
Topic: Weird stuff on the internet

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Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Are we sure that isn’t just a skinned dog?

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett @lolwhatno I'm not sure I want to know any more details!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@lolwhatno i'd say 80% of the time when i see a comment that i agree with and genuinely like on pushsquare it turns out to be lolwhatno !!
again man i totally agree , i find it all very weird, and yea as @RogerRoger said if he wants to do that well he obviously can, nobody will stop him, but i still find it very weird and repulsive (and i believe i've the right to feel that way about it).
Also omg yes , there are way too many ways to make the world better rather than focusing on these things, i like the examples you gave, and there are a lot more things we can do if we really wanna make the world a happier place, rather than encouraging only the weird bizarre stuff.




My this topic got a bit serious back there! And all over the use of the 'disgusting'?! OK then. 😂

Anyway, glad it is all sorted and we are back on track to posting weird shizz from the internet!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger Is that where we are these days? Cats dressing as sharks? I blame the bloody lefties, letting this crime against nature to happen.

On a rather more serious note, I totally get what you’re saying. Let people do what they want, it’s their lives and as long as it doesn’t infringe on anybody else then fair enough.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger of course i do agree that different things represent different levels of importance to different people, and of course if every time i sat down to play my games, somebody stuck their head in the door and said, "Shouldn't you be curing world hunger instead?" it would be very annoying, but it wouldn't affect me at all if every time i sat down to play a video game someone wrote online how bad is it to play video games and how people should be doing something more important (it's their opinion and they are entitled to it), i do believe that wanting to become a dog is not important at all, if someone wants to do it i wont try to stop them though ! they can do whatever they want, but if i see a discussion on the topic online i'm gonna give my honest opinion about it if i feel like it and i will try to say it in the nicest way possible.
I myself do a lot of lame trivial stuff and i know for sure i can be using my own time doing better more important things. i don't see a problem in someone ranking the importance of interests according to their own view, i can agree or disagree with it.




@lolwhatno lol how bored would you be if i was your alt - account.
and yea i think we do have a similar view of the world to an extent.




@lolwhatno We have greater capabilities than animals, but I wouldn't say we're above them. I appreciate that your religion tells you otherwise, but to me that is as backwards as a man dressing up as a dog is to you.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@lolwhatno I wouldn’t say we’re really above animals. In many ways, they’re far smarter than us considering they don’t actively destroy the planet and constantly invent new ways of killing each other.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett clearly it's not a higher intelligence leading animals to be less self-destructive than we are, quite the opposite of course. But ignorantly assuming to be above the equilibrium of nature has in part put us on a path to destruction. So no, I would not say I am above the birds and the bees or that I have any more right to be here than they do. Of course, if one of us has to die, rather them than me, but that's just basic instinct.


Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@lolwhatno My dog was plenty capable of love and affection. I’d much rather have her still here than 99% of the population. Besides, dolphins have been proven to feel empathy. Bees have complex social dynamics, horses have expressive body language and so forth. Supremacy is a uniquely human concept as every other species on Earth knows its place within nature and works to maintain its environment. God forbid what we’d do if we discovered alien life.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


RogerRoger wrote:

Anyway, sorry, we're way off track now, and I don't have any more random videos to share! Uh-oh!!


Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger In 8K, nonetheless.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger no thanks needed man, the least we can do is to be polite to each other while discussing anything online or irl whether we agree or disagree, after all this is the only way any of us can have some sort of understanding of other opinions different or opposing to his own.
You too have been very polite and understanding and i really appreciate that man, have a great day/night, stay awesome.

Edited on by TheNomadLad



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