
Number of Players
Release Date

PlayStation Vita

  • US 23rd Oct 2012
  • EU 2nd May 2012


  • Review Frobisher Says (PlayStation Vita)

    If Monty Python did mini-games...

    Although Nintendo’s WarioWare wasn’t the first game to compile quick-fire mini-games (it’s pre-dated by Sega’s Tanto-R and Konami’s Bishi Bashi), it remains the most famous example of the genre. While so many modern games try hard to immerse the player in engaging and time-consuming missions, WarioWare...

Screenshots 26

Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot
Frobisher Says Screenshot

Frobisher Says News

  • News Frobisher's Lost His Trophies and He Wants You to Find Them


    After months of requests on the PlayStation Blog, independent developer Honeyslug has finally announced that Trophies are being added to its mad PlayStation Vita application Frobisher Says. The trinkets will be available as part of a new patch, which is set to launch later today. If that wasn’t exciting enough, there’s also a new DLC...

  • News Frobisher Says' Animated Ladies Were Too Saucy for Sony

    Cor, blimey!

    Ross Phillips’ brilliant ‘Smile at the Ladies’ mini-game in the zany PlayStation Vita exclusive Frobisher Says was originally too saucy for Sony, according to artist Dick Hogg. In an interview with the wonderful online art gallery Venus Patrol, the illustrator explained: “It is really cool to be able to contact some guy on the...

  • News Frobisher Says! Squashes the Toffs in North America Next Week

    Deliver that pudding

    Frobisher Says!, the PlayStation Vita’s weird and wonderful answer to WarioWare, will finally arrive in North America next week. From 23rd October you’ll be able to download the free application, and sample the title's 50 delightfully madcap mini-games. Highlights include washing an extraordinarily long sausage dog and...

  • News Frobisher Says! Expands with New Mini-Game

    High maintenance eccentrics

    If it’s been a while since you dived into the utterly daft world of Frobisher Says!, then you might be excited to learn that the madcap mini-game compilation is getting a new activity. Unlocked as part of a free update available today, the new interaction sees you clearing a landing site in an action that’s probably a...

  • News Frobisher Says Arrives in Europe for Free

    Play this stupid game

    Honeyslug’s whacky WarioWare-inspired Vita mini game compilation Frobisher Says officially touches down in Europe today for the grand sum of free. The brilliant Vita exclusive sees you pleasing a hilariously contrary child through a series of increasingly whacky demands. Poking otters, fighting bears and opening clams are all...

  • News Discover Frobisher Says and tag on PS Vita

    Tag the toffs

    Of all the PlayStation Vita titles we’ve been lucky enough to sample, Honeyslug’s delightfully daft Frobisher Says stands head and shoulders above the rest. The curious mix of WarioWare and Rhythmn Heaven utilises Sony’s new handheld in some bafflingly imaginative ways, and it presents it in such an odd and assured manner that...

  • News Frobisher Says Is the Weirdest Vita Game So Far

    We have no words

    Frobisher Says is one of the most peculiar games we've ever seen. Designed to use every one of the Vita's control inputs, it's a collection of over 50 challenges using more than 20 different art styles, some of which you can see in the frankly bizarre screenshots below. While the idea of a bizarre mini game compilation might sound a...


  • First Impressions Frobisher Says

    Stand on your head

    If Simon Says had an illicit affair with Nintendo’s madcap minigame series Wario Ware, Frobisher Says would be the hyperactive accidental love-child. Honeyslug’s eccentric PlayStation Vita launch-title might not be drawing the headlines like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Wipeout 2048, but it's easily the most h

About The Game

Frobisher Says is a surreal party game, where players must obey the whims of a strange little man called Frobisher, who is terribly spoilt and entirely used to getting his own way.

He’s terribly demanding and a bit frightening if crossed, but his orders are often quite whimsical – he might insist on players doing things like “poke an otter with a stick”, “deliver my pudding on a toy train”, or “smile at some ladies (but not at the badgers!)”. He might even ask them to prise open all the clams in his spaghetti marinara – despite the fact that he doesn’t even like clams.

The game showcases all of the features of the Vita – from front and rear touch, to motion, camera, and face-detection, as well as traditional controls. It’s designed specifically to be played with up to 8 friends, but you can play alone for high scores too, if you don’t have any friends.