
Topic: Official Push Square Xbox Thread

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@BAMozzy What studios has Nintendo acquired and subsequently shut down?

And with Sony, when they torch a studio, it's not out of the blue like this, and certainly not after the studios deliver consistently with excellent games. At least, until recently. But even their recent studio closures weren't this unprovoked.

As with the recent wave of layoffs, this is more a reflection of toxic American tech company culture: the way it treats employees as disposable tools, and the need to appease shareholders above all else with moves that don't make sense in the long term. It's not worth defending.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah I couldn't tell you about Nintendo as I've never really kept up with their internal structure.

However, I have seen MANY Studio's, Publishers bought over the decades and then Shut Down. Granted not all delivered a critically reviewed game with a Bafta behind them going so soon - especially as it's now launched everywhere too for more to enjoy.

Square have bought up and dropped Studio's, Sony too - it's been part of the business for decades and whilst I, and many others as GAMERS, Hate to see Studio's closed, even if we didn't really like the games they made, it's very quickly forgotten with Games, Games, shiny new Hardware, Games.

Where are the likes of Ocean or Midway - some of, if not the biggest Publishers of the 80's. I remember Psygnosis too and many others. Driveclub wasn't really deserving of shutting down the Studio who gave us Motorstorm. Firesprite didn't last long in the Sony Family which VR Headset owners can't feel optimistic in their future line-up now. So yes its a tough time because MANY gamers are being a lot more frugal with their gaming expenditure and prices have gone-up too. They are buying less and less games overall whilst having to spend more and more for it with less and less time.

A LOT of gaming revenue is coming from those big recurring cash games like CoD Fifa Fortnite or whatever other older games in sales, sub services etc instead of spending money on buying as many NEW games. So New games are costing more and becoming a risk to invest in when you aren't getting the money coming in or 'projected' growth to keep those Studio's open for the next 5-6yrs you thought you might....

Harsh but Business is Business and as a Gamer, I am feeling rather annoyed, but looking at the industry at the moment, you can see why they are the way are - Sony can't reach 170 regions or so, other regions are in 'difficult' situations where gaming is extremely limited/difficult for many.

Its not the 'dedicated' that will find a way to buy as much as they ever did, frequent sites like this and bought Hardware Day 1, its the vast majority who maybe picked up a Console during the Pandemic or in a sale. Consoles (inc Sony) aren't expecting to sell as many this year, Hardware over all is down - lower growth, lower people coming in to spend money to keep making expensive games that take years to make. You rely on the 'whales', the dedicated to pay 'more' and 'more' or get 'more' people in, or reduce your content because you can't fund 'everything'.

It's looking at the situation globally not just how it impacts me as a Gamer in my little bubble

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@Ralizah I couldn't tell you about Nintendo as I've never really kept up with their internal structure.

However, I have seen MANY Studio's, Publishers bought over the decades and then Shut Down. Granted not all delivered a critically reviewed game with a Bafta behind them going so soon - especially as it's now launched everywhere too for more to enjoy.

Square have bought up and dropped Studio's, Sony too - it's been part of the business for decades and whilst I, and many others as GAMERS, Hate to see Studio's closed, even if we didn't really like the games they made, it's very quickly forgotten with Games, Games, shiny new Hardware, Games.

Where are the likes of Ocean or Midway - some of, if not the biggest Publishers of the 80's. I remember Psygnosis too and many others. Driveclub wasn't really deserving of shutting down the Studio who gave us Motorstorm. Firesprite didn't last long in the Sony Family which VR Headset owners can't feel optimistic in their future line-up now. So yes its a tough time because MANY gamers are being a lot more frugal with their gaming expenditure and prices have gone-up too. They are buying less and less games overall whilst having to spend more and more for it with less and less time.

A LOT of gaming revenue is coming from those big recurring cash games like CoD Fifa Fortnite or whatever other older games in sales, sub services etc instead of spending money on buying as many NEW games. So New games are costing more and becoming a risk to invest in when you aren't getting the money coming in or 'projected' growth to keep those Studio's open for the next 5-6yrs you thought you might....

Harsh but Business is Business and as a Gamer, I am feeling rather annoyed, but looking at the industry at the moment, you can see why they are the way are - Sony can't reach 170 regions or so, other regions are in 'difficult' situations where gaming is extremely limited/difficult for many.

Its not the 'dedicated' that will find a way to buy as much as they ever did, frequent sites like this and bought Hardware Day 1, its the vast majority who maybe picked up a Console during the Pandemic or in a sale. Consoles (inc Sony) aren't expecting to sell as many this year, Hardware over all is down - lower growth, lower people coming in to spend money to keep making expensive games that take years to make. You rely on the 'whales', the dedicated to pay 'more' and 'more' or get 'more' people in, or reduce your content because you can't fund 'everything'.

It's looking at the situation globally not just how it impacts me as a Gamer in my little bubble

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@Ralizah "As with the recent wave of layoffs, this is more a reflection of toxic American tech company culture: the way it treats employees as disposable tools, and the need to appease shareholders above all else with moves that don't make sense in the long term. It's not worth defending."

This is it. And they were the first to go on a spending spree when business was looking up a few years ago too. I don't want to accept making money as a justification for everything.

I have worked in tech the last few years. Not in America, so a very different situation. But it has been interesting to observe how the mood has changed in Europe too these last few years. I left my job in commerical tech this month, because I started to feel like a resource instead of a person. I can't imagine the situation for those working at American tech companies.



@Kidfried It isn't much better in Japan except you are trained to be loyal to middle management bullies, crunched because your laws aren't as strict, paid nonsense wages in currency so devalued it is near worthless but you don't get laid off... they just do a "banishment room" where they pretend you don't exist till you the employee voluntarily quits.

The work environment is bad everywhere as businesses gain more leverage over governments. I hope governments start implementing more rules to protect employees but... that ain't happening.



Well… … … … and my numerous pauses are for sure for dramatic effect! Bots (and there’s no better name for them) are now promoting the notion that Microsoft are buying Valve/Steam! After what’s gone down after the ActiBliz purchase! God help us all (whether it’s mere bot insanity or an actual possibility)! These people (both zealots and/or c-suites)… awe shucks 🤷‍♂️

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!

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