Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Hype Poll

With the game just two weeks away at the time of writing this article, we want to know how your hype levels for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are holding up. The PS5 exclusive is pretty much Sony's flagship game of 2023, and since we have no real information on what the next 12 months hold for PlayStation Studios, it does feel like a lot's riding on Peter Parker's return.

Given the brand — and what will no doubt be a massive marketing push — there's very little chance of Spidey 2 disappointing on a commercial level. But are there questions to be asked about the game itself? What does it have to do to top the first Marvel's Spider-Man? Or Miles Morales? The press previews have been incredibly positive — and we think the gameplay footage has always looked fantastic — but we're looking for your opinions on the matter.

And so without further ado, have your say in our polls, and then feed us your honest thoughts in the comments section below.

How's your hype for Marvel's Spider-Man 2? (3,338 votes)

  1. My hype is maximum, I can't wait%
  2. I'm not super hyped, but I'm looking forward to it%
  3. I'm not feeling it right now, but that could change%
  4. I'm struggling to get hyped%
  5. I have zero hype%

Did you play the first Marvel's Spider-Man? (2,914 votes)

  1. Yes, I've completed it multiple times%
  2. Yeah, I finished it%
  3. I've played it, but haven't finished it%
  4. No, I haven't played it%