Feature Articles

Thursday23rd Feb 2012

  • Talking Point What Has Sony Learnt for Vita's Launch?

    Alright on launch night?

    The last time Sony launched a console, it didn’t quite go as swimmingly as desired. Now more than ever, with overall company losses of €2.2bn predicted for the latest financial year and a recent downgrading of its credit rating from financial agency Standards & Poor to BBB+, the Tokyo-based company needs to pull...

Saturday11th Feb 2012

  • Feature The Positives and Negatives of PS Vita

    Good news, bad news

    PS Vita is nearly upon us, and we couldn’t be more excited. Here at Push Square we've decided to pick our most anticipated elements of Sony’s new handheld baby before it hits stores, from new online approaches to all those control methods, plus more. We've also bashed out a few of our quibbles and concerns, too. Which parts...

Wednesday18th Jan 2012

  • Interview Sony Studios Liverpool - WipEout 2048

    Back to the future

    With Sony calling WipEout 2048 "the biggest WipEout ever", and our positive WipEout 2048 preview available, we needed to find out more about the futuristic launch racer. We sat down with Sony Computer Entertainment Studio Liverpool's Mike Humphrey, senior designer on WipEout 2048, to learn more about this bewitching...

Tuesday17th Jan 2012

  • First Impressions WipEout 2048


    PS Vita’s launch line-up is crammed full of quality, yet WipEout 2048 looks to rocket past many of its competitors right out of the gate. Set before the other games in the franchise, 2048 takes fans back to the start of the anti-gravity racing league and gives SCE Studio Liverpool ample opportunity to experiment with its high-speed baby...

Monday16th Jan 2012

  • Feature Sony: "WipEout 2048 is Our Biggest WipEout Ever"

    Shoot for the stars

    WipEout 2048 is the most content-rich game in the series, according to Sony's Studio Liverpool senior designer Mike Humphrey. We spoke to Humphrey at the launch of Sony's Vita Rooms UK tour and asked what players will get for their money: Basically when you buy WipEout 2048 — it’s a huge game, it’s actually the biggest...

Tuesday22nd Nov 2011