
Topic: Corona Virus Panic/Discussion Thread

Posts 61 to 80 of 2,357


The source is far more likely to be the live animal markets rather than the biomedical industry.



@Ryall Yeah I think that's pretty obvious.



@Octane That's just what the biomedical companies want you to think. We are through the looking glass here people...

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:



Edited on by Thrillho



@Thrillho Ha ha exactly what I was thinking when I wrote it... don't forget the reverse Vampires!

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


@kyleforrester87 you aren't allowed to die yet Kyle.

That goes for everyone on the forums. Just imagine that. We have 5 deaths from the corona virus and Taz ban hammers the thread! So let's not die.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@kyleforrester87 I'm not a Doctor but probably, yeah. However, I think given the speed it will take to reach here, the incubation period and general timelines, you might be able to play FF7 remake first. That said, it is only the first part of the game so you are out of luck, yeah.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


@kyleforrester87 Woah woah woah, Cover Materia is useful for grinding Aerith before Temple of the Ancients. Take it back, I say!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@themcnoisy Lucky for us he lost his ban powers in the great forum stone wars a few months back.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


All of the Britons in Whutan are being shipped to....

The flipping Wirral!! Wtf nobody voted for this.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Yeah, I’m fine with that.



To be honest I haven't been paying attention to this in the slightest til today.

Sooo ... I may or may not have shown my assistant today that faked Umbrella corp thing about the virus and that Biotech company before lunch today. The cold I have was not played up in the slighest.

Whilst on my lunch break I absolutely did not pull out the make up I have in my desk drawer and use the really light foundation I don't normally use to make myself look paler.

I DEFINITELY did not use a bit of red paint to run down my face before she returned, slumping up against the desk.

I then 100% totally did not pretend to be a zombie and scare the crap outta her when she came close 😂

Thank goodness she can take a joke... Though that bag of hers did hurt my ribs a little

Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"

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