
Topic: PS Vita can't compete with Wii U's Gamepad on remote play

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In no way does that article state the Vita remote play cant compete with the WiiU gamepad, it actually only mentions Nvidia Shield in the Digital Foundry snippet on the post. I suggest you read the article before trying to create a clickbait post. Your own viewpoint also comes across as a gross exageration. Have you tried the remote play feature yourself?

"Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn" AJ Rimmer

PSN: MadchesterManc | Twitter:


I think the remote play is great.  I have had a few issues with it but when I think about what it is doing, I forget about the problems and focus on how great of a feature it is.

I could argue that the PS4 is pulling more data due to higher quality textures but that would just start a damn war!

So, think what you want about it but personally it is perfect for me & many other players.


[Edited by ZeD]


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


I'm not really surprised. The entire concept of the Wii U is mainly centred around its Gamepad. I think it's safe to say that in the time Nintendo spent developing the Wii U, that the Gamepad was the priority.

However remote play on Vita is only an extra function in addition to the Vita's portability and separate games library. I doubt Sony put near as much focus or money to back the Vita's remote play as Nintendo did with the Gamepad for the Wii U so latency doesn't surprise me. I haven't had a chance to use remote play from a PS4 myself but from what I have seen the fact that Sony managed to stream all the high textures and data from the PS4 to a completely different system in the Vita is an achievement in itself in my opinion.

It may have issues but I'm not really disappointed as I didn't expect crystal clear graphics and no latency especially if I'm playing from the other side of town for example.

[Edited by JermaineEvent]


PSN: TheUberMonkii


Too slow, lots of latency, poor graphics, etc... … ad-scores/

LOL he created an account to downplay remote play. I smell a Nitendriod fanboy because you adviced us to buy a wii U because ps4 has nothing to offer except remote play right? In the UK the PS4 destroyed the Wii u lifetime sales in 1 day.Nintendo fanboys amaze me every day. The real fans are the guys like andi who talk about games. You my friend are the typical Nintendo fanatic who can't deal with the PS4 selling better than the Wii U.

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


I imagine there would be some lag to the Remote Play function due to the amount of data being exchanged between the devices

Current games: Everything on Switch


LOL he created an account to downplay remote play. I smell a Nitendriod fanboy because you adviced us to buy a wii U because ps4 has nothing to offer except remote play right? In the UK the PS4 destroyed the Wii u lifetime sales in 1 day.Nintendo fanboys amaze me every day. The real fans are the guys like andi who talk about games. You my friend are the typical Nintendo fanatic who can't deal with the PS4 selling better than the Wii U.

It's funny going with the usual personal attack if you can't prove your point. I'm actually a PC gamer, not a Nintendo fanboy. I do owned a Wii U as well as Playstation & Xbox consoles. I came upon this site after reading an article on remote play. I'm not here to troll.

[Edited by Bisdak]



Not a troll you say? I have no arguments because i have read your story and sources. I agree that remote play isn't as good as Wii u. But your motives are that of a hater!

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


Dudes. Chillax.

Vita's a great machine, so is Ps4.

But, remote play is not on par with WiiU off screen play. That's a technical fact proved by - not only Digital Foundry, but personal experience.

Ninty lost me with the Wii, and I don't want a WiiU either. But the off screen gameplay on the gamepad is pretty much seamless. I've played it, and have a Vita and PS4 for comparison.

Remote Play isn't quite there. It's not broken, but it's more a novelty more than anything else, and certainly suits some games more than others.

Contrast plays very well with it, Need For Speed Rivals doesn't fare as well.

Perhaps if sony can speed up the video transmission and improve the quality via an update then it will be on par with WiiU.

Don't have a cow, don't panic, don't be aggressive. If you're enjoying it and feel it's Ok for you, then great. But do please put it in those terms.

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


Dudes. Chillax.

Vita's a great machine, so is Ps4.

But, remote play is not on par with WiiU off screen play. That's a technical fact proved by - not only Digital Foundry, but personal experience.

Ninty lost me with the Wii, and I don't want a WiiU either. But the off screen gameplay on the gamepad is pretty much seamless. I've played it, and have a Vita and PS4 for comparison.

Remote Play isn't quite there. It's not broken, but it's more a novelty more than anything else, and certainly suits some games more than others.

Contrast plays very well with it, Need For Speed Rivals doesn't fare as well.

Perhaps if sony can speed up the video transmission and improve the quality via an update then it will be on par with WiiU.

Don't have a cow, don't panic, don't be aggressive. If you're enjoying it and feel it's Ok for you, then great. But do please put it in those terms.

Was it against me?  Or the other guy

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


Dudes. Chillax.

Vita's a great machine, so is Ps4.

But, remote play is not on par with WiiU off screen play. That's a technical fact proved by - not only Digital Foundry, but personal experience.

Ninty lost me with the Wii, and I don't want a WiiU either. But the off screen gameplay on the gamepad is pretty much seamless. I've played it, and have a Vita and PS4 for comparison.

Remote Play isn't quite there. It's not broken, but it's more a novelty more than anything else, and certainly suits some games more than others.

Contrast plays very well with it, Need For Speed Rivals doesn't fare as well.

Perhaps if sony can speed up the video transmission and improve the quality via an update then it will be on par with WiiU.

Don't have a cow, don't panic, don't be aggressive. If you're enjoying it and feel it's Ok for you, then great. But do please put it in those terms.

You're right. The PS Vita is a game machine on its own. It can play games independently without having to rely on another game console. Its remote play though is not on par with the Gamepad. Its hardware limitation is what's keeping it from getting a seamless gameplay. It's not something that you can change unless you change the PS Vita hardware encoding component (including additional game buttons found on a standard console controller but missing on PS Vita). While the Gamepad is just a touchpad controller. It's not a game machine on its own. It needs a Wii U game console for it to work.

[Edited by Bisdak]



Dudes. Chillax.

Vita's a great machine, so is Ps4.

But, remote play is not on par with WiiU off screen play. That's a technical fact proved by - not only Digital Foundry, but personal experience.

Ninty lost me with the Wii, and I don't want a WiiU either. But the off screen gameplay on the gamepad is pretty much seamless. I've played it, and have a Vita and PS4 for comparison.

Remote Play isn't quite there. It's not broken, but it's more a novelty more than anything else, and certainly suits some games more than others.

Contrast plays very well with it, Need For Speed Rivals doesn't fare as well.

Perhaps if sony can speed up the video transmission and improve the quality via an update then it will be on par with WiiU.

Don't have a cow, don't panic, don't be aggressive. If you're enjoying it and feel it's Ok for you, then great. But do please put it in those terms.

Yeah, I haven't tried remote play and I don't own a Wii U but I have played the demos set up at Best Buy quite a bit. When I played NSMBU last year, I thought it translated very nicely to the gamepad, and I'm even more impressed by the how well SM3D World runs given that it's quite a bit more demanding game than the New series offers. It's an essential part of the Wii U experience, Remote Play isn't the same for PS4 and Vita. The latter is a good idea which I guess could have some potential but we'll have to see how it plays out in the long run.

[Edited by Gamer83]



I'm not sure I'd call either better or worse than each other. Remote Play does have pros and cons, just like everything else.

Vita display is much better than the Wii U gamepad display.
Even scaled down, the graphics are remote play are better
You can Remote Play even if you aren't home.

Extra hardware cost associated with Vita.
Control schemes aren't always consistent and require developer attention.
Depending on network (and oddly enough title), there is a delay time.

I've been able to pass levels on Resogun on Veteran difficulty while on break at work with Remote Play (tethered to my 4g phone), so latency in that title is a moot point (anyone who played veteran will understand).

I do have issues with latency in Assassins Creed though. Combat is noticeably more difficult with the slight delay. It is still playable and predicable, but also noticeable.

For people like me, Remote Play is a lot better because if I'm using it, I'm not home. When I'm home I can play on my TV 24/7. Requiring you to be at home to stream with the Wii U makes it absolutely useless for gamers like me. It's a subjective argument for a subjective topic.

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I agree totally to @nathanuc1988
Techincalities aside it all boils down to personal preference at some point, for every and anything. That's why such arguments are meaningless to begin with.
To me, personally, the Wii U does the off-screen gaming better. But thats all it does well and it was never a selling point to me. I wish Nintendo would do better with the Wii U, or in my book, with another next gen console since I really don't like the 2nd screen gaming idea. But that is, like everything, just personal preference...

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Just to add to the pot of 'plays well over Remote Play' games, Trine 2, I was surprised at how well it works over RP actually. While it would be nice to be able to remap the L2/R2 controls, they're ok to use on the rear touchpad. The touchscreen mimics the touchpad functionality, and works better in the wizard's case for conjuring boxes and moving stuff around.

Well done pre-Sherlock-hour-long episode of Eastenders for getting me to use RP.

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


I would sum it up like this. Wii U off-TV play is better. But you can take Vita's worse remote play further away.

@Nathanuc1988 did you have to do anything special with your router's settings to get remote play to work from work?

[Edited by Squiggle55]

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein


I've been meaning to try it over 4G, my phone connection to EE from work is stellar (35mbs down/35mbs up) which is much better than my stunted Sky broadband at home. Maybe tomorrow...

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


Bah. Yes. Apparently wii u is slightly more silky at remote play than vita, less to deal with. What exactly is the discussion here?



Bah. Yes. Apparently wii u is slightly more silky at remote play than vita, less to deal with. What exactly is the discussion here?

'Less to deal with'?

Not really, they're both decompressing downscaled video streams and relaying inputs, not processing the game. The discussion was that everyone hoped that Vita & PS4 would be on par with WiiU and the GamePad. It's not far off, but could be better.

The crux is that WiiU was designed very specifically to achieve off screen play, where as PS4 and Vita weren't (well not in the same way).

As I say earlier, some games are more forgiving than others.

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker

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