God of War - Timeline

Friday27th Apr 2018

  • Soapbox Why God of War Needs an Expansion Pack

    Please sir, can I have some Norse?

    I’m rarely ready for a sequel immediately after finishing a game, but if Sony said God of War 2 was out next week I’d be right at the front of the queue. Without giving anything away, one of my favourite things about this game is how it feels complete and self-contained, while still very obviously being the...

  • Poll One Week Later, What Are Your Thoughts on God of War?


    One week ago, God of War launched on PlayStation 4, and it was the best game ever. Or maybe it wasn't. That's for you to decide (kind of). Last Friday, we asked you lot for your first impressions, and the poll results were positive. Most of you said that you couldn't wait to play more, and now that you've had a full week to get stuck in, we...

  • News God of War Patch 1.16 Is Here for Even More Bug Squashing

    "Various bug fixes and improvements"

    God of War has only been out for a week, but it's had numerous updates already. A patch that provides "various bug fixes and improvements" has arrived almost daily since the game's launch last Friday, and here we are with version 1.16 promising yet more polish. More polish is hardly a bad thing, of course, and...

Thursday26th Apr 2018

  • News God of War Patch 1.15 Brings Yet More Bug Fixes and Improvements

    Another one

    Jeez, another God of War patch? You better believe it. This latest one comes in at around 64MB, and yet again, the patch notes are straight to the point: "various bug fixes and improvements". That's three in a row now. As always, we don't know what these bug fixes and improvements actually are, but we suppose we're grateful that...

  • News These God of War PS4 GIFs Are Dumb Fun

    You are not ready

    God of War is a pretty straight faced game, but it does have some brief moments of levity dotted through its lengthy story. What's clear is that the fine folks over at Santa Monica Studio aren't afraid to have a bit of fun with Kratos and other characters, as evidenced by the silly faces we'll be able to make them pull in the...

Wednesday25th Apr 2018

Tuesday24th Apr 2018

  • Soapbox Why God of War Will Scratch Your Zelda Itch

    A link to the past

    Of all the games I expected God of War to remind me of, The Legend of Zelda was probably right at the very bottom of my list. I mean, how could the hallmarks of Nintendo’s flagship adventure franchise possibly be present in Kratos’ latest? This is a game about a paternal relationship, like The Last of Us. It has a cinematic...

  • News Another God of War Patch Arrives to Squash Some Bugs

    Just a little one

    Santa Monica Studio is rattling out these patches for God of War, isn't it? A new patch is now available for Kratos' awesome Norse adventure, bringing the game up to version 1.13. The patch weighs in at a mere 36MB, so it shouldn't take you long at all to download. As for what it does? "Various bug fixes and improvements". We...

  • News God of War's Vinyl Soundtrack Is a Thing of Beauty

    Mad dog McCreary

    God of War’s drawing plaudits for practically every portion of its masterful presentation, and Bear McCreary’s dazzling soundtrack is part of that. The great thing about the music is that captures the power and angst of Kratos, but it also seamlessly segues into more emotional segments, too. It’s really quite exceptional...

Monday23rd Apr 2018

  • News Here's Why Recalling Kratos' Leviathan Axe in God of War Feels Amazing

    Good catch

    Game development is still fairly secretive these days. Developers tend to shy away from revealing how games, or details within games, turn out the way they do, so it can be a real treat when we do get a peek behind the curtain. Vince Napoli, lead systems designer on the stellar God of War, posted on his blog yesterday, going into detail...

  • News God of War Gets Ace Reversible Cover Art in North America

    Europe left in the cold

    God of War's standard cover art is gorgeous. Front and centre, Kratos and Atreus stand aboard their boat, staring down who-knows-what, while the scene behind them provides a stunning backdrop. It's a surprisingly peaceful cover, but if you picked up an American copy of Santa Monica Studio's latest, you can swap it out for the...

Sunday22nd Apr 2018

  • News God of War Patch 1.12 Lets You Increase Text Size

    Rest those weary eyes

    Good news if you've been struggling to read menus and on-screen text in God of War, as the latest patch lets you increase text size across the board. Update 1.12 is available to download now, weighing in at just a few hundred MB. The patch notes also mention minor bug fixes. If you want to change the text size, all you have to...

Friday20th Apr 2018

Thursday19th Apr 2018

  • News God of War Patch Makes Day One Alterations on PS4

    Several tweaks ahead of launch

    God of War has a day one patch on PlayStation 4 ahead of its official launch tomorrow (20th April). Fortunately, the update isn't especially huge, weighing in at 593.5MB. So, what does it do? Well, nothing too exciting, but it does appear to make a few important alterations. Here are the full patch notes: Enemy...

Wednesday18th Apr 2018

  • News God of War Pre-Load Is Now Live on PS4

    The game's just under 45GB

    If you've pre-ordered God of War from the PlayStation Store, then you'll be happy to know that you can start downloading the game right now on your PlayStation 4. As long as you have automatic downloads enabled, pre-orders like this should start downloading as soon as they're available, but if that's not the case, you can...

  • Guide Best God of War Games Ranked

    War games

    In the pantheon of popular PlayStation intellectual properties, God of War occupies the throne room alongside other household names like Uncharted and Gran Turismo. But which is the best of Kratos’ bloody escapades to date? Ahead of the release of this year’s reimagining, we’ve returned to Ancient Greece in order to, er, order each...

Monday16th Apr 2018

  • News God of War Is Now the Highest Rated PS4 Exclusive of All Time

    And the second best game on the platform

    God of War reviews were published late last week, bringing with them a slew of plaudits for Sony Santa Monica’s latest. The title got off to an outstanding start on aggregate website Metacritic, but rather than suffer from the usual slump, it’s actually been rising up the rankings as new ratings come in...

Saturday14th Apr 2018

  • Report God of War Elevates Real-Time Visuals to New Heights

    Sony's latest is a tech powerhouse

    God of War is the best looking game we’ve ever played, but don’t just take our word for it – the experts at Digital Foundry have also heaped praise on the PlayStation 4 exclusive, suggesting that it “elevates real-time visuals to new heights while pushing the PlayStation hardware to its limits”. The end...

Friday13th Apr 2018

  • Poll Will You Be Buying God of War?

    The big one

    Well, there was really only one big talking point from this week that we could have transformed into a Friday poll: God of War. Reviews for the PlayStation 4 exclusive dropped yesterday morning, and Kratos is currently sitting pretty (don't tell him we called him that) with a 94 on Metacritic. It's safe to say that critics like it. As...

  • News Get Hyped with the God of War PS4 Soundtrack, Now on Spotify

    Very Norse

    We reckon God of War is pretty bloody good, so we're going to take a minute to plug the game's soundtrack, which is available now on music streaming service Spotify. Could be a good way to increase your hype levels if they're not already through the roof and sailing into orbit. Comprising of 21 songs, the album clocks in at over an hour,...

  • Soapbox You Should Play God of War III While You Wait for Kratos' Return

    Greek tragedy

    The new God of War is an extraordinary game and it represents a seismic shift for one of Sony’s most beloved first-party franchises, but with more than a week to go until the title tosses its axe at retailers around the world, you should fill the time with one of Kratos’ previous adventures. God of War III was quietly remastered...

  • News God of War Director Cory Barlog Gets a Special Message from His Dad

    "We are very proud of you"

    When you’re in the nucleus of any video game website, it can be hard to forget that real people work really hard to bring the titles we love to life. This message from God of War director Cory Barlog’s father posted publicly on Twitter earlier today serves as a reminder that there are actual humans behind every...

Tuesday10th Apr 2018