
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year of 2022

Posts 41 to 60 of 65


I'm not doing any big New Years Resolutions for 2022. I'm pretty glad with where I'm at gaming wise right now.

I could say "stop hunting trophies", but then I am reminded that I had a lot of fun going for the platinum trophy in Death's Door.

I could say something about a backlog, but during last year I have been pretty carefree about my backlog and still played and finished so many games.

For every resolution I can think of, I can think of a reason not to.

I do have a few games I want to play and beat: Death Stranding, The Last of Us Part II, Nier Replicant and Automata, and Resident Evil VII. Those are the essential PS4 games in my opinion that I haven't beaten yet.

So if I'm able to cross of most from that list, I'd consider my resolutions achieved!



I think my gaming resolution for 2022 is to give indie games more of a chance. I generally do play those "indie darlings" that everyone shouts about, but it doesn't ever really go beyond that. I've been very picky with indie games in the past, and I'd like to break though that.

PSN ID: Liam_Croft


1. Collecting more PS3, PS4, PS2, NDS, 3DS games.
2. Try to get Beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD PS2.
3. Try to get at least 4 Switch games during year 2022.
4. Try to get either XBOX or XBOX 360 machine + Kinect.
5. Try to get at least 3 PS5 games during year 2022.



I wonder how everyone is doing with their gaming goals for the year. We’re well into the second quarter of 2022. So if my math is correct, we’d best be at least a third of the way to our goals (if we quantified them) to keep on track. Let’s see how I’m doing —

1. 8 Platinums
Only 2 so far this year. 😣 I think I’ll have Miles Morales done within the next couple weeks, and that should keep me close to being on schedule.

2. Write 6 Game Reviews
Doing better here because I have done 4 full reviews so far this year. Well ahead of pace.

3. Expand into new gaming areas:

  • Play 1 FromSoftware Game
    Done. Finished Demon’s Souls Remake (I’m counting it as a From game). Might even squeeze in Elden Ring or Dark Souls 3 before year’s end.
  • Play 1 Multiplayer or Co-op game
    Not done yet, but still planning to. Maybe I’ll try something this week. Nothing in the multiplayer universe excites me.
  • Play 2 Racing Games
    50% done with this. Just need to figure out if the other 50% will be GT7 or not.
  • Play 4 Horror / Zombie Games
    25% done with this. I need to pick up the pace, but I expect to start RE4 or TWD4 within the next month.

4. Non-Gaming Escapades
“Exercise, Reading, catch up on TV and movies, and develop a new hobby or interest.
I hope to exercise 4 days a week, Read some books this year, try to decrease the size of my TV and movie backlog, and hopefully find something new to smooth out my inner character.”
Doing pretty poorly here. I’m exercising about twice a week. I’ve made no dent in my TV or movie backlog. 😞

Still 8 months left to make up ground!

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


1) Finish more games than I purchase in 2022.

So far so good!

2) Finish two Falcom games.

I'm still where I was in TitS SC when I first wrote this, and haven't started another Ys game yet, so no progress here.

3) At least start playing Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

Not yet.

4) Play at least one game belonging to each of the following devices: PC; PS1; PS2; PS4; SNES; N64; GameCube; Wii; Wii U; Switch; GBC; GBA; NDS; 3DS; PSP; and, last but not least, PS Vita.

I've played games belonging to at least half of these platforms so far, so good progress, I suppose!

PS2, SNES, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, GBC, 3DS, and Vita are still up.

5) Replay at least one old favorite of mine.

Not yet. Still trying to figure out what the old favorite is going to be.

6) Get platinum trophies for at least three PS4/Vita titles.

Not yet, although I'm working on the platinum for Rayman Legends atm (which is long overdue, seeing as I collected almost all of the other trophies back in 2015!)

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Not the dreaded TitS acronym again 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett It really is an unfortunate acronym. I do sometimes wonder if I'm not accidentally flagging my own posts for mod review or something when I use it.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


colonelkilgore wrote:

  • Main objective for me would be to get to 100 Platinums, which will mean I’ll need to pop 30. If I go by my schedule I would get to 95 but I’m sure I can swing it by slipping in some ‘quickies’.
  • I’d also like to get a few more (if not all) of the PS3 games cleared from my backlog.
  • I always like to play through some ‘classic’ game series that I missed at the time, so I’m aiming to get through (& platinum if possible) Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection and the Devil May Cry trilogy next year.
  • I’m itching to play Hades but want to clear SuperGiant’s back-catalogue first, so I want to try and get Transistor and Pyre cleared by 2022’s midway point so I can make Hades my ‘side-game’ for the second half of the year.
  • Play at least two metroidvanias and two rogue-likes/lites.
  • half way in regards to my target for 2022 plats with 15 so far.
  • just started my first PS3 title of the year with God of War: Ascension
  • played through (& plat’d) the first part of the Assassins Creed: Ezio Collection, haven’t started the Devil May Cry games though and as I’ve had a little reschedule, probably won’t start them this year.
  • just played through Transistor (and really enjoyed it)… and should get Pyre cleared from the backlog too. Probably won’t make a start on Hades until 2023 though.
  • haven’t played a metroidvania yet but I have Castlevania: Requiem lined up for next month and probably Yoku’s Island Express for later in the year. Rogue-wise, I will be playing Returnal in the next couple of months but not sure if I’ll manage to get a second one in before 2023 in all honesty.

**** DLC!



That's the long-awaited sequel, I believe, to the cult classic Sega CD game Planet Eaters: Nightmare in Solaria. I've heard it's quite hard.


Yes, I am indeed the psychological equivalent of a ten-year-old.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Well I’m doing terribly on my mission to clear all the Dark Souls games, I bounced off Dark Souls 2 about half way through - it’s my second play through though so it doesn’t matter, that one’s finished. Dark Souls 1 and 3, however, continue unfinished and I doubt I will get them done before the year is out.

Maybe I will at least do one of them. I am thinking number 3.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@colonelkilgore let me know if Pyre is any good. Transistor is so good. Actually a rare platinum for me, don’t usually bother with that. Couldn’t get enough of it though.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


It occurred to me that I may have made some progress over the last quarter. Let’s see how I’m doing —
1. 8 Platinums
I’m up to 4 now, so small progress. I’ll be hard pressed to get to 8 in the next 3 months though.
2. Write 6 Game Reviews.
I’m still stuck at 4 official reviews. I’ve thought about it but keep getting distracted
3. Expand into new gaming areas:

  • Play 1 FromSoftware Game
    Done. Accomplished with finishing Demon’s Souls
  • Play 1 Multiplayer or Co-op game.
    Not done yet, but it depends if you count GT7. Since I haven’t raced online, I guess it doesn’t count. Speaking of…
  • Play 2 Racing Games
    Done. Dirt 5 and GT7
  • Play 4 Horror / Zombie Games
    50% done with this, since I’m counting Little Nightmares as horror. I expect to start RE4 next month.

4. Non-Gaming Escapades —
“Exercise, Reading, catch up on TV and movies, and develop a new hobby or interest.
 I hope to exercise 4 days a week, Read some books this year, try to decrease the size of my TV and movie backlog, and hopefully find something new to smooth out my inner character.”

Still doing pretty poorly here. Exercise has dropped off. Made a small amount of TV and movie progress. I’m mostly caught up with Marvel shows and I started Rings of Power. Still lots left on my watchlist though. And my bookshelf hasn’t been touched recently.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Huh, I actually did make some progress since my last update - I stormed through a big chunk of Dark Souls 1 in a couple of days, and got up to Anor Londo. Then Xenoblade Chronicles 3 happened and it feels like I’ll be wrestling with this until Christmas.

Maybe I can pull a rabbit out the hat and get DS1 finished by the end of the year, though…


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 I thought XC3 was gonna be a hurdle for me, since I played previous games for multiple months. Ended up no-lifeing this one in a month after roughly 115 hours!

@JudgeDredd You can finish God of War. We're talking the 2018 game, right? I'm a total Nintendrone and even I platinumed it.

Good work on deepening your knowledge of Spanish, btw. Learning a foreign language is hard work. I'm learning new kanji every day at a fairly aggressive pace and sometimes feel a little overwhelmed by it!

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@JudgeDredd Talking with native speakers is definitely one of the best ways of priming yourself to learn the language. There's no good alternative to real world experience.

Yeah, I feel like I could just as easily learn to read hieroglyphics, I think! Going for one of the romance languages would obviously be easier, but I'm more likely to succeed at this just because I'm far more motivated to actually learn Japanese, and have primed my ear to pick out the words and understand the flow of the language more easily.

Probably would have been better starting this when I was still in college and surrounded by Japanese-speaking exchange students, but whatevs!

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


colonelkilgore wrote:

colonelkilgore wrote:

  • Main objective for me would be to get to 100 Platinums, which will mean I’ll need to pop 30. If I go by my schedule I would get to 95 but I’m sure I can swing it by slipping in some ‘quickies’.
  • I’d also like to get a few more (if not all) of the PS3 games cleared from my backlog.
  • I always like to play through some ‘classic’ game series that I missed at the time, so I’m aiming to get through (& platinum if possible) Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection and the Devil May Cry trilogy next year.
  • I’m itching to play Hades but want to clear SuperGiant’s back-catalogue first, so I want to try and get Transistor and Pyre cleared by 2022’s midway point so I can make Hades my ‘side-game’ for the second half of the year.
  • Play at least two metroidvanias and two rogue-likes/lites.
  • half way in regards to my target for 2022 plats with 15 so far.
  • just started my first PS3 title of the year with God of War: Ascension
  • played through (& plat’d) the first part of the Assassins Creed: Ezio Collection, haven’t started the Devil May Cry games though and as I’ve had a little reschedule, probably won’t start them this year.
  • just played through Transistor (and really enjoyed it)… and should get Pyre cleared from the backlog too. Probably won’t make a start on Hades until 2023 though.
  • haven’t played a metroidvania yet but I have Castlevania: Requiem lined up for next month and probably Yoku’s Island Express for later in the year. Rogue-wise, I will be playing Returnal in the next couple of months but not sure if I’ll manage to get a second one in before 2023 in all honesty.
  • All good on the Platinum trophy front. I’ve had to slow my roll a bit actually as I have some strange innate desire for God of War: Ragnarok to be my hundredth. I’m on 99 atm.
  • think I’ve only actually played the one PS3 title so far (God of War: Ascension). I really need to remedy that with at least one more before the turn of the year.
  • made no more headway on the Assassins Creed series since my last post… and Devil May Cry has definitely been pushed back a year (or two 😅).
  • still to play Pyre… but I ‘should’ fit it in before 2023.
  • still no metroidvanias either… 😔. I don’t know why they always seem to get lost in my various reshuffles as I’m really keen to play my second ever mv (as I enjoyed my first - Guac… so much, back late last year). Gonna do my best to fit at least one in.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

colonelkilgore wrote:

colonelkilgore wrote:

  • Main objective for me would be to get to 100 Platinums, which will mean I’ll need to pop 30. If I go by my schedule I would get to 95 but I’m sure I can swing it by slipping in some ‘quickies’.
  • I’d also like to get a few more (if not all) of the PS3 games cleared from my backlog.
  • I always like to play through some ‘classic’ game series that I missed at the time, so I’m aiming to get through (& platinum if possible) Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection and the Devil May Cry trilogy next year.
  • I’m itching to play Hades but want to clear SuperGiant’s back-catalogue first, so I want to try and get Transistor and Pyre cleared by 2022’s midway point so I can make Hades my ‘side-game’ for the second half of the year.
  • Play at least two metroidvanias and two rogue-likes/lites.
  • half way in regards to my target for 2022 plats with 15 so far.
  • just started my first PS3 title of the year with God of War: Ascension
  • played through (& plat’d) the first part of the Assassins Creed: Ezio Collection, haven’t started the Devil May Cry games though and as I’ve had a little reschedule, probably won’t start them this year.
  • just played through Transistor (and really enjoyed it)… and should get Pyre cleared from the backlog too. Probably won’t make a start on Hades until 2023 though.
  • haven’t played a metroidvania yet but I have Castlevania: Requiem lined up for next month and probably Yoku’s Island Express for later in the year. Rogue-wise, I will be playing Returnal in the next couple of months but not sure if I’ll manage to get a second one in before 2023 in all honesty.
  • All good on the Platinum trophy front. I’ve had to slow my roll a bit actually as I have some strange innate desire for God of War: Ragnarok to be my hundredth. I’m on 99 atm.
  • think I’ve only actually played the one PS3 title so far (God of War: Ascension). I really need to remedy that with at least one more before the turn of the year.
  • made no more headway on the Assassins Creed series since my last post… and Devil May Cry has definitely been pushed back a year (or two 😅).
  • still to play Pyre… but I ‘should’ fit it in before 2023.
  • still no metroidvanias either… 😔. I don’t know why they always seem to get lost in my various reshuffles as I’m really keen to play my second ever mv (as I enjoyed my first - Guac… so much, back late last year). Gonna do my best to fit at least one in.

Great year of gaming, I really enjoyed the vast majority of games I played... maybe my fave year for gaming ever actually!

  • blew past 100 plats and ended up with 120, 50 for 2022 specifically.
  • cleared a few more of my PS3 backlog after my last post, so to add to God of War: Ascension I also cleared Lego Lord of the Rings, Captain America: Super Soldier and inFAMOUS (though I probably bought double that in more PS3 games over 2022 😅).
  • recently started Assassins Creed: Brotherhood and it should end up being 2023's first platinum.
  • did end up starting Pyre after... but wasn't really feeling it if im honesr. Gonna try and finish it off sometime next year.
  • no rogue-likes/lites but in regards to metroidvanias (well vanias anyway in regards to RoB) I did play Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: SotN from the Requiem collection and enjoyed both quite a bit.

Merry Christmas y'all!

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


Time for a review.

Ralizah wrote:

1) Finish more games than I purchase in 2022. Seems simple enough: while I played a lot this year, I still somehow managed to buy enough to bloat my backlog even more. Enough. I'm working with what I got and avoiding unnecessary purchases otherwise.
2) Finish two Falcom games. Already have a playthrough of TitS SC going, and I fully intend to play another Ys game next year, so this shouldn't be too hard. Ideally, I'd like to finish the entire Sky trilogy next year, but the theme of this list is "reasonable expectations," and the truth is that after another 80 hour Trails in the Sky game, I might not be up for a second helping for a while. We'll see.

3) At least start playing Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. I bought this stupid game at launch on PS4 back in... 2015?... and still have yet to even boot it up. My disappointment over the FF15 demo kinda sapped my will to play it. Time to finally see if it was worth the $60 I paid for it years back.

4) Play at least one game belonging to each of the following devices: PC; PS1; PS2; PS4; SNES; N64; GameCube; Wii; Wii U; Switch; GBC; GBA; NDS; 3DS; PSP; and, last but not least, PS Vita. I still own most of these devices, but for the ones I don't, I'm allowing myself to emulate the games via less dubious means (virtual console; NSO's SNES app; old game collections; ripping the data from a disc I already physically own to use on an emulator; etc.)

5) Replay at least one old favorite of mine. I have a bad habit of staying on this treadmill of new games constantly and not revisiting games I loved and finished in the past.

6) Get platinum trophies for at least three PS4/Vita titles. Self-explanatory.

1) ✓ Bought more games than I'd planned, but I also beat a lot of games this year, so I'm still net negative on the ratio, which is all this resolution required.

2) ✘ I've gotten near the end of one Falcom game, but haven't completed it; certainly not two of them. I'd have given myself half credit if I'd completed one, but I didn't, so... yeah.

3) Technically an ✘ at this exact moment, but all this requires is booting up and playing the game for a while, and I plan on doing that in the next couple days, so I'm going to pre-emptively give myself a ✓

4) ✓ Didn't finish games on all these systems, but that's not the task I set myself.

5) ✓ Replayed Super Mario 3D Land, which has long been a favorite of mine.

6) ✓ Exactly three plats, I believe.

5/6 by New Year's, then. Not bad, I think.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Anti-Matter wrote:

1. Collecting more PS3, PS4, PS2, NDS, 3DS games.
2. Try to get Beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD PS2.
3. Try to get at least 4 Switch games during year 2022.
4. Try to get either XBOX or XBOX 360 machine + Kinect.
5. Try to get at least 3 PS5 games during year 2022.

1. Except PS2 😅
2. Failed
3. I purchased more than 4 Switch games
4. I got XBOX 360 RGH but... It cannot play all original games. 😩
5. I will have 8 PS5 games. 😊


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