
Also Known As
Wipeout 2048
Number of Players
2 (8 Player Online)
Release Date

PlayStation Vita

  • US 15th Feb 2012
  • EU 22nd Feb 2012
Feature Support


  • Review WipEout 2048 (PlayStation Vita)

    Adrenaline on the go

    WipEout has been the staple for futuristic racing titles since 1995 when SCE Studio Liverpool — then Psygnosis — launched its début title on the original PlayStation; ever since, there's been a steady stream of games released across the PlayStation family. The newest addition to the series speeds its way onto PlayStation...

Screenshots 22

WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot
WipEout 2048 Screenshot

WipEout 2048 News

  • News Sony Continuing to Support WipEout While Franchise's Future Is Decided

    As you were

    Sony will continue to support WipEout 2048, according to a post on the game’s Facebook page. The announcement follows a mysterious Tweet this afternoon that claimed the brand was still alive. “While we wait for news on the future of WipEout, online play will continue to be supported and there will be plenty of WipEout comm

  • News WipEout 2048 Community Team Tweets: "We Are Alive"


    The official WipEout 2048 Twitter account has teased that it is “alive” this afternoon, causing mass confusion amongst PlayStation fans. Regular readers will recall the sad news regarding developer Studio Liverpool’s closure earlier this year, but it seems like something is bubbling behind the scenes. Exactly what, we’re not entirely...

  • News New WipEout 2048 DLC Races onto PSN This Week

    Start your engines

    As suspected, Sony has announced the first batch of DLC for Vita launch title WipEout 2048. The content – which is set to release later this week on the PlayStation Store – will include new tracks, vehicles and events based on the PlayStation 3’s WipEout HD Fury. In total, two new DLC packs will be made available. The first...

  • News WipEout 2048 DLC Lingers on the Horizon

    Hairpin bend

    There’s something big around the corner, according to WipEout 2048’s official Twitter account. Developer Studio Liverpool’s keeping schtum about what that new arrival might entail, but an updated trophy list for the Vita launch title suggests we might be about to get showered with DLC. The refreshed list of digital trinkets...

  • News Download the Free WipEout Generation Soundtrack Now

    Beating the drum

    For many PlayStation fans, the sound waves of WipEout are a cultural touchstone. That’s especially true for the “WipEout Generation”, a group of independent music producers who – inspired by the work of former series composer Tim Wright (aka CoLD SToRAGE) – have written and performed their own free WipEout themed...

  • News Expect More Free Content to Come to Wipeout 2048

    Tools, tracks and more

    Wipeout 2048 is easily one of the best Vita launch games, but Sony Studios Liverpool intends to tighten it up further with future updates and downloadable content on the way. Lead designer Karl Jones spoke to Official PlayStation Magazine and cleared up his earlier comment that the game isn't a "one shot approach",...

  • Talking Point What Has Sony Learnt for Vita's Launch?

    Alright on launch night?

    The last time Sony launched a console, it didn’t quite go as swimmingly as desired. Now more than ever, with overall company losses of €2.2bn predicted for the latest financial year and a recent downgrading of its credit rating from financial agency Standards & Poor to BBB+, the Tokyo-based company needs to pull...

  • Talking Point Are Vita's PSN Prices Right?

    Pocket money

    At the start of this week Sony announced UK prices of PS Vita’s download-exclusive launch titles, dazzling fans with low costs of entry. MotorStorm RC will skid onto your memory card for just £4.79, while Top Darts, Hustle Kings and Super Stardust

  • News Sony Expands Single Price Offers for PS Vita Launch Titles

    Buy one, get one free

    Sony’s announced that any future PlayStation Vita owners that already own copies of Hustle Kings and Top Darts on the PlayStation 3 will be able to download the handheld versions of the recreational sports titles absolutely free. The offer's set to swing both ways, with those that pick up the PS Vita versions of the titles...

  • Feature The Positives and Negatives of PS Vita

    Good news, bad news

    PS Vita is nearly upon us, and we couldn’t be more excited. Here at Push Square we've decided to pick our most anticipated elements of Sony’s new handheld baby before it hits stores, from new online approaches to all those control methods, plus more. We've also bashed out a few of our quibbles and concerns, too. Which parts...


  • First Impressions WipEout 2048


    PS Vita’s launch line-up is crammed full of quality, yet WipEout 2048 looks to rocket past many of its competitors right out of the gate. Set before the other games in the franchise, 2048 takes fans back to the start of the anti-gravity racing league and gives SCE Studio Liverpool ample opportunity to experiment with its high-speed baby...

About The Game

Experience the thrill and speed of anti-gravity racing with Wipeout 2048, as the original hyper velocity racing game is back and completely rebuilt for the PlayStation® Vita system.

With the sport of anti-gravity racing reaching its popularity, players will compete in the first-ever Anti-Gravity Racing Championships in this prequel to the popular futuristic racing series, Wipeout.

Rebuilt exclusively for PS Vita’s intuitive controls with a multi-touch interface and motion active tilt controls, players will race through the futuristic city streets to rise up the ranks and win the championship. With new multiplayer modes and PS Vita’s Crossplay functionality, players can now race against anyone at anytime with up to eight players simultaneously - including players on the PlayStation 3 - to compete for first place within the online leaderboards.


Intuitive active racing like never before. Choose to steer your ship with the precision of dual analog sticks or with the intuitive tilt motion control of the PS Vita’s Six-axis sensors. Use the front and back touch panels to quickly trigger weapons and shields or accelerate speed.

Experience PS Vita’s multiplayer Crossplay feature that allows up to eight players to race against each other simultaneously, including cross-platform racers on the PlayStation®3’s Wipeout HD via wifi or ad-hoc connection.

Single player and multiplayer campaign modes allow players to complete in race events, challenges and timed trials, rising through the ranks to unlock new ships and events by earning points throughout each race.

Compete with friends in a series of challenges for top placement on the online Leaderboards, viewable at any time through wifi connectivity. Set a great Speed Lap time and create a Near challenge that allow racers who are close by to try and out race the fastest time.

Race through the streets of a 21st century city on 10 brand new tracks with 20 new ships. Optimized for the intuitive controls of PS Vita, tracks are now wider and feature multiple routes and speed boosts. Wipeout 2048 now introduces both offensive and defensive weapon pads, allowing players more freedom of choice to pick up the weapon that suits their racing strategy.