
Topic: October is here! Which horror games will you be playing?

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If I've finished with Far Cry 6, I will be jumping in to The Callisto Protocol as it is one of this months PS Plus Essential games.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I also love this time of year but very rarely find time for spooky games. Having said that i intend to get through RE8 DLC, Amnesia Collection and Alan Wake. Happy Halloween and autumn to you all πŸ‘

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Maybe not quite the 'crap your pants spooky' type of game like a few others mentioned but a friend of mine just picked up Back 4 Blood and he's been hounding me to play through it with him, so I might redownload that and get stuck into that again. I haven't played it since I beat the game on Nightmare difficulty (they've since added No Hope difficulty, which... yeah, no.) so it'll be quite nice to jump back in and slay some Ridden again.

I'm also tempted to play through the Little Nightmares games again, so maybe I'll do that closer to the end of the month.

Edited on by KAIRU

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


Gonna be playing through my very first horror game around the end of Halloween with the original Dead Space! Heard a ton of fantastic things about it and have been on a major sci-fi/cosmic horror kick ever since I played through Metroid Fusion for the first time earlier this year so I'm extremely excited to finally try it out come the end of the month! πŸ©ΈπŸ§ŸπŸ‘½πŸ§ŸπŸ©Έ

Edited on by Fizza

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
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Currently Playing: ....nothing XD



Iam not sure if Iam the only one who count the Batman games as horror? Ohter then that I also love games such as Silent Hill, Resident Evil and more recently Evil Within. All which I think are amazing.

Edited on by oliverp



I'm playing through the Amnesia collection now for the PXGC, hoping to play through Amnesia Rebirth afterward as well!

That's if my pants stay clean throughout

See ya!


@oliverp I mean, the encounters with the Manbat in Arkham Knight were pretty scary..



I'm on 'Signalis" at the moment and then I'm moving on to "Soma" followed by "The Quarry" if I get the time.



Depending on the price of the game and wether or not my iPhone 15 Pro Max arrives by the 31st, I might be playing Resident Evil Village!

Edited on by Bentleyma


PSN: Bentleyma-


Pumpkin Jack


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