
Topic: Official Push Square Xbox Thread

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@JohnnyShoulder Xbox cloud gaming isn't quite there yet. I tried it out about a year ago and it hadn't improved since I first tried it out back in 2020. In fact, it's actually worse now. There's a bloody queue now whenever you boot up a game. Imagine getting home from work and having to wait 5-10 minutes each time before you're "allowed" to play a game. It's absolutely ridiculous.

The experience itself is decent. There's no input lag, but the screen frequently refreshes and that gets annoying over time.



@LtSarge I went to try Nvidia Gforce Now, but there were only 6 months subscriptions available, as the monthly ones were out of stock or something? Not sure how that is even possible lol. The same with the free service too. I'm not willing to drop 60 or 90 quid on something that might not work up to my expectations.

Thanks for heads up on the queuing thing. I didn't realise that, and seems a bit sucky.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Pizzamorg I actually found the artwork more appealing than the gameplay demo. It definitely feels underbaked and with a vague 2024 release date it isn’t surprising. My worry is this is the kind of thing we’ll always get from first party since it’s on gamepass and can be easily forgotten for the next shiny thing a la Redfall.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Despite having gamepass I’m struggling to find something that appeals but I downloaded Jusant as it looks pretty cool. After an hour I’m already tired of the climbing and reading letters which seems to be its primary gameplay loop. The search continues…

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@colonelkilgore Yeah man, pretty bummed out by it. Looks absolutely gorgeous but failed to hook me. It’s starting to do my head in, searching for an experience that couldn’t be enjoyed elsewhere.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper It does feel like Xbox developers don't care about pushing limits with their games now that they don't need their games to sell well. And as a result, I feel like Xbox gamers are setting a lower standard for Xbox games. I mean, I played Redfall and it's a very mediocre game. Go over to Pure Xbox and there will be a fair amount of people who think that it's a good game. It's not even close to being a good game, the developers have done the absolute bare minimum with this title.

Microsoft seriously needs to be more strict with their studios.

Regarding Jusant, I actually enjoyed it because of the fun climbing mechanics. It could get frustrating sometimes but it was overall a pretty fun game.



@LtSarge This is the feeling I’m getting. I’ve just finished Uncharted 4 and wanted to devote some time to Xbox but find myself fighting the idea of just carrying on with my Skyrim playthrough until Persona 3.

I’ve been really wiped out the last week or so, so that may be contributing to my lack of enthusiasm for Jusant because by all accounts everyone seems to love it. I hear it is short so I’m going to push on. I’ll be sure to update you @colonelkilgore if my feelings change 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper I honestly didn’t even know what’s on GamePass, but I did look it up and there’s some really enticing third party games there. Some from my wishlist are on there like Lies of P, Dead Space (in fact all of them are there), Wild Hearts, and Wo Long.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution All good choices friend. I don’t think it is choice with gamepass that is the problem, although there isn’t much that screams at me first party wise, it’s more a of a me thing haha I’m just having a really hard time finding games that appeal or resonate with me at the moment. I’m very much looking forward to playing Persona 3 on gp and I dare say my experience with Jusant has improved somewhat drastically.

I briefly dabbled with Lies of P and think it might be worth pushing on while it is ‘free’ and Wo Long could be decent too, let me know how you get on if you try either.

Edited on by AgentCooper

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper I have no immediate plans to jump into GamePass or the Xbox ecosystem, but I was impressed to see some of the inclusions on the service. And actually a lot of the games I find compelling are also on PS+, except for those I listed.

First party is the real question with GamePass. As someone who has a boat load of game already to play, I think the only way I dive into the console (which would not only require a big up-front investment in hardware but also the subscription cost) is if something first party knocks my socks off. 9-10/10 type of game, and preferably more than one. So that’s where Indiana Jones could that. I’ll assume Hellblade II is going to be a 9/10. But even if those two hit, I just don’t know.

The other third party games there like Lies of P and Wo Long are on my wishlist, but honestly are several games deep on the backlog, so I’m satisfied to wait until either a steeper price drop or a drop onto PS+. It’s what I did recently with A Plague Tale Requiem and my patience was rewarded and I’m loving the game and pleased that it came without any added cost.

But if and when, I’m certain to share thoughts on those two Souls-likes. But as I mentioned on the Souls thread, I plan to prioritize the From games I have left first.

As for Persona 3, I am really interested in your experience there, and P3 is a great get for GamePass. I’ll leave my thoughts on the series over on that thread. 🧵 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


So I watched the Indy game clip. It looks fine whatever, nothing that exciting.

... But am I the only one who thinks he sounds nothing like Harrison Ford and it's just Troy Baker with a slight accent?

Admitedly it's been a while since I've watched one of the films or heard Harrison and I've seen people saying he sounds alike but I don't hear it at all

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Feels good to be wrong, as I am about many things. Jusant turned out to be a beautiful and well crafted little gem. Once I relaxed a little I found the core gameplay to have a meditative quality, slowing making your way up one hand after another, slowing piecing together the narrative. It’ll stay with me for some time. Definitely recommended @colonelkilgore 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Just watched the "Indiana Jones" trailer. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!! Indy's satchel strap goes UNDERNEATH the leather jacket. Who do I need to email at MachineGames to get this egregious balls-up sorted out?



So in the recent "rumours" of Xbox "games" coming to "PS', is there anything out of those 'half'-"baked" "exclusives" you want to play?
Me "personally" 'I''d play a Gears "of" War game but that"'s about it. "Nothing" else screams (or talks) "a" must play"."



@Matter I have a list of Xbox game I'd buy on PlayStation. It's not very long (and part of it is upcoming games) which is I never really considered buying the console.
It includes:

  • Both Ori games
  • Gears Of War (especially 2&3, I played 1 on PC back in the day and I hear the newer ones aren't as good)
  • HiFi Rush
  • Hellblade 2
  • the Indiana Jones game

I think that's literally it



@Matter My thoughts are similar but to @Voltan — I don’t feel anything is a “must-play” from the Xbox library, but I would almost certainly buy Hellblade II because I loved the first one. Also am a fan of the movies, so would be interested in Indiana Jones.

Gears and Fable have always held my curiosity too. And Forza, mainly because it’s so highly rated, although I am not a racer aficionado and have been perfectly satisfied with playing the occasional Gran Turismo every few years. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Fable is another one I could be interested in but I'd need to see more. I liked the 1st one (again, back in my PC gaming days) but I have literally no idea where the series went from there.


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