PS Plus February 2024 Poll
Image: Push Square

Yep, we're into the second month of 2024 already, and the beginning of a new month can only mean one thing in the PlayStation Nation: new PS Plus Essential games are incoming. So what's on February's menu?

Well, at first glance, it's a rather solid trio of PS5 and PS4 titles. For starters, we've got the all-new Foamstars, which is launching straight onto Sony's subscription service. Early impressions of this bubbly multiplayer shooter have been positive, and publisher Square Enix obviously wants it to make a splash.

And then flanking Foamstars, we've got highly rated rollerskating blast-'em-up Rollerdrome, and fairly unique action RPG Steelrising. Nothing like a bit of variety, eh?

But as always, we want to know what you think of the latest PS Plus lineup. Share your judgement in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.

Are you happy with your PS Plus Essential games for February 2024? (5,968 votes)

  1. Yes, very happy%
  2. Yeah, mostly happy%
  3. Meh, they're okay%
  4. Nah, they could be better%
  5. No, it's a crap selection%
  6. I don't have PS Plus%

Which February 2024 PS Plus Essential game are you most looking forward to? (5,214 votes)

  1. Foamstars%
  2. Rollerdrome%
  3. Steerising%
  4. None of them, to be honest%
  5. I don't have PS Plus%