Hold on, when did Sony actually announce October's PS Plus Essential games? This is the question we found ourselves asking when we sat down to write this article, confusion clouding our already weekend-weary brains. But then we realised that October's lineup was revealed as part of the most recent State of Play — which was broadcast on Tuesday of last week. Whoops!
The announcement will have flown under the radar for a lot of subscribers, then, so allow us to offer a quick refresher before we move on to the all-important polls. October's selection consists of the superb Dead Space remake (spooky!), WWE 2K24 (wrestlers are quite scary, we suppose), and Doki Doki Literature Club Plus (if you know, you know).
But are you happy with this trio of titles? Or will you be finding your entertainment elsewhere this month? Vote in our polls, and then give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Are you happy with your PS Plus Essential games for October 2024? (3,492 votes)
- Yes, very happy
- Yeah, mostly happy
- Meh, they're okay
- Nah, they could be better
- No, it's a crap selection
- I don't have PS Plus
Which October 2024 PS Plus Essential game are you most looking forward to? (2,949 votes)
- Dead Space
- Doki Doki Literature Club Plus
- WWE 2K24
- None of them, to be honest
- I don't have PS Plus
Comments 78
First time in a while I didn't own any of the selection.
Finished DDLC, that was nuts. Now "enjoying" Dead Space.
A decent selection for the first time in a long time I think.
Great lineup! Didn’t feel the need to pay for Dead Space again after enjoying the original, but this is a great excuse to play it again without any pressure of finishing it.
I don't own any of them so it's a great deal for me this month. I love the variation in type of games.
Usually for me the votes are far more negative than my own for Plus games, but I'm more negative than most here! To be fair, I've already played the Dead space remake, else I'd be saying it's a good month. Wwe games haven't interested me since the PS2 Yukes days and as for Doki, I can't stand visual novels.
PS - I just realised I'm usually seeing votes when it's been posted for a while longer, so who can be sure it won't change..
Decent month, but honestly I kinda wish Sony would be willing to put in some games to the monthly line-up from pre 2020. I feel like them needing to have super new games and needing to have one annual sports title regularly kinda hinders the line-up for me. Not to dis on anyone that like WWE, but a lot of the other titles like EAFC and NBA2K make the games feel a lot weaker to me certain months
Well, I'm actually real happy about Dead Space after I thought I'd get essential for Plucky Squire and that game just...sucks. Thought it'd be a fun little Zelda-ish playing title but it's incredibly bland, all style over substance.
Yeah decent month for me 👍 already played through deadspace remake,which was great, but wwe24 makes it for me as the last one I bought was 22. Kinda intrigued but doki as apparently its a horror?? Anyone played it already?
Great month despite the mandatory "sport" addition.
Well since I didn't own any of them it was a good month and I used to buy ever WWE game at one point in time but got so burnt out on them and haven't picked one up or played any since 2k19 and after the disaster that was 2k20 i figured it was a good place to stop. Taking me a while to get used to the new controls and while I am having fun playing it I wouldn't have paid for it separately. Two wrestling games in a few months though is something I wasn't expecting. I will be playing Dead Space soon though as I loved the original and it was one of those remakes I never got the urge to buy again.
For me this is just another case of already owning the two games I’d be most interested in - Dead Space and Doki Doki. Really have little interest in WWE but might at least try it. Not a great month for me personally but definitely a good month overall for those that need them.
I'd say this month was a plus, mainly because of the Dead Space remake. I'm not really into sports games so WWE2K24 doesn't appeal to me and I already played DDLC+ when it came out a few years ago. So yeah, one of the better months despite me already having played one of the games included.
I just finished Dead Space last month after borrowing it from the library, but happy to have it in my account! Looking forward to playing Doki Doki
Already had Dead Space Remake but Doki Doki… has been on my wishlist for a while and following my recent watch of Mr McMahon, WWE 24 seems topical too.
I'm currently loving my first play through of The Last Of Us PT 1 but will be all over DeadSpace after it
I've, of course, played Dead Space on PS3 so there is no need for replay, wrestling is joke and doki doki never heard of it I'll give it a try.
Dead space for me and I'll add the wwe game for a laugh..
Good month. Haven’t cared about WWE games since I was a kid, I already played Dead Space and bought Doki on Switch but now I can platinum Dead Space and play Doki on my Portal and get trophies so I’m happy with those two games.
Doki Doki is fantastic, which is why I already have it. I don’t play sports games. I’m sure Dead Space is great, but survival horror/shooter/whatever is not what I enjoy.
Probably a very good month for many people. An all-too-typical month for me.
I’m happy with all three of them honestly. WWE games can be dumb fun, Dead Space is well themed for the month, and I’ve got a friend that wants me to play Doki Doki, so saves me the money of buying it. Solid month.
I mean Dead Space Remake and Doki Doki Literature Club for free how can I complain about that?
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus is the only one for me, so I'm happy for that title being offered.
Already had Dead Space but can still admit it's a great month! I tried the WWE game and its a fantastic game overall but I don't like the gameplay, I wish I could transfer the gameplay from the AEW game. My mind is still stuck on WWF no mercy, WCW Revenge and Def Jam Vendetta.
It’s almost Christmas.. Ragnarok or something BIG!!!!!!!!
Already played WWE, and played Doki Doki years ago when it released on PC.
No interest on Dead Space, so bad month for me.
Unfortunately I already bought and played Dead Space but I might as well replay it with a fresh new save. I can't stand playing horror games with ng+ saves anymore unfortunately
Dead Space is pretty great
I've been racking my brain trying to think of a better month in a long long time
@Samsteez We talk about Sony in the year of the Lord and Savior 2024. Expectation management helps to remain a happy man.
I think it's a good one. Doki Doki sounds.. interesting and Dead Space is great
Last year we got Callisto Protocol (which I loved) and this year we got Dead Space. As a huge Dead Space fan- I’m very happy.
Worst for me in a long while. Might try Doki Doki at some point, but would be much more likely to if the Japanese text had furigana so I could use it more easily as a learning tool. I know, niche concern. The others I have zero interest in at all.
Great month. Bit of WWE multiplayer with my pals brings back some fond memories, dead space is awesome and Doki Doki completely caught me off guard (and may well be my favourite of the 3).
Dead Space is superb!
Great lineup! I started to play WWE 2K24 with friends and planning to play Dead Space Remake soon.
Thank you ps can't wait to play dead space
So I own Doki Doki and Dead Space so for me I answered it as a crap selection because only one counts for me which is a wrestling game I have zero interest in. I really enjoy these polls but would like to see a little more nuance added to them. As someone who buys way too many games that I don’t even have the time to play this happens often with ps plus. It makes answering them quite a challenge, also I clearly I overthink them.
Played them all but still good for those that haven’t
Mostly happy, Doki Doki
@Samsteez Isn’t Dead Space BIG?
Dead space remake make this month really worth it for me 😃
If it's dead space your interested in that's been available for months, along with Jedi Survivor, with EAs sub svs for a fraction of ps plus cost.
Crap month
Dead space was a masterpiece then.its even a better masterpiece now.easily one of the best video games ever made.i might try wwe 2k24.word up son
It is an impressive, collective feat by the gaming community at large that I know that Doki Doki Lit Club is a great game, but I have NO idea what it is about AT ALL.
The constant hints are obscure enough for me to be at a complete loss - so I want to play it.
Now, Dead Space is a classic I've been told so many times. So this might just be the first time in a year I have any interest to sign up. I will wait until the last day of availability so I can get two months' (if I only buy a month) worth of games for a duration of 30 days. I haven't figured out if Black Friday is in this sweet spot, but if it is I might end up subbing for a year if SONY offers me a discount.
That.... is low key an expert recommendation. I will have to look into that.
The undertaker is going to be defending his title in a fatal four way against Barrack Obama, Johnny Depp and Spider-Man soon.
It’s a good selection, but I don’t think any of these games are for me. Too creepy or too weird.
Doki Doki Literature Club is a must-play for anyone. Such a pure, wholesome game that’s perfect for children!
(Note: Do not allow children to play or watch this game being played.)
@EfYI lol yah I wanted to Try Both games so. Just ended up paying the 4.99 for. One month of EA on Ps5, disappointingly bounced off survivor, but enjoyed playing through dead space and then canceled the sub (I think even wild hearts [monster hunter like game] is free on there if that interests you). Basically a 5 dollar rental for two+ AAA games that I would never purchase for full price. 👍
Ps plus just isn't worth it with the new tiers list unless you aren't an avid gamer that hasn't played through many of the old games, most of which are ps4, on offer. So I only.Sub to any of them If there is a month worth doing so. The price gating for some online functionality is bs though for sure.
There needs to be an option for “Dead Space Remake was great but I already own it”
Already played and loved Dead Space. Don't care about the other two. Luckily I'm in my first play through of TLoU1. I love this game very much
Really excited to finally play the Dead Space remake.
No.pme can be negative about this month and it just solidifies the extreme value ps plus and extra have.
Dead space remake 9/10
Wwe 2k24 the newest wwe game and to many a back to form for the series.
Those 2 alone cost the same amount as the subscription price.
Plus I've wanted to get dead space remake since it came out but I just didn't feel like it was my type of game to fully invest as I had played it originally but never really got into it and ended up just forgetting about it.
But now get to play through it and I love it, it's like a modern day Sci fi resident evil.
Wwe I could take it or leave it, but only because I fell out of love with wrestling once the attitude era came to an end.
What I would take for a WWE Attitude full service 2k game. With all the story lines they had. I know they did a category in their game a few year back but it only really scratched the service.
All in all amazing month with top notch games.
@colonelkilgore 2k24 might be up your alley, colonel. 23 and 24 have genuinely stellar story modes.
@Max_the_German 🙏🏾 I hear you
Dead space is an absolute gem to me.
Never played the original, but really enjoying.
Already played Dead Space Remake, and it’s brilliant, looking forward to Doki Doki LC+ though, that was on my wish list
Dead Space alone makes this month, unfortunately I have already played it.
Dead Space has been great so far. About 15 hours in. It’s pretty tough. I have to start using the environment more around me to kill instead of just ammo. Reminds me of the resident evil remakes which I love. New tv with local dimming with so much darkness the game looks so good!
Good month thanks to Dead Space.
Like @Fritz167 said...not bad thanks to DS. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I live in a country, where in the physical library (the real library, with the books) are hundreds of PS2,3,4 and 5 games, so I already played Dead Space, but I'm happy to add it to my digital library. It is a hard game.
Edit: Started again GoW Ragnarok on God mode.
I've never played Dead Space, so I'm really happy. Perfect game for spoopy month, and I'm glad they gave it some thought.
@Deljo DDLC is a great game. Appears innocent but is a great twisted visual novel.
@eM1x029 ps5 games in the library sounds epic. How does it work?
No I'm not happy!! I was really looking forward to Dead Space, but I live in Japan and got some crappy anime RPG game. So annoying.
The other two games are crap, but Dead Space tips the balance to “mostly satisfied” for me.
Dead Space is amazing but I already own it.
I think it's a great selection. DDLC is absolutely amazing and has a great twist. I do enjoy a WWE game every now and again and this will definitely be my go to when I have 10 minutes spare. And Dead space is apparently a very good recreation of what is one of the best horror games of all time
You can consider it great if you think it’s great for other people who don’t own the games.
@FaZe_Bill In Denmark you have public libraries, where you have all kinds of video games, for (almost) each console (PS, Nintendo, Wii etc), plus board games, and all kinds of interactive stuff. In the big cities the libraries are equipped with 90 inches TVs with PlayStation connected, so you can play. Some places have even own recording rooms for music instruments with! instruments... guitars, drums, keyboard mic.... it's very fun
I started Dead Space yesterday. Was on my list of games to check out eventually, and this was a nice spooky season treat.
I'm enjoying it so far, but I'm also seeing how quaint it feels compared to modern games. I adored it when I played it on PS3, so I'm curious to see how it's changed.
I might try Doki Doki. I've never played a visual novel, though I know this one is supposed to be pretty subversive, so I'm curious.
I’m really enjoying dead space. But the wrestling game had too many login things and card opening etc so I uninstalled it before the gameplay started
Besides probably hit or miss sports entry.
Doki Doki is cool to have I guess, wouldn't play it prefer other VNs instead. Even then it's like what $15 or so.
Dead Space is fair and people either like or hate the remake. Did it sell well or is EA just trying really hard for people to play it? Was the changes enough for people, good or bad changes?
So Dead space stopped saving. All terminals just say “stand by”, happened at Atrium. Every autosave is corrupted. Complete waste of time. Can’t believe this buggy POS is on plus this month. 1 star.
no knack 2, 6/10 best I can do.
Quite happy, must say.
I also have Xbox (cough) / Game Pass (cough again) to play MLB The Show.
While my basic PS Plus sub still runs for a while. With that, can now get MLB there and cancel Game Pass (throat clears).
Also interested in WWE. Haven’t really got into any wrestling genre since ‘Pro Wrestling’ on Sega Master System. Looooong overdue for me and won’t pass up if ‘free’.
All while, Sony ‘owed’ me after offering NHL 24 when I had already paid for it outright.
Doki Doki is something I never would have bought otherwise but gave it a try, and I found it to be an interesting experience. Trying out oddball titles is why I subscribe.
@sentiententity sooo much to reaaad, while waiting for something fuuun to happen.....
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