump with the cross button) with an occasional bad Simon Says mini game thrown in. There's some big name actors in this one, the budget probably would've been better spent hiring cheaper actors and spending more on gameplay programming and level design.

Edited on by Milktastrophe



@Milktastrophe ouch thought the artful escape was supposed to be good haha it has some good reviews tbh when I've watched trailers ect don't think it's really for me.

I'm going for guardians plat now I'm using collectables guide on first playthough (which I wish I didn't now) apparently you can't use chapter select bcus it resets what you've collected.



I made a start on Ghost of Tsushima. Played around 4 hours over two sessions so still pottering around in the beginning area getting to grips with the gameplay mechanics. It's pretty good so far and occasionally have to stop and realise how stunning it looks.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan I played the base game on PS5 and thought it looked stunning (esp coming from an OG model PS4).

I guess the version available is the upgraded one? The improved lip sync for the Japanese dialogue was much appreciated as it looked a bit weird beforehand!



@Thrillho Ye, you can get the PS5 version with DLC, which is nice.

So far, my choice of games was partially influenced by when they're leaving the service - I played through
Shadow Warrior 3 (which is leaving very soon and was pretty good, exactly the kind of game you'd expect from this kind of service - I'd rate it 7/10) and downloaded RDR2 (leaving in September) to see if I can stick with it longer than the 1st one Haven't started it yet.

Other than that, I downloaded Cris Tales, because it has a time travelling frog and I definitely wanna play The Artful Escape - I know it's a simple and short game but I'm interested in the art and music part of it.

I'm also pretty sure I saw some games on it that I've already played but thought others might not have so I'll make sure to come back with some recommendations - starting with this:
If the PS3 streaming works well enough for you, play Puppeteer. It's an absolute gem of a game.

Edited on by Voltan



@Kairu Oh yeah, everyone with a PS5 should at least check out Returnal - it won't be for everyone but it's soooo good!



Good shout. Thanks.
Just checked a trophy guide that stated platinum for The Artful Escape can be done in around 4-5 hours... So I'm obviously all over that - downloading now!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Ssimsim I do remember Tricky Towers. I had a fun time with it when it was a psplus release. As for Death Stranding, I can see why it was not everyone's cup of tea. I think knowing what it is going in and what to expect made me appreciate it more. I'm excited to get back to it, but first I have to tame the old west.



@Voltan That is pretty cool then.

And I will second the Puppeteer recommendation, even if I do remember spending as much time watching cutscenes/story as I did playing the game but I did love the overall style and presentation of the game.



@velio84 @Kairu I highlighted this problem earlier in the year as it's easy to give up on a game in the first few hours if you aren't feeling it. Is that going to put pressure on developers to have to have instant appeal in their games otherwise they will loose players? Hard to say at the moment buy I guess time will tell.

The game I mentioned as needing some time was Death Stranding. It takes a long while to really get going as there's a lot of cut scenes and it's quite slow going where you are having to walk a lot, but when it does get going it's a great game. I think even though a lot of people will have given the game a try that might not have otherwise most of those will likely have given up way before it got to the good stuff.



@Ssimsim I can't remember if it was on here or another site someone said they kept seeing Artful Escape as people's best game of 2021, but I just didn't like it. I only played through a second time because it's so short, less than 2 hours skipping the story.

@render in the Insomniac museum on one of the Ratchet and Clank 's, they talked about how they always make the first level last in order to show off all the best stuff in the game to hook players. Guess not everyone does that.



Demon’s Souls. Been alright but more frustrating than other Souls games.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Returnal! It's just as hard as everyone said, and I am truly terrible at it, but I'm still enjoying each play session. I arguably may not have had I paid £70 for it only to be as bad at it as I am lmao. Also downloaded Ghost of Tsushima which is lined up to be my next full playthrough.


PSN: drateenie | Twitter:


@scpnightwing you're get better, also depends on luck aswell how you're loadout ect is looking. I got pretty good at it by the time of completing the game but even then luck still helps you're playthough. Also tried playing again recently and I was terrible so defo just practise knowing what to expect enemy wise defo helps aswell.



@scpnightwing It's worth sticking with as your skill will develop as you go like @Ssimsim suggested, plus you'll be unlocking items and weapon traits that you might find on subsequent runs so even if that run didn't work out the next one might.



@scpnightwing Stick with it! It is genuinely one of the most phenomenal games I have ever played, and you will get an unrivalled sense of accomplishment when you beat the first boss!

Like @render says, focus on unlocking items and weapon traits during each run.... and that way you never incur a run that is 'value-less'.

Take your time with each room, get used to the game mechanics etc.

As a beginner, I would also recommend you IGNORE the parasites (purple? items) which provide you a play-benefit alongside a concession. IMO, the concession nearly always outweighs the pro of any given parasite.... and it would probably be more beneficial you ignore completely.


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