
Topic: Schedules Schmedules

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@Th3solution Surely best to see how reviews for "Hogwarts' pan out first? I have a niggling suspicion it might be a 6/10 "wait for a sale" type game. I hope not, though.



@JohnnyShoulder we can’t all be as cool as you Johnny 😉… actually I’ll pencil that into my schedule actually - aim to be as cool as Johnny by… um… 1st April 😎

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore You will need more than an April Fools joke for that to happen!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@LN78 Really? The preview footage has been quite promising across the board. Of course that’s no guarantee of the quality of the final product, but most fans and critics alike has been quite pleased with what’s been shown. I don’t think it will be 10/10 Elden Ring level, but I expect something more in the 8/10 range. No doubt being a fan of the franchise will probably help a lot.

That said, I haven’t preordered, so perhaps I have a subconscious doubter in me as well. It’s probably a good plan to take the “wait for reviews and a patch or two” plan #1.5. I reckon we’ll get the first official critiques in about a month.

Here’s hoping your gut instinct is underestimating it, but if not, it’s all the more time and money I’ll have to put into something else. 2023 will have plenty to choose from, so I don’t think I’ll spend its precious days on a consensus 6/10.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I'm a big Potter fan myself so I'm hoping that I'm wrong, too.



@LN78 When they announced that the PS4 version will be delayed, that gave me hope that the game is probably quite ambitious (a la Cyberpunk) and simply is going to struggle to run on last gen hardware.

Strangely I don’t recall playing any games that’ve done magical spells quite right. I really enjoyed the feeling of wielding the spells in Demon’s Souls when I played the whole game straight up as a mage. The shouts in Skyrim were great and made you feel really powerful . Otherwise, it seems like most games use magic as a bonus power-up to be gated off and used sparingly after you’ve melee’d or fired your gun at the foe enough times to have earned a periodic casting every so often. That, or as a mage you’re relegated to be a supportive character to the main, more important character, the warrior with the big sword.

Solid magical combat, some magic based puzzles, and some Bully style school shenanigans, RPG elements, sandbox open world, Persona type of social networking and class time… there’s a lot of potential.

Either way, I’m doing a rewatch of the HP movies to prep myself. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I think you've touched on why I think the game might struggle - too many competing gameplay elements combined with severely high expectations from the franchise faithful - I'm not quite sure how the thing will be pitched in terms of demographic appeal. We've just rewatched the movies in the week between Christmas and New Year. The quality is...extremely variable. I must confess that I find the first two to be borderline torturous at this point because some of those child performances are just so difficult to tolerate. Thank goodness there's a significant uptick in qualiy from "Azkaban" onwards.

Edited on by LN78



@Th3solution @LN78 Personally I’ve got Hogwarts Legacy slotted in for late May.
I’ll be playing on PS4Pro so I’m happy that it has been delayed if there were performance issues (so I’ll give them another month or so on top of that).
It might be wishful thinking but I’m fairly certain that this game will be good to great. Everything shown off looks pretty good, but there will be criticism as to how far they can take it.
For ex. what attacking spell could you use that doesn’t absolutely wreck someone? The 3 unforgivable curses will be off limits & even spells like Sectumsempra would immediately get you on some sort of list. I imagine it’ll be mostly be defensive magic which will definitively have its critics.

Just an aside… .
A couple of years ago me & my cousins did a Harry Potter marathon. Took us like a day & a half but it was totally worth it.
I remember that Jack Whitehall once got himself & a group of friends hypnotised so they could rewatch it again ‘for the first time’. I’ve thought about doing that. Just not sure how to go about it.
He also auditioned for the role of Harry btw. Thank god that didn’t happen!!

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


Right so after I have finished my current playthrough of the Last Of Us I am planning to take on
game in a famous survival horror franchise (a game which I am very excited about). Then maybe Last of us Part 2. Now I must state that more broadly my goal this year is not to necessarily beat as many games as possible but rather to enjoy the games I chose to play. Not feeling so stressed all the time.

Beside the survival horror title I'm also thinking about playing Uncharted 4 (I completed the first 3 games in the franchise last year). Also when you game on Playstation its like you always have the option to go back to games you played before to earn more trophies (something which I might do).

Must also state that I bit tempted to go back and play a few PS3 games such as Splinter Blacklist and the Darkness (a favorite game of mine).

@Th3solution Your plan #2 seem a bit more like my plan for the year to play a few games for a longer period of time so it seems good to me .

Edited on by oliverp



While I would not consider myself a trophy hunter I must state I enjoy the feature very much.

Edited on by oliverp



@oliverp I can definitely advocate for returning to some of the PS3 games that you remember fondly (& others that you may have missed but heard good things about). I’ve probable played around 5 PS3 games per year for the last few years and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. They can look a little rough and occasionally play a little ropey… but there are some hidden gems trapped on that system for sure.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore You seemed to have planned well. I hope things goes well with the games you choose to play. To me it seems as a good idea to kind make up a plan for the year btw

Edited on by oliverp



@oliverp it’s not for everyone (clearly 🤣) but it works for an anal-retentive like me 😅

**** DLC!


@Fight_Teza_Fight Put me on that wanted list then!

But yeah, it's the one game I don't mind waiting a bit for. Definitely awaiting the reviews, I wouldn't be surprised if it needs a patch or two.



@LN78 I do cringe a little during HP 1&2 with the ‘grade-school play’ level of acting on display, as well as the dodgy special effects. HP2 had always been my least favorite, but it’s a little better than expected, but still weak comparatively. The other I dislike was the 5th but I’d forgotten how spectacular that last 30 minutes was, particularly from a special effects point of view. Anyways, as Fantastic Beasts taught us, there’s definitely a je ne sais quoi to the original series that isn’t merely the magical setting and likely has a lot to do with relatable characters (which FB has mostly lacked, imo). Whether it can accurately translate into a game that doesn’t have the same beloved protagonists will be interesting to see.

@Fight_Teza_Fight Good point about the magical spells. Given the setting is playing a student at Hogwarts, I doubt we’ll be throwing around Avada Kedavra walking down the halls. Lots more Stupify, Expelliarmos, Wingardium Leviosa, etc, etc.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Right so after hearing so many goods things about Ghost of Tsushima (seems as many people who I look up to have played and beating that game) I must admit Iam temped to play it during the summer if Im not to deep into any other game during that moment. It would then be something of a return to playing Open World games for me.



@oliverp it’s a great game for sure… hope you enjoy it if you do decide to take the plunge. I played it on PS4 around 18 months ago and loved pretty much everything about it… picked up the Director’s Cut recently on PS5 too, so looking forward to playing through it again at some point.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!

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