If it was not already clear before this week, it most certainly should be now: PlayStation is about more than just its PS5 console and lineup of quality single player focused titles. Sony is pushing for more live-service games, it's porting more to PC, and its focus on mobile platforms is increasing. Some of these initiatives might not please its hardcore audience but they all still have one thing in common: they're about games. That's except for one other thing Sony is doing: turning PlayStation IPs into TV shows.
While none of the following have been released just yet, what we have confirmed so far is:
- Ghost of Tsushima TV Show
- God of War TV Show
- Gran Turismo Movie
- Gran Turismo TV Show
- Horizon TV Show
- The Last of Us TV Show
- Twisted Metal TV Show
And, of course, earlier this year we saw the big-screen debut of PlayStation Productions with Uncharted. It's done very well for itself, making more than $400 million worldwide. To learn more about All PlayStation Productions Movies and TV Shows, click the link.
It's clear why Sony is pushing in this direction: to make more money. However, do you actually care for these TV adaptations? We've come to know all of these big-budget franchises with a controller in our hands as we interact with the characters on screen and explored their worlds. Are you now happy to lose that interactivity for a TV show? That's the question we pose to you in the latest Push Square poll.
Will you gobble up all of these PlayStation TV shows, simply catch the ones based on the franchises you like, or avoid them because you simply don't care? Place your vote in our poll and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 131
Nope. I watch a lot of TV but none of these appeal to me. I play the games but mostly for the gameplay, the plot in these specific games do nothing for me. God of War is the only one I think could work but Kratos will most likely look like dodgy cosplay.
I just hope that Sony won't port the TV shows over to PC
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed about the amount of shows/TV/streaming platforms lately, those shows would have to be Top Tier in order to get me interested. A day only has 24 hours, and we all have a lot of things to do.
Not gonna lie, I'll probably at least check out all of them and stick with the ones that aren't terrible
I don't really care for tv in general lol, if I ever watch anything I spend the money for the month for whatever service I need and binge the heck out of the show then cancel. Rewatching entire Walking Dead Series and am having a ball, season 5 is fantastic. Don't need to watch Last of Us show as I already have my zombie show fill and have already played both games.
Interaction and feeling that what makes the games special.... And that's why video game adaptation usually s**ks
Nope.i l💖ve PlayStation games.i l💗ve movies and 📺 tv shows not interested in the shows like that.give me more games.and give me my sly cooper games and resistance and syphon filter.and square enix give me a parasite eves remake.word up son
I'll watch them like a ***** but no. Don't want them.
Im mixed. None of these games are crying out for adaptions. Something like Last of Us or God of War are such cinematic experiences already, the only plus side i see of the show is watching it with people who don't touch games, and sharing it with them. Something like Twisted Metal is lot more flexiable for adaptation, so could be fun. If any are good, ill watch, if any suck, i still have the games...at the end of the day, im perfectly fine if none of these existed either.
If it looks good, I'll try it out on a show by show basis. If the show looks like the Resident Evil show or the Halo show then I won't bother.
Every movie or TV show that ever came out from a game has been absolute garbage in my opinion. I have zero interest in them and think it's a waste of money and resources.
Too each his own though.
I am not generally interested in these, but I can’t wait to watch TLOU with my wife. She is not a gamer, so this is a chance for her to experience the fantastic story.
Will probably watch them all except Gran Turismo. I honestly have no idea how you get a show out of that. Twisted Metal has always just been games based on the Mad Max movies so I don't see that being a problem.
Let's put it this way, I watched Inhumans, the worst superhero tv show ever made, so it's all improvement here on out for me.😂
@Westernwolf4 It's a shame that she is going to have to wait till season 2.
No, not really if they turn out good then I'll definitely give them a watch but I don't particularly care if they exist or not
Last of Us has Pedro Pascal so im willing to try that but God knows how theyl do the Gran Turismo one. Not exacty a story based game is it? If series one isnt about the Sunday Cup il consider it a fail XD
Can't say I'm that bothered.. the link between games and TV, or visa versa has always been tenuous and usually crap.
The recent Halo series was awful and I don't hold much hope for these.. I mean what will they do with Gran Turismo, make some sort of Initial D / Pole Position (ask ya dad) hybrid...
The problem usually comes from trying to flesh out the storylines too.. some ideas may work, but most just struggle to wedge characters in, while I don't really want to watch a rerun of the story I just played... Seems like a waste personally.
So yeah, good luck to them, but I won't be holding my breath.
Aslong as they are better than the abysmal halo TV series then yeah I don't mind them.
Though I won't watch anything related to gran turismo as I have zero interest in TV car shows.
totally uninterested in the show or movie version of the games i love
Not really. If any turn out to be good I'll watch. Other than that...nope
Not really, games and TV are 2 very different mediums for me and as I spend a lot of time gaming I want something different from the limited TV that I do end up watching, rather than just seeing the same characters and stories
I'm somewhere between not bothered about TV and couldn't care less about TV shows. I have no desire to watch any of those TV shows and probably can't anyway due to the streaming service they are likely to be on. I would 'never' subscribe to a TV service for a few TV shows.
I don't tend to watch TV series these days anyway - they go on too long (10+ episode seasons - a lot of time commitment), end on cliff hangers and then get cancelled, don't ever live up to the expectations or can match the tension, thrills etc of playing and don't tend to add anything to IP...
Ouch, tough crowd!
I have an interest, a good show is a good show irrespective of what it's based on. The Last of Us should be good, Horizon as an anime would be perfect OR a huge budget is required for a live action version. Gran Turismo though, that's...a tad weird lol
People say Sony should stick to games but many on here don't even seem to like these!
We're not the target demographic for these so it's fairly irrelevant what the gamers think.
To be fair Sony are putting some serious talent behind some of these. TLOU by the people behind Chernobyl, Ghost of Tsushima by the John Wick crew and Twisted Metal by the writers behind the first Deadpool.
These might end up being some of the only shows I actually watch! Also, I think it’s great that I might have some common ground with folks who aren’t into video games. Hope they turn out alright.
If I read some good reviews and the lead actor or actress fits on the video game, I think I'm gonna watch it. Can't wait to see who's gonna portray as Aloy / Kratos.
I care if they're good. The IP themselves being turned into shows doesn't do much for me, though. Not like a Mario movie or Halo show, at least. Sony is already at the top of cinematic gaming; I can't much imagine an experience like The Last of Us gaining much from being a show. I'd rather see more interactive storytelling incorporated into their games than anything.
With that said, if Twisted Metal provides a darkly humorous Mad Max-like, I'm down. If it's just grimdark and maybe creepy, I'm out.
I'm excited for the Last of Us show. I've tried to play it a couple of times but I end up not being in the mood for stealth/sneaking around and I move on to something else.
If the show's good, I'll probably finally play through the game.
I've already played the games, why would I need to watch a TV show attempt to condense it with actors that might almost resemble the characters if you're lucky?
You cant win with them in my opinion.
They either dither from the source material and become generic, in which case, why make them in the first place, they're too different
Or they follow the source material very well, in which case, why make them in the first place, I've already played the game.
I'd be willing to give any show a try if I liked the game. I can't see it working the other way round though. Will anyone really watch the show and then decide to buy a PlayStation and the game?
I'm definitely interested in some, not sure why GT is in there but 🤷🏾♂️ I just hope they dont suck.
Although I am looking forward to the new Resident Evil series seeing as how it's a completely different take on the standard story.
I don't even care about most of these games let alone any TV show about them.
I’m not going to avoid them just because they are based on games, but neither will that fact encourage me to watch. If it’s good I’ll watch it.
I watched the Uncharted movie, and it didn't totally stink (at least not until the flying things at the end). But it wasn't a great Bond movie ripoff, and I'm not going out of my way to watch it again.
So Sony tries 7 things - 8 if you count the Uncharted movie - and hope one or two are big hits, and that the rest at least make back their production costs. For TV in particular, that's probably about right. Some of these may not get past a pilot - heck, some may not see a pilot actually getting made. But you don't know until you try.
It's all about the execution. Do they get the right actors, the right writers, the write story (sorry, bad pun), the right direction, to pull together something good? No - not for all 8, no way. But maybe for one or two or even a few.
Zero interest in any of them.
If they're good, i'll give them a watch but as of now, nothing.
Not much of a TV person and especially not Series
I'll at least give most of them a shot...besides the GT one of course...and Twisted Metal.
Also I could be remembering wrong but I thought Ghost of Tsushima was supposed to be an upcoming movie, not a TV show? I can see it being a fun movie but a TV show might be a bit too much.
They should be doing a tv show based on Buzz and another based on SingStar. Easiest goldmine ever! Do the shows LIVE, make them “play along”-ready with the PS4 and PS5 systems via smartphone, and schedule the shows on the same night—one right after the other—so that the play-along people who are watching at home can easily stay connected to from one show to the next.
With Buzz, it’d keep track of the at-home scores from week to week, and for the season finale, Sony would pick some of the highest at-home scorers and fly them in to do a live show and square off against each other.
With the SingStar gameshow, make it so that you can choose whether you want to sing the main line or one of the harmony lines…and allow it to be recordable so that the at-home audience can upload their videos. Heck, the following night, Sony could have a follow-up tv show that broadcasts the best of the best vocal performances from the at-home uploads…and you know it’d be popular because people would tune in to see if their uploads were broadcast on tv.
I think they really need to actually show something before announcing so many series.
I didn't spend $1350 on current generation consoles to upgrade my $1100 in previous generation consoles so I could spend my limited free time watching television. And TV/movie watchers have no idea who the characters and stories from these games are. Who is this for?
No, there are some expections but I generally don't watch VG adaptation shows.
I have a hard time beleiving netflix will put in the proper money to have good looking robot dinosaurs. They had marvel shows and didnt even have cw level special effects for the powers.
GOW might be cool. I’ll check it out.
I mean I hope it isn’t dad and boy relationship ‘story’.
Id rather play the games than watch shows and films based on them.So no.
I wasn’t interested al all but then l caught The Last of US teaser and l’m pretty keen for that show.
Probably not unless they release them on Netflix. Game-based shows offer zero reason to subscribe to yet another streaming service. That could be an option in the poll, by the way.
Most of the games these shows are based off are already well written and immersive there will mostly be complaints about the adaptations if its the main characters from the games. Why is it so difficult to use new characters and keep the lore and setting? LOU is pretty much walking dead. No need to ruin it by attempting to retell the Joel and Ellie story it will never be as good as the game. These directors will always try to make it their "own" by diverting from the source material to "create a unique experience". We have seen this over and over again and they mostly fail.
Might watch them if they are on a service I'm already subscribed to but not great at watching series much prefer gaming
I honestly haven't watched proper TV for over 10 years now. All I do is either YouTube or streaming. Which is more YouTube, I usually watch one or two movies a month, where YouTube I watch daily for 3-4 hrs.
Naw, I've already played the games. I dont need a movie/TV to recap what I have played.
Not all the shows based on games are bad, The Witcher is a very good example.
If Sony & partners can match that, I'm in for the ride.
Usually the first 1-2 episodes are enough to make a good idea if the show is worth watching or not.
@nessisonett The plot of the Last of Us does nothing for you?
@Logonogo Nah, I quite liked the gameplay of TLOU and preferred it to Uncharted but I hate zombie things at the best of times. There were a couple of decent parts but I disliked most of the plot, especially the last hour or so.
If a show is genuinely good and captures the spirit of the game, then I'll likely watch. That's where a lot of videogame adaptations fail, in my opinion: they're usually so far from the atmosphere and essence of the game that they might as well not have bothered.
Having said that, if they invest the earnings from these shows into more great original IPs, then that will be a win for gamers even if the shows miss the mark, providing they're commercially successful.
@z0d15g0d People just wouldn't be interested in a TLOU adaptation if it didn't have Joel and Ellie in it. The fascination comes from seeing the same characters in similar situations but in a new media.
The Last of Us is going to be a juggernaut hit, I think. I'm genuinely expecting it to blow up. I think this is pertinent because I don't necessarily think these shows are aimed 100% at Push Square readers.
Now obviously, if the series are successful they'll also appeal to existing enthusiasts, but I think the real goal for Sony here is to capture the attention of people who haven't played The Last of Us or Uncharted before.
Bringing these shows to popular streaming networks, making mobile game spin-offs — all of this stuff will make money on its own, but also helps drive interest and enthusiasm for PlayStation. And that's important because it's what allows them to create the games we already love.
The big caveat here, of course, is that the content needs to be good. If the shows and movies and mobile games suck then none of this works.
@nessisonett Ahh man it's funny because I don't really care for the gameplay of the first one at all but I love the story and characters that is the primary draw for me. All of a matter of opinion though of course
I'm not going to watch bad TV just for the sake of some brand loyalty or something. If they somehow make something that's watchable, I'll watch it.
I don't care about it at all, I just want good single player games with great story.
@wiiware If Jim Ryan sees your comment he will cancel every single tv show and live service game.
Q : Do you care about PlayStation TV shows?
Me : NO. I only play kids games.
You should add the option ill watch the series who are good. "i may watch a few if they are good" puts such a negative spin on it.
@get2sammyb I think a big article explaining PlayStation's strategy for future content across the board is needed. Because so many can't seem to understand why Sony are making the moves the are (Movies, revamped Plus, live services) to the point where some seriously think Sony "are in trouble"
@nessisonett The ending was the best thing about it for me its the only game where i saw my brother get mad about what happend to Joel.
Ill give all of them a watch.
But creators of these tv shows or films need to be involved from start to finish. The last of us is the only one which seems to understand this.
What I dont get is, out of all the great playstation classics and franchises what I'd love to see adapted to a TV show or film. They have chosen twisted metal and gran turismo.
I mean twisted metal sure why not, some great character designs could work, not what I would pick. But seriously Gran turismo??? So im getting a film about cars which could be anything. It makes no sense. Who are these people in charge that believe gran turismo can be a film.
I just picked up Defiance on blu ray season one for $10 on Amazon. So yeah I will for the right price.
@Bez87 The Netflix show F1 Drive to survive is probably what motivating it. I can see being a mockumentry about a race team.
i don’t care at all . i wish video games would just stay video games but gaming is so big and corporate now , they gotta get more and more dollar$ at all cost
it would be different if they made movies , but a whole running tv show ? nah
These shows will only share the name of the game. In this day and age it seems Impossible for any streaming service to create anything remotely to do with the source material.
I'm hopeful and yet nervous about the last of us. Will it be based solely on the events of the masterpiece first game or will they squeeze in aspects from the pitifully poor story from the 2nd??? The casting doesn't ease those fears....
@AdamNovice I actually had been thinking about something like that, so great minds!
@nessisonett I think if these shows are going to resonate with hardcore fans of the games and not be immediately blown off, they have a multitude of points that they can’t fudge including but not limited to: budget, casting, props, and naturally great writing.
I’ve always wondered who might play these pivotal Main Character roles, and I think getting the right actor is incredibly crucial. Like you said regarding the cosplay: if they try to go too obvious like a bad superhero costume rendition (read: too literal an interpretation of the game), it’ll come off laughable. They really need a solid team of creatives on all creative levels to make this work! 👍🤔
@get2sammyb Most people are never going to agree but I think it would be handy to break Sony's strategy down so it gives a clearer perspective.
Curious about The Last of Us series. 🤔 Everything else = 🤷♂️
If they’re good I will. The Witcher for example is dope but if it’s anything like that old school Super Mario bros movie or any one of the list of absolutely horrible game adaptations then no way
I watched the entire Halo show.
My simple review… it only has two good things about it.
1. Jen Taylor is fantastic as Cortana. As should be expected since she’s been voicing her since 2001. And Cortana is the only character that feels like her character from the games. Same mannerisms, same style of speech, and she’s written like she is in the games.
Although I didn’t like that they used her Halo 5 and Halo Infinite visual design. Give me Halo 2 through Halo 4 naked Cortana. That’s her most recognizable design.
2. The last five minutes of the season. Basically the final battle between Master Chief and a bunch of brutes and elites. Because the useless dude that plays him isn’t talking and ruining the character and it feels like a battle straight out of a cutscene from the games. Master Chief by himself kicking ass. I won’t spoil why he finally stops talking though. And the reason is dumb.
Other than that, it’s terrible and totally slaps most of the characters in the face. Especially John-117. When he pulled his helmet off on the first episode and started talking I knew I was in for a rough ride. The show runners just don’t understand who the Master Chief is and why the fan base loves him so much.
I’ve got faith in TLOU. The Chernobyl crew is doing it. And Chernobyl is one of the best mini series ever made in my opinion. It’s up there with Band of Brothers for me.
@OrtadragoonX yeah, I agree with you about Chernobyl, absolutely one of the best shows ever made. It's got a ton of potential.
I'm as excited for these shows as I am new first party games. Won't know if they'll live up to my high expectations, especially TLOU, until they actually release but I'm optimistic.
Gran Turismo is going to be a massive surprise hit I reckon and if Netflix make Horizon the same way they made Arcane then I can't f*cking wait.
@Abarth_71 come on Steptoe!
I'm more hyped about the Magician/Empire series under development, to be honest. Been waiting for that for...gosh, pushing 30 years, now.
But we'll see - just because you enjoy the source material doesn't mean you'll enjoy the adaptations. The good news is, the adaptations don't change the source material - a movie based on a novel doesn't change the text of a novel, and a TV series based on a video game doesn't change the game.
Yes, I'm interested to see how it turns out. Not excited that they're coming.
..this is the option I would've chose..
Honestly, I'll probably give most of them a shot - I watcged The freakin' Tester for God's sake! But I'm not going to blindly watch them all - I love the Uncharted games but I wasn't about to buy a full price movie ticket to see Tom Holland in a glorified B movie. With that said, I'll rent Uncharted for $6.
I don't watch much TV nowadays so it doesn't catch my attention that much.
Nope. More liberal PC *****
I can't say i consider any of these shows a necessity but HBO doing a Last of Us series does make me optimistic. HBO probably has the best track record for the quality of their shows compared to I think pretty much any other TV network/streamer.
The last of us has potential for a great series. All depends if they can get the chemistry right between Joel and Ellie.
@GorosBat I’ve never seen it personally , but word is the whole thing kinda goes downhill as it gets into the latter season. Just a heads up.
sorry but Gran Turismo Movie and Gran Turismo TV Show doesnt seem at all interesting
After the divisive reactions to the Halo show, I think Sony really needs to think about how to translate these games in manner that preserves their core essence while making them workable in the non-interactive world of television and in the hands of people with a significant understanding of the games themselves.
@PegasusActual93 does this track record take into account Game of Throne’s fall from grace or Westworld’s quality problems though?
@BReal Personally I couldn’t really get past the premier episodes. Setup was too exposition heavy and confusing with more than couple questionable aesthetic decisions. Plus it isn’t really a game adaption as it is a book one, same as the games, the confusion stemming from the fact the latter are more well-know.
@MisterMistArcane certainly raised the bar in terms of game adaptations can look like, plus animation might be an option for whoever’s doing doing the horizon project if the costs of achieving it in live-action become too high.
@Blackjay It does in seasons 7-8 and then regains momentum after that, I won't spoil it but at the end of season 6 the show kills off a certain character, which was a tipping point for many long time viewers. It's worth a watch just to see Norman Reedus in his element!
I can't have an opinion on shows that haven't been released and don't even have any trailers yet.
That aside, I am still looking forward to the below projects...
Ghost of Tsushima
God of War
The Last of Us
Twisted Metal
@AdamNovice been meaning to see the John Wick series myself actually. In that sense GOT might be in good hands.
I liked the Uncharted movie, I had a lot of fun watching that one.
I watched a part of Halo and had fun with that, seeing how bad it was.
So sure I watch, if it's good I continue, if not I stop.
I don’t care about any tv shows other than top gear (the old one that is). So no I won’t be watching anything they come up with frankly
Having played Gran Turismo for over 100 hours since release I would definitely watch a TV series and movie celebrating the car in the same slick fashion the game is presented in. I also imagine having the series based on the world series in GT sport would be pretty good, depending on the presenters and commentary team.
For The Last of Us I mean the games were pretty much all about the characters and story so not sure it's required. Will be interesting to see Nick Offerman playing Bill.
God of War and Horizon surely have to be anime to work on a TV budget as they are too high concept. I can't see anyone but Judge and Birch in the rolls now.
Less than anything
Twisted Metal could be interesting if they got George Miller associated and turned it more Mad Max.
Ghost if Tsushima could pretty much use the original cast and as long as it spends more time with the characters and story, shot like a Kurosawa film I'm in.
Frankly though TV is just so good at the moment and with so many different streaming services how is anyone going to afford to watch all these if they are split across the platforms.
They need to make a deal with Netflix or Amazon but seeing as TLOU is already with HBO they're going to end up all over the place. Fingers crossed they don't try to create their own streaming service.
@Voltan Thats my approach as well mate. I have a million sub services (well it feels thay way!), but rarely fi d anything I want to watch. So ill check them all out and see if any grab my attention.
At least if these are based on an ip I like, they will have some kind of emotional investment to start with, so theres a chance ill enjoy.
Its by no means given you'll like a film or series if you liked the game, but in a consumerist world full of sheeple, having an estabished ip definately gets you more attention and clicks, so all ips will be exploited this way eventually.
But the reverse is also true: I didnt hate street fighter because the naff film had kylie minouge in it. I didnt hate Mario because he got played by Bob Hoskins and I still believe Sonic is spikey, not hairy!
Bad movies or series have not spoilt games for me in past, so im not likely to experience that in the future either 😁
Nope. I do love some good TV but have zero interest in these types of projects.
I laughed so hard at Gran Turismo.
It'll be Farming Simulator next.
TLoU, Horizon, Ghost and GoW would be better as movies. GT would work if it was something like Top Gear. Twisted Metal has 90's TV written all over. ITo answer the question though I'm not excited for any of it.
I mean not everyone is perfect. But Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under, Boardwalk Empire, Chernobyl, i can go on and on. And even then the first six seasons of game of thrones alone was better than 95 percent of tv
@PegasusActual93 Indeed but still that final season really damaged much of the goodwill the show had built up initially with only that House of the Dragon prequel left to try and restore favour with the fans.
@AdamNovice I get what you mean, but they never get it right when they divert from the source material even with the same leads and when they try to keep everything the same it falls flat because the main attraction of games is that the players actions/ involvement influence or move the story along something which live action adaptations will never come close to. Watching Joel hiding behind a desk as a clicker approaches will have less of an effect on me than when I had a controller in my hand under the same conditions. TLOU2 turned unknown side characters from part 1 into mains. They could easily do a show based on the fireflies trying to meet up with Joel and Ellie. We all know what happens in Joel's story so I would really enjoy watching things from the firefly's perspective or even what Joel's brother had to go through would make for an interesting story.
HBO is kind of unique in that their executives almost never intervene in any of their shows and give the creators complete freedom to do whatever they want. 98 percent of the time it works wonderfully. The last season of game of thrones was an outlier, it was entirely down to the creators fault because they just got lazy and obviously wanted to get everything done as fast as possible. So its really no real indication of the networks quality. As for Westworld, well that show always had very unorthodox storytelling with it almost feeling like a different genre every season. I personally love it but I understand not everyone finds it appealing.
Can not wait for TLOU. Knowing how amazing the story is, knowing Neil Druckman is a director, i think it will be epic. My fav ever series is Breaking Bad, nothing else comes close. I’m hoping and quite confident TLOU will.
@z0d15g0d the series is gonna be really padded out. You might see the things you mention, maybe some back story from Ellie, Joel and Tommy. Neil Druckman said of the game he had loads of ideas which he had to drop due to time and game size. I get your point about the Joel hiding thing but that will depend on a lot of things. If they get the camera angles right, the scene, the music and if the acting is good they can still pull it off. You never watched a movie or a series where ya sat on the edge of your seat?
I don’t watch TV. This is mildly interesting, but it’s unlikely I would ever watch.
@PegasusActual93 Interesting. Though in that circumstance one does wonder why they couldn’t have made an exception with thrones once the cracks started showing unless they clause meant they couldn’t. Not that I had that big of an attachment to thrones at the time of it heyday, I mainly speak in regards to the experience of others who took it hard. I suppose at the time I wasn’t used to tv being obsessed with and consumed in they way GOT did it.
Westworld I didn’t see enough to form a concrete opinion of its quality so I largely infer what it’s like from what others have said.
To cap it all how do you feel HBO’s quality control compares to other networks and services for comparisons sake?
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@sjbsixpack No not really as I grew up playing resident evil, silent hill etc. Once I started playing survival horror games those feelings disappeared when watching films or shows. I'm usually just annoyed by how useless they are.
I'm ambivalent. I have no faith they'll be good.
@Saitama117 oh noes. Not WOKE. Anything but WOKE. WOKE is evil. I tellz ya.
Compared to most networks HBO has a hell of a lot less executive meddling. Lets take AMC for example a network notorious for screwing over their shows now. AMC used to be alot like HBO, it produced seriously high quality shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men. For the most part back then AMC was only involved to make sure that the shows didnt exceed broadcast standards for advertising revenue such as too much profanity, no nudity etc. (HBO is subscription based so they dont have commercials and therefore no advertising content restrictions allowing them to show content as extreme as they want). AMC was one of the most successful channels on basic cable after the success of Breaking Bad. But then they started getting into executive meddling and ruined many of their shows most infamously The Walking Dead, and now the network is but a shadow of its former self. Netflix suffers with the double curse of executive meddling and quantity of shows over quality. HBO doesnt have either of those problems so i for one am optimistic about the Last of Us having a show on there.
To be fair Netflix is hampered by that very issue and they have lost subscribers (for other reason besides insufficient quality control of course but still) and AMC seems bent on milking Walking Dead for as long as possible.
I just kinda wish they had a deal with someone to put at least some of them on the same platform. As it, I believe we have each show on different streaming.
And isn't it confirmed Ghost is a movie and GT is as well?
I will watch all of them, of course, but the one that has me REALLY excited is Last of Us. Pedro Pascal is the best
I'm only interested on the Last of US tv show.
I feel tv stuff about cars is boring.
Netflix is doing Horizon, which means Aloy will be played by Whoopi Goldberg and be in a relationship with a charger.
If you think car shows are boring you are going to love Top Gear
I liked Halo tv series and i only played casually the games (like 10-15 min each on PC),. So i'm looking forward to it.
@naruball How exactly does taking popular, established IP's with compelling stories about space warfare and aliens and gods and fantasy stuff and clumsily jamming real world contemporary social justice issues improve the story at all? It's nothing more than virtue signaling. If studios want to make stories like that then make original stories with original characters.
I think a lot of Sony's IP are very interesting universe that shouldn't be locked to just gaming. Gaming should be the main focus though. But they can reach out to a whole new audience that can enjoy these stories too.
I really enjoyed the Uncharted movie. It's not as good as the games but the movie was very entertaining and it puts me in the mood to play the games again. It would be nice to see them finding more success from their IP and maybe build their own theme park with them someday. Imagine having a theme park for Horizon.
Even if us gaming fans don't like the series or movies, people that never played them before can enjoy them. Nothing changes for gamers but if you enjoy their shows/movies then it's a bonus win
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