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Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 5th Oct 2018
  • EU 5th Oct 2018
Also Available On


  • Review WWE 2K19 - The New King of the Ring

    The crown jewel

    Much like the WWE’s actual touring schedule, the WWE 2K series never stops. This lineage of games has been releasing every single year since WWF SmackDown on the original PlayStation in 2000. As a result, each entry has started to become mostly iterative rather than radically different, as all annual sports games eventually become...

Screenshots 6

WWE 2K19 Screenshot
WWE 2K19 Screenshot
WWE 2K19 Screenshot
WWE 2K19 Screenshot
WWE 2K19 Screenshot
WWE 2K19 Screenshot

About The Game

WWE 2K19 arrives as the latest entry to the flagship WWE video game franchise and features cover Superstar AJ Styles.