
Topic: General PSVR Thread

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@MaccaMUFC I hope you and the kids enjoy psvr, there are some great games on the system.
You can try and order a free adapter, I think they are still available but if your headset was preowned then the previous owner may have ordered one in which case your unit will be refused, They are on eBay I think.
As for moves, you really need two but the odd game does support one and I would suggest looking on the store game pages.
I'm surprised it didn't come with a camera but then the original unit didn't which also surprises me.



@MaccaMUFC I could see out the bottom a lot of the time, but it never really bothered me. I also have it go away if I have the back of the headset higher up on my head. But even if that doesn't work, I wouldn't worry about it.
You'll need two move controllers.
I don't know for sure, but I imagine so. I'd just submit a request and see what happens.



@CaptD @Jaz007 Thanks for the replies. I’ll submit a request for the adapter but if that’s a no go I can get one for a fiver from somewhere.

There may be some games that I’d prefer to use the controller so would the PS5’s DualSense work with the VR headset or would I have to buy a PS4 DualShock controller?



@MaccaMUFC It depends on the game. If it uses the lightbar, then you'll need a DS4, if not, then it doesn't matter.
For example: Resi 7 doesn't use the lightbar and can be played with a Dualsense.
Hitman VR uses the lightbar, so it needs a DS4. Astrobot also requires a DS4 as an example.



@Jaz007 Hitman VR and Astrobot are among the games that I want for the PSVR so it looks like I’ll need to add the DualShock to the list. It’s all adding up buying the camera, move controllers, possibly the adapter and now the DualShock, that’s before I even buy any games! It’s turning out to be an expensive investment this 6 yr old VR headset.



Finally got to boot up Call of The Mountain last night, my first PSVR2 game, and for the first time I actually got motion sickness. Never got it on PSVR. I was blown away though. It's just phenomenal, though I don't like when the vision 'narrows' as it pulls me out of the world. But for now, I think I'll only be able to play it for an hour or so before I need a rest.



@NeonPizza Why wouldn't Astrobot be able to run at 90FPS like Moss? Horizono and Resi 8 are very demanding games. I'm not sure what about Astrobot gives you that impression.



@ScarletSpidey You should be able to get rid of narrowing vision in the settings. I think it's called vignette. I can't stand it in VR games and it makes me feel more sick instead of less.



@NeonPizza yep, though fresnel has wide fov but not sharp all around. Though since you're not focusing on the side most of the time that's still better than restricted many. Compromises!

With the price point on q3 I'd be really surprised if it goes with fancy quantum dot instead of the cheapest screen they can find. They need to turn profit on each unit, including the tablet, while Sony could take a loss and make up up on software .. so they went fancy but with compromises.

Heh, and if your brain is plugged into the machines it's just another thing they control... No escape! Humans are really the worst part of humanity, never never stopping building their own destruction...



@NeonPizza Thanks for the PSVR Worlds recommendation I’ll be sure to check that out. The shark cage one does look good but how do the others fair? Are they any good?

I’ve just been searching on the PS Store for the list of PSVR games and there’s a couple I’ve noticed that are not there like Doom VFR and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. I wonder why that is. Also I’ve only just found out that Minecraft is playable with PSVR which my youngest will absolute love and it’s only £12.99 on the PS Store. So is it a case of just buying the base game and then popping on the PSVR headset?

I’ve seen that The Walking Dead: Onslaught is only £4.99 in the current sale so I’m thinking that’s worth a punt as we love zombie games. Also I’ve saw Far Point pre-owned for just £3 so think I’ll get that too so we have a few variety of games from different genres.



@MaccaMUFC Doom Vfr and rush of blood are both on the store, rush of blood is currently on sale for £6. Sometimes the store doesn't show games which have problems on ps5 as rush of blood does, it randomly pauses. It isn't a show stopper but is mildly annoying but I still recommend it highly, even on ps5.
I find the best way to use the store when things aren't showing is by using the app or online.

I bought onslaught as I too noticed it was £5, only played a little but it seems okay although it didn't review well and not as well as Saints and sinners but I've already played that.
Farpoint too is an excellent game.
Be sure to check out the demo discs (free in the store) as some of them have good demos. I think there are three discs.
Note Farpoint uses dual shock or aim. Rush uses dual shock or moves and onslaught is moves only I think.



@NeonPizza Yeah, but what would the MSRP be? 550 is already too much to push it to the market they're trying to reach, and that would raise the price even higher than commodity OLEDs they're already a key producer of. The point of PSVR isn't to be the very best HMD on the market at any price, it's to be an "almost affordable" alternative to PCVR that's better than Quest. Both QD and pankcake cost more. And the FOV is small enough, I want wider, not narrower!

IDK, you're a perfectionist in this stuff, but I've honestly really come a level of comfort with almost everything PSVR2 is that it isn't bothersome. I was never bothered by the controller rings though....they're not really in the way except when you need to clack them together for games that want your hands together. But I don't have sweet spot issues or anything with it, really, ever anymore, once I adapted to it and got consistent putting it on. I think it's a problem for the hardware in general because it makes a lot of people think it's not good when they don't get the sweet spot, but for me personally, I pretty much never have sweet spot issues anymore, or at least nothing a quick adjustment doesn't solve. Heck, I'm even adapting to smooth turning in Horizon so long as it's max speed.

I think once you get your lenses, get it closer to your eyes, and most importantly just spend more time with it some of the issues will melt away for you. Not the motion persistence though, you're uncommonly sensitive to it since you have issue even on 2D screens where most just don't, so that one I think is a physiology incompatibility with the tech, unfortunately. Maybe once you go cyberpunk droid and replace those occular implants....



@CaptD I bought Onslaught this morning, it looks decent enough for £5 from some gameplay videos I’ve watched.

I got the rest of the stuff to go with the PSVR too like two move controllers, an aim controller, PS4 camera and two games Blood & Truth and Farpoint. I requested a PS4 camera adapter from Sony and I’m still awaiting an email for when they’ve shipped it, then I’m ready to lose myself within the games.

I almost picked up Gran Turismo Sport but I know there are other racing games out there like Dirt Rally and Driveclub VR but I just need to find which I’ll enjoy the most, I’ve played all of them on the tv and like each one but playing in VR will be a total different ball game. I can imagine Dirt Rally will make me feel nauseous with all the fast bumpy driving and occasional rolls after a crash.

[Edited by MaccaMUFC]



@MaccaMUFC Dirt rally is great in VR, I'm useless at that game in flat mode but managed to platinum it in VR. Wipeout is a similar story although I haven't quite managed the platinum there.
I haven't played Driveclub VR (servers have been closed btw but still playable offline) or GT sport, I will get gt7 when I finally buy psvr2.
Blood and truth is also a top game with the moves. I don't have an Aim controller but I don't think that game supports it.
Ps. Dirt rally is fine, nauseous wise imo but it does have this annoying feature where the screen narrows and dims when you are about to roll so you won't see any rolling. Annoyingly you can't disable that feature. Be careful if you buy Dirt rally Vr as it has been delisted from the store and I'm not sure you can buy the dlc Vr product (not 100% sure here) so you have to find the complete VR version in physical format and the prices have rocketed because of that. Very annoying and typical of EA.

Wipeout does feature rolling but has a number of features to aid comfort, one is to lock to track so your vehicle rolls but you don't. I play it that way although with me it most due to disorientation rather than feeling ill.



Does anyone else VR creates some of the most divergent opinions in gaming? Usually when a game gets 3's and such on a site like this, there isn't really too much debate about it overall. But I've also read a lot of good things about "The Last Labyrinth" and want to play once I get a PSVR2. Obviously some games are still universally loved and panned, but I feel like, as with movies, you're more likely to have games some people think are just great and others think are just terrible, 3-8 (maybe 9) seems to happen more in VR. It's so interesting how VR is such a different experience that what's good is more debated.



@Jaz007 I think with VR there can be difference between "professional" reviews and gamer/consumer reviews. I remember reading PushSq review of Switchback a few weeks back and they referenced Until Dawn Rush of blood as "widely considered one of the best Vr games you can buy".
Now I love RoB and do consider it one of the best, however media reviews at the time were quite poor (Gamespot 5,Ign 6). Push sq gave it a 7 and even that I wouldn't consider to be one of the best Vr games, reviews wise.

So yeah I would watch some gameplay and make up your own mind although even a 3/10 does scream caution.



@CaptD I’ve tried finding a physical copy of DiRT Rally with the dlc for VR but there’s nothing out there and you can’t purchase it in-game, so there’s no way to experience a rally game on PSVR. I think I’ll just get Driveclub VR as GT Sport only supports PSVR in time trial and VR tour mode and Wipeout is too fast paced for me I reckon.

Anyone know how long it takes for Sony to get back about sending the adapter for PSVR to work on PS5? I sent a request on Tuesday and I’ve still not had an email back, I’ve checked my junk mail too and nothing. I may just have to buy the adapter if I don’t heard back by next week.

Just saw Doom 3 VR Edition for £6.39 and Doom VFR for £3.89 both in the Spring Sale that’s on currently. I’m definitely getting them both at those prices what a bargain! I’d of bought Skyrim VR too at £15.83 but I can get that on disc for £6.

[Edited by MaccaMUFC]



@MaccaMUFC just my opinion but I didn't think much of Doom vfr but Doom 3 was pretty good.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp I’ve played every other Doom in the series so I thought I’d give this a go and at under £4 I thought it was worth a punt despite me finding out that you practically teleport every time you move, no fluid movement like every other FPS.

I got fed up of waiting for Sony to email me back to say they’ve shipped the camera adapter which I requested over a week ago so I just went to CEX today and bought one for £6 and also got VR Worlds for £10, begrudgingly mind as it is essentially a demo of 5 games that just showcases what the PSVR can do and should be free imo but I know the kids will love it, especially Ocean Descent.


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