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PlayStation 4
15th Nov 2013
29th Nov 2013
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The Playroom News
News PS4 Live Streams Are About to Get a Lot More Interesting
Potentially, anyway
It’s not always easy for a company to predict how consumers will decide to use a particular product, and The Playroom on the PlayStation 4 will definitely have raised a few eyebrows when it started to get used – and, in some instances, abused – by next-gen early adopters. However, recognising the swell of demand for live...
Feature The Strange and Sometimes Sordid World of PS4's Playroom
How Sony’s toy box became a streaming success
The Playroom wasn’t made for you. Fresh from the relative success of EyePet, ex-London Studio suit Nicholas Douchet was head hunted by Sony’s top dogs in Tokyo in order to extract the potential of its fledgling PlayStation 4 format and the DualShock 4. The augmented reality obsessed executive...
E3 2014 Sony Embraces PS4 Live Streaming with The Playroom's Set Maker DLC
Use responsibly
Sometimes companies create unexpected phenomenons, and The Playroom has definitely become that for Sony. Originally intended as an internal showcase for the DualShock 4, the platform holder eventually opted to bundle the application with each PlayStation 4 as an incentive to purchase the PlayStation Camera. However, following the...
News Find a Use for Your PS4 Camera with Free The Playroom DLC
Run, robot, run
Sony’s complimentary PlayStation Camera-based technology demo The Playroom has secretly expanded this week with a free add-on named Ninja Bots. Available now from the PlayStation 4’s iteration of the PlayStation Store, the intriguing gratuity transports the titular cyborgs to a training ground, where your Ninbotsu skills will be...
Weirdness Don't Livestream Steamy Activities on the PS4 Like This Russian Couple
Play it safe
Sony may soon need to substitute the name of its next generation console for something a little saucier, as the PlayStation 4 is quickly becoming the system of choice for the sex obsessed. Not content with purportedly being the top platform for a catalogue of steamy websites, the supercharged device recently played host to a live...
News Sony's Studio Liverpool Rises from the Ashes as Firesprite
They Liverpool
The closure of Studio Liverpool, formerly Psygnosis, came as a nasty and sudden shock to the wider video game community. Spearheading the much loved WipEout and Colony Wars franchises, it was undoubtedly one of Sony's most beloved first-party developers. We've not heard a great deal from the defunct company's former staffers, and...
Feature Is The Playroom on PS4 an Entertaining Attraction?
Connect your camera
The new PlayStation Camera for the PlayStation 4 is a peripheral that brings a higher-quality optical recognition interface to Sony’s latest system than any options before it. Boasting both voice control support and facial recognition software, it augments an exciting new way to play on the next generation console. But while...
News The Playroom Has Been Completely Removed from Twitch's Directory
This is why we can't have nice things
In what can only be described as a virtual slap on the wrist, video game streaming service Twitch has removed The Playroom from its directory. The move comes soon after the company's pledge to stamp out any lewd behaviour on the service, and is undoubtedly a reaction to the plethora of non-ga
News Twitch Cracks Down on Lewd PS4 Broadcasts
Be sensible
It may be called The Playroom, but Twitch has vowed to put a stop to any streams not playing with the PlayStation 4 exclusive as intended. Late last week we reported that a couple had set up a live phone-in show via the augmented reality application, and that was fine – until others copied the idea and started running racy webcam...
News It Won't Take You Long to Nab All of The Playroom's Trophies
Augmented reality app looks easy to beat
The Playroom is almost certainly one of the best demonstrations of the PlayStation 4’s unique features and functions – and it won’t even cost you a penny to play. While you’ll need the upgraded PlayStation Eye to enjoy the augmented reality application, Sony has confirmed that the software will come...
First Impressions The Playroom May Be the Most Impressive Use of PS4 Yet
Minigame compilation makes us believers
Expectations can be curious things. If you’re already extremely excited for something, it can be hard for that unfortunate entity to live up to the standards that you’ve assigned to it. As a consequence, it’s easier to be surprised when your anticipation at rock bottom. And that’s exactly what happened...
About The Game
Augmented reality showcase software for PS4.
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