Metro: Exodus feels like it should be the series’ coming-out party. After two fairly niche releases on the previous generation of consoles, the third instalment is quite clearly positioning itself as the best post-apocalyptic experience from developer 4A Games yet. It’s a grand promise, but the finished product doesn’t manage to live up to those expectations. All things considered, Metro: Exodus has many of the ingredients to be the best entry in the franchise so far, but far too many caveats hold it back from hitting the stratosphere.
The most interesting thing about Metro: Exodus, and also the most frustrating, is the questions it never gets round to answering. Following on from the events of Metro: Last Light, series protagonist Artyom returns in search of life outside of Moscow’s underground metro. Conditioned to believe he is part of the only living society on the planet for the past 25 years, that theory is tested when a speeding train careers by one of his lookout posts. Upon further investigation of the convoy further down the tracks, it appears that what Artyom has been told for the past two decades may not be so true after all.

It’s an intriguing setup indeed, one that carries the experience all the way to its conclusion in fact, but you won’t receive many concrete answers once you actually get there. At about the midway point, the plot quickly becomes more of a personal tale rather than an explanation of what has been happening outside of the confines of the Russian capital. That’s fine in its own right – the narrative is always focused on finding a new home for Artyom and his friends – but when these are questions that the game itself raises, it’s hard not to feel at least a little bit mugged off. What’s there is most certainly good, we just can’t help but wonder what could have been had the title capitalised on what its own characters were thinking.
One of the ways in which Metro: Exodus differentiates itself from its predecessors can be found in its structure, opting for a number of vast open world hub areas similar to what you would see in the recent Tomb Raider titles, rather than linear progression through levels. You’ll receive numerous objectives from Colonel Miller as you explore the stretches of wasteland which delve into learning more about the local enemy factions or scouting out routes for the train to take in order to progress, but the problem is that there’s not a lot to do besides that. The map will occasionally circle locations of interest, but you’re most likely going to visit them as part of the main story or pass right by them anyway. There is some very interesting environmental storytelling to be found if you dig deep enough, but the experience is completely devoid of side quests apart from two very basic fetch quests in the first open area.

It feels like an expansion borne out of necessity rather than giving the player a compelling reason to uncover the finer details of Russia. Making it to the next objective is going to feel like busywork a lot of the time, to the point where the more linear missions that break up the hub areas actually provide you with many of the game’s best moments.
Thankfully, Metro: Exodus makes up for a lot of this with its deep and varied combat mechanics that allow you to approach any engagement with the enemy in a whole host of different ways. Stock up on guns and ammunition and assault an enemy stronghold all guns blazing, or wait until night falls and take a stealthy approach with your crossbow and silenced pistol once the guards have fallen asleep. The experience wholeheartedly supports both styles of play, along with every degree in-between. Break line of sight if the situation is getting too hot and hostiles will begin searching for Artyom, allowing you to create traps and kill zones that whittle away their numbers. What the open-ended nature doesn’t do for activities to engage with, it most certainly makes up for it with a welcome amount of combat variety.

Once you have disposed of every combatant in the vicinity, you’re going to want to loot their bodies for every scrap and bullet they have left on them. This feeds into the crafting mechanics that’ll keep you alive in the midst of battle. Accessed via the backpack you carry, you can craft, among others, ammunition, medkits, grenades, Molotov cocktails, and throwing knives. The resources needed to make them are finite, though, so every choice you make within its menus are important ones. Do you sacrifice one extra medkit in order to give yourself another magazine of bullets? They’re important questions you need to be asking yourself on even the default difficulty, so those looking for a tough test are sure to find it when scavenging for one more bullet on Ranger Hardcore.
Alongside the art of crafting, Artyom can permanently upgrade his gear back at the train. The carriages act as a base of operations, and here you’ll be able to rest to restore your health, interact with other squad mates and people you’ve picked up along the way, and of course implement the aforementioned enhancements. Apply a silencer to your pistol for the nightly skirmishes, a scope and grip to better your chances of survival in the midst of a firefight, or an extended barrel to your shotgun so that more shots can be fired in close quarters. It’s a deep and intricate system that complements the variety found in combat, but Artyom himself isn’t left out in the cold when it comes to improvements. Scattered throughout the post-apocalyptic wasteland are upgrades that better the Spartan armour he wears, and these are well worth picking up thanks to ammunition cache increases, improvements to your gas mask, and stronger protection in general.

Metro: Exodus looks utterly phenomenal. Incredible vistas paint a contrasting picture of Russia, as the train whisks you through frozen cities and thawing streets to the desert where sandstorms are a threat to both people and buildings. Take a trip after dark and stargaze as the clouds make way for some truly beautiful spectacles, as well as an enemy or two floating in the air. Indeed, while the title may boast of some outstanding visuals, the same can’t be said for its technical performance.
We did indeed encounter enemies suspended in mid-air, alongside glitches that caused us to fall through the world, a framerate that frequently takes a nose dive during heavy combat sequences, and a complete system crash that took us back to the PS4 home screen. It's possible these issues could eventually be fixed via patches, but we can’t ignore the impact they had on our 15 hour playthrough.
What is going to need some serious attention post-launch though are the load times, which put bluntly, are utterly atrocious on the PS4 Pro. While no loading is done once you’re out in the open, the initial load screen for each area can last up to four minutes. It takes you out of the experience completely and becomes a bit of a joke when you’re met with further load times upon death. While these aren’t quite as long, there’s definitely a good minute between you putting down the controller and picking it back up once the game has loaded. It’s a major technical issue that has a disastrous effect on any immersion you may have built up from the previous scene.
While Metro: Exodus delivers on its promise of deep and meaningful combat situations that let you approach encounters from any angle you can think of, its technical shortcomings are simply unforgivable. Combine that with a plot that doesn’t answer its most intriguing questions and you’ve got an experience that will please at times, but will also disappoint those looking for something meaningful outside of the distribution of bullets.
Comments 88
I watched some footage the other day and it kind of just looked a bit messy. I tried the other games once and generally found them off putting.. bit of a shame I guess as the initial reveal looked like this would be good. Oh well!
Dang.. Was excited for this but guess ill wait for sale or something.
This would probably have been a better fit for the eventual PS5.
I'd pass either way, though. I didn't like the demo of the first game.
After all he hype this game has been getting and what not it get a 6 out 10 wow just wow
Damn maybe I should not have pre ordered sigh.
i am glad that i didn't pre-order this after saw this got 6.0.. it got 79 on Metacritic score
Come on guys, 6/10 is not a bad score. The review's positive in many places.
So just because of Load Times this game is “not bad” ?
If the game is beautiful and plays fun with no major glitches , a game should get at least an 8 .. Metro Exodus is a triple A game .. bad reviews hurt future sales ...
@get2sammyb lol 6/10 sound like D grade to me.. no, it not worth 60 bucks for me. maybe it go on PSN Flash sale like 40 or 30 to buy it
@get2sammyb It's not a bad score but I don't have time for a 6 with so many other options.
@FrequentlyFreaky If your only takeaway from my review is that the load times were bad, you clearly haven't actually read it.
It’s 81 on Metacritic. I was expecting for better scores. Thanks for the review.
Sadly, I can’t buy on the release date, because I want to buy two games next month, but I will try to buy it soon.
@Ragnablaze I know right he mentions the story.but gameplay is good.so I'm still buying this game.word up son
Yay! let's all argue about a subjective number. I think most people have a reasonable idea if a game is for them or not and should just read if the criticisms raised are likely to bother them.
@Star-Lord I believe so I like pushsquare.but so far it's the biggest website that gives this game a low score.even ign likes this game.word up son
@Ragnablaze @Ragnablaze even ign likes the game.and I don't even likes ign like that.so a 6 doesn't mean nothing to me.i like the metro games.so I don't care.im still buying it.reviews don't mean nothing cross me if I like a game.yo I enjoy mafia 3 a lot so word up son
Will wait for a sale then.
Here lies the problem.... People would rather take someone's opinion instead of playing it for themselves. If you take someone's review as gospel that a game deserves a 6/10 you're a fool.
Play it for yourself.... One persons 6 out of 10 could be anothers 9 out of 10.... #JustSaying
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - but just go and check metacritic - this is particularly low to what everyone else seems to be experiencing
you know i had completely forgot about this game
if i hadn't just brought Jump Force i would actually buy this
maybe next month
Basically buy it on PC?
@Ragnablaze I taught mafia 3 was gonna be horrible based on the reviews.but when I play it I like the game a lot.graphics is amazing.gameplay is good. story also.so yes I enjoy mafia 3 a lot.play the game for yourself don't listen to reviewers.heck I didn't like overreach.and it was getting praised.word up son
Metro is a great single player game full stop.
@Ragnablaze and I guarantee you I will like metro exodus more than call of duty modern warfare.cod no single player campaign.metro exodus check.word up son
@danzzig I refer you to the beginning of your own comment
@Star-Lord 👍😇 I agree.word up son
All for people having there own opinion, but this is by far the lowest review score for this, it's averaging a 8/10. I've said it before this is the same reviewer that gave metal gear survival a 8! Just must have really different taste to me.
Don't why so many people will take one site as gospel, when I'm looking at a game I look for more than one opinion .
@Quintumply I simply meant to anyone else reading this - bare in mind this is one opinion that seems maybe a little low compared to others so don't take it as gospel
@suikoden You really wanna hold that one review against me, don’t you?
I will get this on PC. This game like others shows that the PS4 is now struggling and the PS5 is needed sooner rather than later.
@danzzig Ah, gotcha.
that seems harsh! the game looks phenomenal, though ill still have to try it.
I dont trust this website reviews.
Both this and Far Cry New Dawn are out on the same day, and I decided to pre-order this one. Hope I don’t regret it. I imagine a lot of the technical issues can be improved via patches anyway.
This was never gonna be day 1 for me anyway, hopefully by the time I get round to playing it all the glitches will have been sorted.
@Cpt_Price Bit unfair. They explained their reasons for the score. Yes it seems low, but if that was the subjective opinion of the reviewer, fair enough. Play the game and submit your own alternative score.
Push Square dont always get their coverage right (too much coverage of sony execs not speaking enough etc), but then no outlet does. But they cover a huge breadth of titles from many different publishers and i have always found their scoring fair and well reasoned. And they will pull Sony exclusives up for their failings too.
@Cpt_Price I’m a contributor that has written for Push Square for well over 2 years now, you’d know that if you checked our Staff page.
I’m not “a good person to review this game”, despite the fact that I’ve played both Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light twice through to completion? I fully well know the score goes on Metacritic, and I’m not about to lie about my experiences with the game. It failed to impress me, and no reviewer should be trying to bump up their score just because there’s devs out there who might read it. That is not our job.
Do we need to directly attack the reviewer because you disagree with his opinion here? Obviously we welcome contrasting opinions, but please be respectful when presenting your views.
Also, it's perhaps worth noting that of the people commenting on this review, Liam is currently the only one who's played the game to completion.
I'd also maintain that the review is still generally very positive. There's clearly a lot of good in Metro: Exodus, and if you're already excited for the game, then I suspect you're going to thoroughly enjoy what it has to offer. 6/10 is, I'll repeat, not a bad score.
Isn't this reviewed by the same guy that gave Metal Gear Survive an 8/10 though? Lol
@LiamCroft Voice of reason. I think you are a fair reviewer. Explain your reasons well and do a great job. Please dont let others diminish your work and thank you for your contributions on the site.
I wasn't expecting that!
All the reviews I have watched on youtube so far have all been more positive - ranging from 4/5 to 8.5 to 4.5/5 so I was surprised to see such a low score. It seems that, looking on Metacritic, PushSquares review is the lowest, not the only 6, but still the lowest with the average score being 80 on PS4, 81 on Xbox and 83 on PC at the moment.
I am certainly not criticising the reviewer at all or questioning their score. I tend to look at a variety of reviews and take ALL opinions into consideration and effectively collect them into one aggregate conclusion - similar to Metacritic.
I am still happy I pre-ordered my copy and looking forward to playing it on my Xbox. I will then be able to draw up my own opinion on this game. I still respect EVERYONES opinion - even if it isn't the same as mine. If anyone doesn't agree with the reviewer, play the game to its conclusion and then come back to this and share your opinion but still be adult enough to respect @LiamCroft and his opinion too....
Imo Push square is always more critical then other websites,so I'm used to.Definitely buying on first sale.I'm big metro fan.
@JoeBlogs That's a good point, I agree
People still base their purchases and own opinions off someone else's opinion? Y'all are so sad.
@JoeBlogs "One of my favourite films is Karate Kid 3. It’s got 36% on metacritic. Am I somehow not actually enjoying it when I watch it because I disagree with the majority?"
Ah, but that's because @LiamCroft only gave Karate Kid 3 a 1 out of 10. Dragged its metacritic right down he did
despite the fact that i found metro last light to be exceedingly dull, i had my eye on this one, as it looked better, and i like the idea of each hub area taking place in a different season. but this review has absolutely done its purpose for me, enough to know to leave it for now. excessively long loading times, particularly on death respawn are a huge irritation for me. the odd bit of screentear, or a few dropped frames here and there is one thing, but i simply couldn't be ar*ed to endure big technical issues. liam's actual score is less relevant than the information it provides imo.
How come whenever a game gets reviewed lower then the average, all the super negative, not active users crawl out of the woodwork and start throwing mud?
I throughly enjoyed 2033 and Last Light, but with the Ghost Survivor DLC for Resi 2 out Friday combined with the fact I still need to start Kingdom Hearts 3 is making me put the game on my back purchase list, waiting for a price cut.
Now if you're looking forward to the game or it's your most anticipated game for Q1 2019 then that's fine.
@BAMozzy well said, it doesn't matter if people don't always agree and it would be pretty boring if we did and no review will ever affect anyone's own enjoyment of a game.
This is a game I've been looking forward to and still am after @LiamCroft well written review, with the only negative for me is seemingly how the story fails to explore the wider world and I'll likely be getting it on the X where I would imagine the performance should be improved anyway.
@JoeBlogs I heard he gave the remake an 8
It’s astonishing to me that Pushsquare had the outright nerve to review this game without a wheel.
@LiamCroft, fair play for reviewing it how you saw it. I come here for your guys opinion cos I know you'll be honest with YOUR experience. I always cross-check with a couple of other sites and READ what the reviews say. People can only agree/disagree with you when they get their hands on the game and play it!!!!
@kyleforrester87 sure your not a troll mate 😂😂
@R1spam I’m just saying it as it is, there are numerous - NUMEROUS - driving sections in this game, am I really to believe that the reviewer was able to fully appreciate the nuances of the physics engine without a wheel?
Aaahh man! This doesnt sound like how i imagined it would turn out.
I was SO SO excited, now im not sure ill get it. I was expecting an actual open world like fallout or farcry and obviously expected the same high quality and polish as the first games. Color me disappointed 😭 if theres one thing i hate its plummeting frame rates. Fps before resolution people, fps before resolution!
on a positive note i guess im glad i didnt preorder all those time my finger was hovering over the buy button. Been waiting and beyond excited for this since it was first mentioned...Sigh.
I remember Mad Max on PS4 getting very average scores (it has a MC rating of 69) but I loved that game. Each to their own.
@kyleforrester87 😂 I still laugh at that comment section to this day. Although some of the comments in this one are reaching those levels of ridiculousness....
Great review, Liam! I tend to agree with most/all of your reviews. Probably going to wait for a sale before I pick this one up.
Metro 2033 was pretty damn good. I think I'm gonna go and play that again.
I'm gonna wait til the price is a little lower, honestly i like the other two games. Personally for anyone who loves this series than enjoy it, anyone else that's putting it off already maybe give it a chance otherwise play something else. It's not like there aren't other games coming out that can't meet your expectations.
@Ragnablaze if you actually knew me youd know how stupid your reply is.
Why would the reviewer mention bad frame rate, the fact it uses open world "hubs" rather than a true OPEN world, and frequent technical hiccups if it wasnt true.
I dont believe hes just making it up. And these are deal breakers for me. Legitimate issues. Ill most likely get it some day when its not $80.
Grow up.
@LiamCroft I think this is a well-written review which comes across perfectly fair to me; you definitely don't deserve for folk to be getting personal over it just because you have your own opinion. Reviews are by nature subjective, and so long as they're also fair then I don't see why people would have a problem with a review deviating from the average score, along with the fact that 6 is not a bad score anyway! Some clearly didn't read it properly! Besides, I always check out a couple of my trusted youtubers' video reviews also, before deciding for certain on a purchase (unless it's a dev that I really trust).
@get2sammyb That's the thing with people nowadays. They completely rely on review scores to to tell them if they should play a game or not. Anything below a 9 (maybe 8) means it sucks. I get it in a way. I don't want to play a game that's getting 3's across the board but a 6 isn't bad. But others see it as because it's not mindblowing than it has to suck. I feel for those people. There's a lot of fun out there even if it's not perfect. Anyways this game looks pretty cool, I'll eventually buy it.
I will never understand people using other peoples opinions on whether to buy a game or not.
@LiamCroft to be fair that was pretty funny that it got an 8 when the game is unequivocally bad
Wasn't expecting much from this anyway. I had Metro Last Light on PS3... think I got it either through PS+ or cheap in a sale... and didn't really think much of it. That's why I was a bit taken aback by the "outrage" from PC gamers about it only being available on Epic and not Steam... I genuinely thought, "why care so much about a B-list game?"
Anyway, sounds like they made a bit of a pig's ear of it.
It got much better reviews everywhere else. Go on metacritic and check for yourself.
ACG channel has a great detailed review on this game.
Looks like one of the best FPS single player in many years.
I am gonna get it soon
what do u expect from the guys that gave a 90+ game on meta like re2?
many didn't like the previous Metros either (mostly due to some quests having unconventional solutions, where experimenting abit was needed .. hence could be slightly frustrating quest-wise)..., if the 3rd Metro is as good as the previous Metros, than its imo a "must have" (its a modern "Half Life/ Stalker" hybrid!)
It saddens me that people completely forget what a review is supposed to be. It's a guide to help consumers make informed decisions before purchasing. If a game has ridiculous loading times or struggles to justify its open world then I want to know about it.
I also don't agree with this stupid notion that just because a game is a full priced AAA story driven game that it deserves a free pass or must hit 9s and 10s to help it. Sorry that is completely ridiculous and not what a critic is supposed to do, I've said previously that reviewers should get harder on games for their shortcomings rather then been dictated by the hype or the lineage of a established IP.
Lower then Metal Gear Survive i cant
I do think it is.
either love it or hate it..., like mentioned before, some quests are unorthodox (no quest marker where to go next), that can put some off (making them see much if the game with frustrated glasses on) ...
.. but if you have patience, the Metro franchise is one if the best shooter /adventure franchises since Half life and Stalker...
here the reviewer seems to lean more towards the "hate it" (even if score is still above 50%)
I only stated that the hype this game was getting before the Epic exlcusive stuff was big like it was one of the most anticipated games of a franchise this year. But to get a 6 to me that's not worth paying full price it's a wait and get it on sale buy for me personally. The review was good not sure why load times should lower scores in my opinion we've had load times ever since the Sega Saturn and PS1.
@SuperJoon Like others have already said, time is incredibly important. We have many options that compete for our time that something that sounds good, but not great will probably never be played.
@AdamNovice The thing is, certain games still get a free pass for all sorts of issues, while others don't.
e.g. RDR2 has its fair share of problems which are overlooked, hence how it got 10 from most websites.
That's a shame, I was hoping for good things about this game. I played the first two at the end of last year and was pleasantly surprised by how good they were. All the clips i've seen of this came across as being pretty polished and looking good, oh well.
Play'd it for an hour and allready a lot of things r bugging me...
Six? Really? Anyway, What's the standard ps4 version like? Are the dark ones in the game? Is it worth waiting for a PS5 version?
@Gmork___ don't let ONE person's opinion put you off the game. Read the metro gamecentral and Eurogamer.net reviews as they're much more positive.
I read the review twice and although it seems quite a low score for the text the reviewer doesn't really mention anything about how the enemies react to the player, how the weapons feel and if there's alternative endings to aim for. I love metro and platted the first two games and the only thing putting me off buying this is the fact that I have a ps4 and not a pro. I have no reason to spend so much money on a console without a uhd drive that still isn't powerful enough to run games at 4k 60fps. Maybe I'll wait for the PS5 and see if there's a version for that.
I'd like to see a review from Sammy tbh.
(sorry for the post above, it didn't load up until I'd written this, hence the similar context)
I hear ya. Im a huge fan of the 1st two as well and after reading many other positive reviews i decided to go ahead and buy it.
So far its pretty good though i find myself fighting the controls due to its horrendously large dead zone in the aiming and a sluggish highest sensitivity and no way to adjust it further.
Ive basically just gotten out into the "open world" but due to a lack of resources i dont feel exploring is wise, at this early point in the game at least. Seem to have s hard time figuring out where/what to do in many situations. Your objective isnt too clear ie trying to plant the bomb on the train and im walking around trying to find a contextual spot to plant it just to later realize the developer want me to walk over to and line up with a little gap in the "wall" of the train which just looks like a wall made of scrap metal and climb through to a different section. Found myself scratching my head wondering whats going on till then lol. Seemed to find myself in these sort of situations quite a few times. Perhaps my .... Lets say "mental state" might have been the reason for my lack of perception lol.
about 5 hours in, and honestly havent encountered these issues, I'm on the Volga level, and it takes under a minute to reload after dying
Day 1 patch seems to have done wonders
No idea what is happening on PS4, but I am playing on PC and even if I had all the glitches in the world - this game would not be a "6"
Played it non stop since Friday - just amazing.
even the starting menu is awesome!
I've been playing Merto Exodus for a while now, and aside of some unorthodox quest solutions, Metro Exodus is the "Witcher" of the shooter!
Its atmosphere, characters and story (even if predictable) are "the witcher"-like for shooter standards.., besides beautiful landscapes to explore and intense build ups and climaxes (without going too overboard), this is the best single play shooter-adventure since Half-Life 2...
it doesn't have the great grandness exploring of a Bethesda Rpg (Fallout 4), but going out in the wild in Metro Exodus is real intense (if you don't fear the wildlife enough, switch up to "hardcore" mode..,
hardcore makes you want to survive over everthing,....making the game / world more "realistic" besides more immersive and intens.., stealth starts to play a bigger role)
not perfect, but epical journey, best shooter since Halfe- Life 2 (especially if its intense enough.., if not, than switch up / down the difficulty setting)
Thoroughly enjoying the game, but I can see why the review states "Not Bad" as the technical issues/bugs are harboring the experience.
I really wish they delayed it's launch and solved the many, many bugs which is causing a love/hate experience with the game.
Hopefully they will be patched out but it's a sad state of affairs that games are released so broken these days.
If it is ever released on PS5 with fixes it will truly reach it's potential.
@Cpt_Price if anything, the issues encountered should be raised so they can either be rectified in a patch or rectified in the next installment. Personally I'd give it a 8 so far on my play through but I've not had any issues and am only a few hours in to it.
this is one reviewers opinion, of which he's entitled, don't base your purchasing decisions one just one review, look at all of them...go on YouTube and get a consensus...i myself gave the game a 8.5
@Speedy-R I'm waiting for a PS5 version myself, not because of bugs etc but because the ps4 and Pro just aren't up to running the game well enough for me.
It's still buggy in the caspain sea
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