Part of the larger company Nippon Computer Systems, this is the team that has developed many of the company's well-known titles, such as Cho Aniki and Langrisser.
Part of the larger company Nippon Computer Systems, this is the team that has developed many of the company's well-known titles, such as Cho Aniki and Langrisser.
Mini Review Gynoug (PS5) - Another Ratalaika 16-Bit Shmup with Two Easy Platinums
He's not the Masaya, he's a very Wor-ty boy
A distinctive art style can elevate a retro game into becoming engraved in our memories, for example many shoot-'em-up fans vividly remember the visual design of the Bydo Empire, with its biomechanical theme, and bosses like Dobkeratops as a defining part of R-Type. In 1991 magazines, like Issue 113 of...