PS Plus April Poll

April 2023's PS Plus Essential games have been announced, and as per usual, we're looking at three new titles as part of the subscription service's monthly update. This time around, Meet Your Maker is the headline act, which launches straight onto PS Plus. It's an online game where you're either trying to build an impenetrable base or you're trying to conquer someone else's through FPS gameplay.

The other two titles up for grabs are known entities, with Sackboy: A Big Adventure and Tails of Iron bringing some welcome diversity to the line up. Sackboy's a rock solid platformer that's especially fun in co-op, and Tails or Iron is a challenging 2D action title featuring some crunchy combat.

But are you happy with your PS Plus Essential games for April 2023? Have your say in our polls, and then tell us all about your plans in the comments section below.

Are you happy with your PS Plus Essential games for April 2023? (1,429 votes)

  1. Yes, very happy%
  2. Yeah, mostly happy%
  3. Meh, they're okay%
  4. Nah, not very happy%
  5. No, it's a crap selection%
  6. I don't actually have PS Plus%

Which April 2023 PS Plus Essential game are you most looking forward to? (1,240 votes)

  1. Meet Your Maker%
  2. Sackboy: A Big Adventure%
  3. Tails of Iron%
  4. None of them, to be honest%
  5. I don't have PS Plus%