
Topic: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens discussion thread *SPOILERS*

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Saw it this afternoon, and absolutely loved it! Best film of the year so far (with Mad Max a very close second), but man am I glad I got to see it early before getting anything spoilt!

Anybody else see it yet? What do people think of it?

And I know I've mentioned spoilers in the thread title, but let's be civil and make sure we tag them in the body of posts as well just in case

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


My biggest problem with it is its not a true sequel. It didn't come from the mind of George Lucas himself. While it maybe good, to me it's nothing more of like a fan fic. Will I see it sure, will I like it probably. But I just can't bring myself to say or even think of it as part of the Original Star War series. It's kinds like Star Trek and Star Trek The Next Generation if that makes any sense at all. For me it's more like Star Wars The Next Generation.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


As a neutral, I quite enjoyed the movie. I thought both BB-8 and Finn were great additions to the franchise.

Question: Why did Kylo Ren called Darth Vader his grandfather?

Also, the fact that Finn managed to land a hit on him and Rey (who had only just discovered her powers) defeated him, I thought he was pretty weak as far Sith goes. It's too bad that Han Solo died in the movie as he's one of my favorite characters in Star Wars. Another disappointing thing was Captain Phasma, she looked so bad ass in the trailers but she had very limited scenes in the movie.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


I might be watching something else if the show is keeping to say sold out. >



@Tasuki: thing is i honestly think Star Wars is better when Lucas ISN'T in complete charge or has nothing to do with it, look at the films people say are the best in the series, Empire Strikes Bake and Return of the Jedi both films where Lucas wasn't in total control and then there is The Clone Wars TV series what many fans say is one of the best things to come out of Star Wars and Lucas didn't write or direct those

Lucas created a great universe but he just isn't that good of a script writer or a director, the prequels proved that (i still like them mind you but they definitely missed the mark)

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


Deleted post as I'm being an imbecile and can't get spoiler tags working.....

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


I cant believe Han Solo gets it on with Chewbacca and R2 D2 gets involved with his antennas. That scene was disgusting. Luke throwing his lightsaber everywhere and even touches his sister princess Leia with it!!!

Oh sorry wrong film that was Star Hoares on the adult channel.

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So I thought it was pretty good movie overall, but it had some problems that prevented it from living upto the hype. The last half-hour started to have things go south.
I think they made Ren too mopey. You can't have that with the new trilogy's signature Sith Lord. He was also too weak. He may have been injured, but the fact that Fin could hit him while injured is insane, and the fact that Ray could beat him like that is pathetic. It felt beyond unrealistic and it made Ren way too weak. I also think it was dumb for them to kill Han Solo, he was great in the movie, and the way they killed felt too cliched - you knew what was gonna happen immediately. It only served to make Ren's character worse, making him even more mopey. He was too weak to go down that route properly too. If he had been unable to kill Han, it would justified his mopeyness more, gone against the exceptations everyone had, and just plain kept Han Solo in it.
I think the movie channels A new Hope too much as well. It relates the Death Star with whateverit'scalled that destroyed entire systems. It'll never be as memorable as the Death Star, so they should have gone with soemthig original. I also think they brushed over planets getting destroyed too quickly.
One more thing, when they pulled up Fin's information and said it was his first offensive, did the one guy say he used clones, or didn't use them for his army? Fin said he was taken from a family he never knew like all storm troopers, but I felt it it was indicated clones were still in use? So I'm mission soemthing, or they might have contradicted themselves. I also hope they changed the lore about storm troopers not just being clones, then got a black actor for Fin, and not the other way around.

[Edited by Jaz007]



Finally saw the movie and I liked it...

it's greatest strength and greatest weakness is that it kinda feels BOTH a reboot of A New hope and a sequel to the return of the Jedi. It's very nostalgic and engaging but also predictable. Even in smaller details like the drone carrying secret informations and the exotic "bar" scene, the whole script kind of retells the first movie most of the times. The casting was great (loved Oscar Isaac!) but I can see a lot of guys not liking the excellent performance of Adam Driver as the mopey villain who will SURELY redeem himself in the future. It's all fun and well done, but obvious.

[Edited by Nei]

Never belligerent but always uncompromising.


I saw the movie Wednesday, but I'm definitely going to see it at least one more time. Great movie, it's different from the original trilogy, but I almost like it just as much.

Anakin/Darth Vader is the father of Leia, and she's the mother of Ben/Kylo Ren.

[Edited by Octane]



@SteveButler2210: I think I might have an idea if what went wrong with your spoiler tags. It stops working you have multiple paragraphs within one set of tags. Had me scrambling for a minute after I made my post lol.



@Jaz007: Storm Troopers were never clones, Clone Troopers were, but Storm Troopers aren't.



@Octane: Wasn't the point of the clone army to get an army ready for the Empire?



@Jaz007: Yeah, but would you expect that the prequel trilogy actually made sense?



@Jaz007: By the time Episode 4 starts the Clones are all too old due to their accelerated ageing and have either retired, died or are teaching recruits, so the Empire started enlisting ordinary people

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


@Jaz007: That's what I loved about Kylo Ren. It's clear he hasn't been fully trained yet as evident from his fighting, use of the force, temper, and struggle with his good side. That just means we'll most likely get to see both Ren and Rey train and become better warriors in the sequels. If they can develop him right, he'll become badass.

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Saw it last night and I really enjoyed it. Harrison Ford rolled back the years as Solo again.


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