Author Profile

As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.

I've been passionate about video games since I was at primary school, printing off Nintendo-themed newsletters to share with my pals on the playground. I love the escapism that only video games can provide, and I enjoy sharing my passion for the industry with anyone and everyone who will listen!


Sammy founded Push Square as a personal project while studying Business and Computing at Birmingham City University in 2009. Although he’d made several websites in the past, he wanted to create something more contemporary to demonstrate his abilities to future employers.

He enjoyed working on Push Square so much that he was able to turn it into a full-time job after graduating, and when the site was eventually integrated into Hookshot Media in 2012! As Editor, Sammy is responsible for the day-to-day running of Push Square, and he continues to contribute news, reviews, guides and features to the site.

I love sharing my passion for video games, and specifically PlayStation, with the rest of the world. There's no other entertainment medium that gives me butterflies of excitement quite like gaming does, and it's a dream come true to be able to engage others and share my enthusiasm with like-minded fans.


  • 2009: Launches Push Square as a personal project while studying for a Business and Computing degree.
  • 2012: Begins working with Nintendo Life’s Editor as Associate Editor, helping to transition Push Square from a personal project to a fully-fledged professional website.
  • 2013: Becomes full-time Editor of Push Square, responsible for growing the profile of the website and increasing the footprint of its team.

Qualifications & Awards

  • 2011 - BSc 1st Class Hons Business Information Technology with Multimedia (Birmingham City University)


Sammy’s gaming journey began with the Super Nintendo and SEGA Mega Drive consoles, both of which his family owned during his younger years. The first console he personally owned was the Game Boy, followed by a long line of systems from the Nintendo 64 right through to the PlayStation 5.

Sammy’s favourite console of all-time is the Dreamcast, thanks largely to its timeless games. The PS1 remains his favourite PlayStation though, due to its expansive library and the path it plotted from the 2D to the 3D eras through iconic games like Resident Evil and Crash Bandicoot.

I have many favourite game genres, but I'd say I enjoy the Action RPG above all others! I like the sense of progression that RPGs provide, and I enjoy action-based gameplay with fun combat systems that feel satisfying to play.

Sammy’s Favourite Games

Shenmue 1 & 2 (PS4):

I played these games first on Dreamcast, of course, but was delighted to revisit them in high definition on the PS4. These two titles proved to me that games can have engaging narratives, and I remain obsessed with its life simulation elements - the fact that you can explore the world, go where you want, and use your time in any way you like.

Resident Evil 4 (PS2):

I’m listing the original PS2 release here, but of course the PS4 remake is excellent as well. This Capcom masterpiece changed the third-person shooter forever with its taut gunplay and great controls. It’s also just a fantastic adventure, with tons of iconic moments and set-pieces.

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2):

Again, I’m listing the PS2 original, but the PS3 re-release and PS4 remakes are also outstanding. While Shenmue proved to me that games can compete with movies when it comes to engaging narratives, this game showed me it’s possible to tell stories in a different way. Team ICO’s classic conveys emotion through interaction, and it’s a unique experience for that.

From the Archive

We asked Sammy to pick out his three favourite pieces of work from across his personal archive, and tell us why he picked them!

Feature: Exploring Taiwan's Underground Gaming Scene:

I'm obsessed with video games and find ways to incorporate them into everything I do. Writing this piece about Taiwan's very unique underground gaming scene was a joy, and I was so overwhelmed by the feedback I received.

Feature: Tokyo Game Show Was Everything I Expected, And Somehow More:

I'd read about Tokyo Game Show in magazines, but actually getting to physically attend was a career highlight. I was really proud of how I was able to sum up the sights and sounds of the event in this article.

GTA Online Guide: Your Ultimate Wiki and Walkthrough Resource:

I spent hundreds of hours learning the ins-and-outs of one of the PS5 and PS4's most popular games in order to produce this GTA Online guide. I think it provides a great starting point for anyone looking to get into the multiplayer sandbox mode.

33,430 (838 reviews)
First Article
Thu 10th, July 2008
Avg. Review Score
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