
Topic: What’s the last PlayStation you’ll think you’ll own ?

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Do you see a PS6 ever happening , or PS7 etc & when do you think you’ll be at your last PS console before you call it quits for whatever reason ?

(I’m personally curious how much left consoles can go within the next 5 years)



I'll likely see it through to the end. I'd like to be one of those old grandpa gamers that stayed with PlayStation from PS1 in my childhood to PS10 in my elder years. It'd have to be a number of extreme reasons for me to quit such as Microsoft buying out Sony, story-driven and third-person games no longer being produced, games only available via stream, etc. etc.

Yeah, the PS6 will definitely happen since prior history shows they've been planning the next gen as soon as a new gen begun. I don't know if the PS6 will still have a disc drive but if it does it'll likely be the final PS console to do so with digital sales outselling physical and they would easily earn more money that way.

Edited on by InsaneWade



As far as I can see right now, it will probably come down to how long Playstation decides to continue producing consoles that can run physical games, and how long major releases continue to come out in disc form for Playstation consoles.



The PS4 was supposed the last traditional console generation as mobile gaming was gonna kill off consoles. Yet here we are.

I can see MS doing it with Xbox consoles as they are so entwined with Gamepass. But Sony and Nintendo I can see still making traditional consoles. I hope so anyway.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I’ll keep buying them as long as Sony keeps making them. It seems there is plenty of demand out there for consoles with new gamers coming to consoles every year.



It's not far off 2 years since PS5 launched and you still can't get one easily. I could imagine this generation going until 2028 at least. It's hard to say what will come next, but when we get closer to the end of the decade we might begin to see a traditional console doesn't make much sense. I think Sony has its hands full getting stock out and reimagining PS+ right now.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


I will keep going until PlayStation 47 Pro. Then I'm done.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan How many platinums do you reckon you will have by then?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


By then I imagine PS will be downloaded direct into the brain for Actual Reality Gaming and I will have uploaded my consciousness into the cloud. Hopefully I can get a fully platinum avatar or something.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@nomither6 @sorteddan The power of the cloud would keep him ticking over.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Hard to say. Tempted to say PS4, but I could see myself buying a PS5 down the road if Sony plays their cards right. We'll see.

But yes, I do expect future Playstation consoles. The internet infrastructure in large swaths of the U.S. and other underdeveloped counties will make it hard for game streaming to become ubiquitous, and consoles are selling better than ever atm, so there's no reason to think we won't see more powerful hardware in the future.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


I'd love to keep gaming till I'm an old man, but want to do so much more things with my life. So for now PS5 may well be my final games console.



Probably PlayStation seven.

I’m always going to play video games. Whether in the future I feel the need to own a PlayStation in order to do so. Will depend on what the PlayStation 6 is and what games are exclusive to it.

The development in PC technology means that the PlayStation six will almost certainly be perceptibly better than the PlayStation five.

Beyond that point though I have a hard time seeing how are PlayStation seven would deliver a better game experience. Of course if Final Fantasy 18 is a exclusive I would still buy A PlayStation seven even if I couldn’t see the difference in cross gen games.



Probably the PS4. I didn't like the design of the PS5 plus I also don't like how Sony handles backwards compatibility, they are almost as bad as Nintendo. Most important alot of Sony's first party games don't get me excited. Don't get me wrong they are not bad but I just can't play long story driven games anymore like I use to when I was a teenager. Once I get a PC though, if I have the time for those games I will probably get Sony's first party games that way.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Removed - unconstructive



I’m not really sure on this question. I have no plans to give up gaming, and Sony has always been my focus in that department.

But I see that within this generation there is going to be migration to live-service, more emphasis on multiplayer and social aspects to games, continued march to the all digital future, and a ecosystem largely dominated by streaming services and playing games on multiple platforms namely PC’s. All of those things are new to me and as much as I try to adopt the 2022 mindset of gaming, I feel like I fall further and further behind each passing day.

Like @RogerRoger said much more succinctly, life’s changing. Both my life and that of the world population and culture. At times I feel the inertia of my life is keeping me from evolving at the breakneck speed of this expanding metaverse of society.

I figure I’ll always have a need for some form of escapism. But having recently picked up a few other hobbies, perhaps I’ll get that through other means. I really don’t know. I look back and remember how I used to watch a lot of TV, and now I can scarcely get through a couple 30 minute episodes per week. I spend my time gaming and doing other things. In 10 years I expect a similar change and I just don’t know what will replace my gaming itch. Probably quilting or gardening. 😜

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Tough one.

I'll keep buying consoles, as long as I can still have some sort of ownership with my games. If we go fully cloud based gaming, I'd probably not persue it further. With PlayStation consoles, I'm probably going as far as I can go. Have owned a PlayStation since the PS4, maybe I'll go as far as PS6 or 7.



People have been writing off home consoles for years but the media forgets that huge portions of the consumer base don't have decent internet for the predicted all cloud streaming mega future, and a lot of people who do just want to have a console under their telly. Remember the uproar about the original Xbox one? That wasn't even ten years ago and all they wanted to do was have some online checks and get rid of used games. People lost their minds.

We'll defo get the PS6 and then PS7. See what happens after that. I'll be like nearly 50 by then so.



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