Rolled credits on Jedi Survivor and man, it’s really really good. Very much Empire Strikes Back to the first game’s New Hope at least story wise. Cal gets pretty OP pretty quickly but it makes narrative sense that he’s a complete monster shredding Stormtroopers for fun. Having Battle Droids back was great too, their little witticisms never got old and yet another reminder that the prequels did not lack creativity if nothing else. Plot wise this is easily the best traditional Star Wars content since at least The Clone Wars’ final season. Andor’s probably all that beats it. It’s also very nice to see romantic beats be part of a main story in a game and it feeling entirely organic and natural, it’s a major part of life and video games just don’t treat it well with the harem crap and player choice making it feel like the work of sociopaths who view people as objects. Yes, the game is an absolute disaster technically but there’s enough heart and soul to make up for that. Even if a girl’s head was vibrating at the speed of sound 5 feet from her body in the cantina.
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