
Topic: What Is Your Favourite Game of All Time?

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Looking back at this thread, it looks I didn't post a serious answer.

So that is either Grand Theft Auto 3 or Metal Gear Solid. Both games blew my mind when I first played them.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


OG Final Fantasy VII was a great experience, and also Ocarina of Time.... I wouldn't say either of those games hold up particularly well by today's standards though (FF7 perhaps slightly better).

I think I'd have to go with Sekiro though. Just a wonderful and immaculate experience, and my first flirtation with FromSoftware. Punishing at times, but I still don't think I've hit a 'gaming high' on the same level as beating Lady Butterfly and then realising I could actually get through the rest of the game ha



The Witcher 3 or Mass Effect 1. Love 'em both to bits.



If I had to pick one, it would be Resident Evil 4.



Crikey - favourite game of all time! Narrowing it down to one is gonna be tough, but contenders for me would be:
Mafia 2, Red Dead Redemption, Metropolis Street Racer, Shadow Of The Colossus, Horizon Zero Dawn, Far Cry 5, Grid Autosport, to name a few - bit I'm gonna go with the game that effectively kickstarted a whole different period in my life, affecting my interests, life choices and ultimately leading to me finding my partner...

... and whilst not necessarily a great 'game', its the experience and legacy that this game brought to my life, which no other game has really matched.

My choice: Shenmue on Dreamcast 😉


So easily either FF7 or FF9, but I just can’t say which. I’ve thought about it for decades now and I can’t decide 🤷‍♂️

Still love playing them both.

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


I've always had that same thing with 7 and 9. Easily my 2 favourite Final Fantasy games and without a doubt two of the best classics ever made. But both are brilliant for such different reasons. (Although both have some of the most memorable soundtracks going).

Witcher 3 is a great pick, what a game. Played Mass Effect 2 and 3 twice but still not had the pleasure of the first one.

Edited on by LieutenantFatman



@LieutenantFatman yes absolutely agree… I almost always settle on 7, but then I think 9 actually holds up better these days. 9 has some amazing sections, but also some of it really drags. 7 is more consistent in that regard. It’s a real toughie!!


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Regardless of what my username may imply my favourite game of all time is Final Fantasy 7.



It's true, I found it does drag towards the end. But the first half is an absolute treat for me, I really love the comedy they put in there.



It's definitely Persona 4 Golden for me, no question about it. It's the game that made me like JRPGs/visual novels and basically opened a whole new world of gaming for me. It also saved me from depression during my time at university, so I have a soft spot for the game.



Can't narrow it down to just one so did a selection of my faves from down the years:
Bomb Jack/ Mr Do (coin-op)
Sonic 2 (Mega Drive)
SWOS (Amiga)
Silent Hill (PS1)
Championship/Football Manager, Civ 4 (PC)
Tony Hawk 3 (XBox 360)
Fallout 3, TES: Oblivion (PS3)
Disgaea 3, Warframe, Enter the Gungeon (PS4)

Edited on by sorteddan

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


My favorite game of all time is Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King on the PS2. It stood as the first RPG I got to play as a kid and I fondly remember trying to use a strategy guide to figure out where to go for certain parts of the game. The OST is really great with the opening theme and cave ambience/combat being some of my favorites, just a shame the 3ds midi versions don't do it any justice.

A close second is probably Monster Hunter World/Iceborne for my favorite multiplayer game with my friends just going around hunting, cracking jokes and making silly builds for fun. It's the kind of game I can always hop into and have a great time.


PSN: m48blueteam


Overall: Vanilla World of Warcraft. I stopped playing 12 years ago though, lol.
On console: RE7 and Astro Bot Rescue Mission in PSVR
And if we're going console "flat" games: Bloodborne



Another heroes of might and magic 3 fan here, 20+ years later and I still load up an XL random map and spend an afternoon regularly.
I've backed the Kickstarter boardgame, it's going to be a long year waiting for that.
More recently, probably beat saber in terms of sheer amount of time spent on it last couple of years.



@purplemouse I am curious to the full story of Shenmue and your personal life!



@Kidfried My apologies that I never came back to you on this! Without giving too many personal details away, Shenmue got me interested in East Asian culture - food, lifestyle etc. - something that previously I had very little interest in. I loved the heart and soul that the game wore on its sleeve, and that was also displayed proudly by its development team. I began to appreciate how delightful East Asian sentimentalities and personalities could be, and this made me gravitate towards finding people from that part of the globe very attractive and interesting to be around, often full of great positivity and a very pleasant and helpful outlook on life. Luckily - in a window of about 3 months - I met someone who I instantly clicked with, and with whom I had a chance to share very differing lifestyles and attitudes with, someone who eventually became my life partner. It's weird because I had no intentions to marry or anything a few years ago - now I think it's the best thing I ever did.

And all because I bothered to go looking for sailors in dimly lit back streets...


Gonna go with BioShock for me, as I did the basic b**** gamer thing of getting the tattoos and everything.

Edited on by DreamlandGem

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Broken sword shadow of the templars PS1..



I say Zelda Ocarina of Time (love that game so much).

Edited on by oliverp


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