Another month, another set of PS Plus Essential games for subscribers to (hopefully) enjoy. September's offering is made up of three PS5 and PS4 titles, one of which is a brand new release in the form of Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions.
It's always nice to see a fresh title get dropped straight onto the service, but it goes without saying that Harry Potter isn't to everyone's taste. So how about the other two games that are up for grabs? We've got big budget baseball sim MLB The Show 24 and creepy horror sequel Little Nightmares 2.
MLB arguably has the same problem as Quidditch in that it won't have universal appeal (as is always the case when a sports title ends up on PS Plus). Meanwhile, Little Nightmares 2 is largely considered to be a solid follow-up to the first game — although some will tell you that it struggles to measure up to its predecessor's overall design.
But we don't want to colour anyone's opinion! As always, rate the games for yourself in our polls, and then give us your reasoning in the comments section below.
Are you happy with your PS Plus Essential games for September 2024? (4,122 votes)
- Yes, very happy
- Yeah, mostly happy
- Meh, they're okay
- Nah, they could be better
- No, it's a crap selection
- I don't have PS Plus
Which September 2024 PS Plus Essential game are you most looking forward to? (3,667 votes)
- Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions
- Little Nightmares 2
- MLB The Show 24
- None of them, to be honest
- I don't have PS Plus
Comments 41
Well I'll play quiddich, liked the old ea one on ps2.
Little Nightmares II works for me.
I haven't been into HP for many years so I'm not interested in the Quidditch game, but it is a pretty big get for current fans nonetheless.
As for the sports game... Frankly, I just keep wondering when they'll run out of these to give away.
Great month in my opinion. I'm interested in both The Show and especially Quiddich so I'm happy.
Interested in the Quidditch game, purely to see if it plays like a Harry Potter Rocket League type game, but other than that it's a meh selection
Great line up but nothing for me which is a good thing as I will have Visions of Mana, Trails through Daybreak and Astro Bot to get through.
I’m very happy. Quidditch is a wonderful addition. Honestly excited to play it on Tuesday.
@Malaise That would be a big win for me. I liked Concord, but the lack of players had me concerned enough to wait for that to be a possibility. Not sure I get the vitriol for a solid hero shooter when there’s far worse F2P options out there that are thriving.
Vampire Survivors should've been one of the games.
Crap.crap.crap. lets assign gamepass.
Definitely getting the Quidditch game.
Can’t really say until I’ve tried them, but looking forward to Little Nightmares 2 at least
I will be on TSW5 on the 12th September. So I won't be derailed for these games.
I'm actually happy for once. Most months, to me anyway, it seems we get some indie title I couldn't care less about or some garden variety online shooter. For once, there are not one, but two, games that could see myself spending a lot of time with (Quidditch and MLB) I know a lot of you are pissed but I'm just happy to have what I consider a good month for once.
@riceNpea I agree but someone would no doubt say "TrAsH £3 game cancelling my subscription"
Gonna try Quidditch and Little Nightmares 2 for sure.Not bad at all.
@W0rl0ck if anyone thought of VS as trash, they wouldn't know a good game even if it kicked them in the [insert vulnerable body part]
One of the best lineups in a while. I will most certainly renew my ps plus subscription
Real question, would Quidditch sell better than Conc...
🙏Just jesting 😅, I'm down to taste testing everything except the sim
Not a fan of Harry Potter or baseball. So only Little Nightmares 2 for me.
I'll downloaded them to add to my ps+ collection. The sports titles that essential gets are always out of season which limits their value in my eyes. Sometimes the indie titles that are offered are not bad, sometimes they are missable. Then usually there is a bigger title and the Harry Potter is not bad, but I suspect it's get boring quick. But I will be able to see if the new Potter game is actually worth anything, at least to me.
@tangyzesty I enjoy seeing posts like yours because they're a reminder of how diverse tastes are among the gaming audience. I'm glad this month offers games you like.
Little nightmares is the one I'll play. I'm happy with the service I get around 10 games a year I really want to play the others my kids play so it's worth it to me. The triple A games ain't gonna be on here for a long time so get used to it.
MLB has to be the worst ever offering I've seen, I would rather stop gaming than play that Garbage!
Americans have invented many great things , sports however isn't one of them, they're all rubbish.
@Danbottomburp agreed. American sports have morphed in platforms for advertising rather than sport. Long, dull, stat heavy bore-a-thons.
Utter garbage. Rounders - USA edition, the most banal, derivative, 'so-called fantasy' cack called Potter (should be Plopper) and Little Nighmares 2 scored a massive 6/10 on these very pages.
Oh well, no need to clog up the PS4 and PS5 hard drives this month.
I've wanted to get back into MLB The Show for ages and I quite like the idea of a Quidditch game for a bit of lighthearted fun - and I think my nephew will like playing it too which is a bonus. So for once, I'm actually happy with this selection.
@riceNpea Come on, in football all the players wear adverts on their shirts, the pitch is completely bordered by adverts and for most of its existence the Premier League has been named after a product. Don't get me wrong, the American thing of saying "this replay is brought to you by McDonald's - I'm lovin' it!" is laughable and annoying, but then Americans often find it weird that our players are walking billboards. We're just used to it.
I picked the mostly happy option.
Whilst I probably wouldn't have gone out and bought any of the 3 games, it's quite rare to get a month when we get 3 games that I genuinely would like to try.
@Matroska I'm referring to TV advertising, I should've been clearer. It's why Americans networks can't get thier head around football, they can't comprehend going more than 45 minutes without an ad. American sports have become built around TV.
Worst monthly is a Looooong time.
Yes absolutely! I was eventually going to buy The Show once it went on sale, so this is great. First time that's happened with PS+ in a while.
I am wondering what these HP games are the tip of. I don't trust WB acting like they have integrity. Like they're going to add insane mtx to the upcoming definitive edition of HL or something. I feel like they're lubing us up...
They qualified that Quidditch will not have mtx "at release." Zero possibility they won't screw players into the dirt when they have the chance.
@riceNpea I don't care for watching any sports, but I used to watch some world cup in the military, working with people from all over. What stuck out was the replays. Of everything. Someone almost scored, replay. Someone almost got hurt, replay. Something interesting ALMOST happened, nine replays from every angle. I'm not here saying "no, it's the kids who are wrong," or taking shots at anyone. I was just really surprised.
Dire selection. Again
Well chuffed with little nightmares 2.
Still gutted I missed the first when it was on plus before along with tony hawks and first 5...
Back in my misguided days when I only had an Xbox!
@LikelySatan very true. And then when something interesting happens, like a streaker running on the pitch, the studio director refuses to show it!! 😐😆
No interest in quidditch or MLB but will give little nightmares a go. Enjoyed the first on my phone fairly recently. Not a month to get excited over
LM2 got access to already. But a good game for sure. Reanimal/LM3 will be interesting to see how they go between the two studios. Personality and gameplay differences of each.
I picked okay selection and LM2 even if no need for it.
Quiditch is fine, whether better than the PS2 era Quiditch World Cup who knows but a modern one is cool to have.
MLB is fine of that year or not I don't know how the quality of them are. But the price of it can't be worth that much can it by now? Sports games become cheap quickly even if the MLB games have better quality then Madden and EA FC do right? Is that still the case?
Either way if racing then sure (even if quality of those is hit and miss) but real sports pass, fictional sports with a twist sure would be more on board with. Otherwise racing and no not because I care about motorsport I mean gameplay.
Qudditch seems like a solid bet. Especially for HP fans.
Little Nightmares 2 will get downloaded too.
MLB... I really don't get the sports game thing, but I guess baseball fans wills be happy???
Overall I think this is the best month we've had in a long time.
Not that any of these will drag me away from MHRS and Wukong. (Sidenote, Journey to the West was £2.99 on kindle which I snapped up, if anyone is interested in the novel as well as the game.)
@riceNpea 100% agreed
@Gaia093 Since they're yearly releases, basically never -.-
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