
Topic: I just bought a Xbox 360.

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Got it off ebay for 90 bucks. Is that a good deal? I never owned one before and i guess i wanted to see what all this Halo fuss was about. I hear the 360 was probably the most popular xbox and the price was decent. I'll probably get the gears of war games and Ninja gaiden 2. (The good version with the blood!

Any other suggestions for games? Preferably exclusives.



@Truegamer79 You're better off asking on the PureXbox site, mate.



I was wondering what the Xbox site was called. I knew about Push square (weird name BTW) shouldn't it be push X?



🤣. I'd never really thought about it.



@Truegamer79 The two Viva Pinata games (although the party game spinoff is best skipped). The first Gears of War. The console also had some cool exclusive JRPGs at the time like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and Tales of Vesperia (although that last one is obviously also available on PS4 now).

Operation Darkness looked cool as well, kind of an alternate history urban fantasy take on WWII, but good luck finding a copy these days!

Considering how much retro consoles have surged in price the last few years, $90 is probably not a terrible deal.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Truegamer79 although I’ve played PlayStation since 1995, I bought and thoroughly enjoyed a sexy looking black Xbox 360 (think it had extra hard drive space than that of the original white one or something) back in 2007. It only lasted around 4 years but it became my primary console for that time. Enjoy dude, one of the great consoles.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


you just bought one of the greatest consoles of all time ; PS3 is the best playstation , but the 360 puts the PS3 to shame in every way

exclusives i recommend -

halo reach , 1 , 2 , 3 (series died after 3)
gears 1 , 2, 3 (series died after 3)
Left 4 Dead 2 (Includes L4D1)
Blue Dragon
Alan Wake

thats all i got , cant remember .

that said , you wouldve been better off buying a cheap xbox one or using your PC (assuming it can play games) if you mainly just wanted to try halo (and gears) , especially since theres gamepass & Xbox360 doesn't have gamepass . you couldve played all the halos(& gears) for probably a dollar with better quality . i mean no harm but, i think you gimped yourself spending $90 on outdated ***** hardware with less convenient access to games.



@Truegamer79 I enjoyed the 360 during its time it's definitely the console that made me go Holy ***** maybe MS is in the video game business for the long run. Granted the beginning of the 360 was marred by the whole RRoD problem. I got a later model of the Xbox after all the problems with the RRoD were ironed out.

As for exclusives I highly recommend finding a copy of Forza Horizon 1 and 2. Those two games hold up really well to.this day.

Also like someone else said checkout Pure Xbox for more suggestions. I think they at one point had an article about must play 360 games.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


if you do go to purexbox, id honestly say it is nowhere near as good as PS for discussion, bar the people who post across multiple sites. they really dont like any criticism of MS.

enjoy your 360, my two died, but id recommend many of the games above.



Yeah i didn't know if i really wanted a newer Xbox so i just settled with the 360. I've been having fun with it. It's funny you said Halo died after 3. It seems Like alot of people don't Like Halo 4 for some reason. I heard there was a change in developers. Is that the only reason?



@Truegamer79 You can say a change in developers to summarize it briefly, that's essentially what it is & the new developer(s) ruined the franchise. Halo 4 , in my opinion, was the only decent game they produced, with the decent-ness coming from the campaign that i think is one of the best in the series & had a good ending that couldve wrapped up the entire franchise, since Halo 3 actually ended on a cliffhanger that people forget about .



With a 360 you could also look into what original Xbox games will play on a 360. Then there are games that were only released on PS2 and not PS3, but had 360 releases. Gun and Bully are two I remember. Also there are games that performed and or looked better on original Xbox and 360 when compared to PS2 and PS3.

I say that all from fuzzy memories, no recent research, and never owning an Xbox. Pure Xbox could be your best source for 360 information.

Edited on by NoCode23



This is maybe a weird question in 2023 but does xbox live on the 360 still work? I was thinking of maybe getting some digital games like the gears of war series or something. I could just download them or hunt down the discs. It's got 200 and some gigs free so i figured i might as well put something on there.



@Truegamer79 That's a good question. I honestly haven't used my 360 in years since I got an Xbox One and now a Series X. I still have my 360 mainly because up until a few months ago it was the only way I could play TMNT Arcade game and it also has The Simpsons Arcade game. But I haven't tried to access the store.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


I think the answer is yes - I bought "Mark of the Ninja" about a year ago. Double check on PureXbox, though!



Xbox live works as before. You can even play online BC titles with Xbox One users.



@Tasuki Yes, the store works but depending on your region you may not be able to add funds via credit card

Edited on by belmont



@belmont Good to know. I was able to buy Soul Caliber 2 HD a few months ago despite being delisted with a card I bought from Dell which was a 360 game but I went through my Series X to get it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


If you’re a JRPG fan I recommend Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery.


PSN: Bentleyma-

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