Given the presumably mammoth sales projections Sony has for PS5 exclusive Marvel's Spider-Man 2, playing too fast and loose with the open world formula at Insomniac Games was probably out of the question. This is a franchise that shifts hardware, and after a year slightly lighter on PlayStation Studios content than usual, the title is a beaming light at the end of the tunnel. A portion of sales is already guaranteed based on the name alone, but the rest will flock when its quality is realised. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a sequel that builds on past entries in all the right ways: safe but supremely solid in some and excitingly daring in others. While just a taste was on display at a recent preview event, it exhibited why the joint adventure of Peter Parker and Miles Morales is yet another Game of the Year contender.
We played just over three hours of the game, dabbling with its main story, open world, and optional activities. The build — which was roughly six weeks old at the time of play — began a few hours into the narrative, with the two Spider-Men on different courses through life. Peter is handling a relationship with MJ and the return of his lifelong friend Harry Osborn while Miles is trying to get through college. What brings them together is a new threat to New York: Kraven.
With all the high-production values you'd expect out of a Sony-published experience, the series of missions we worked through were gripping, thoroughly enjoyable, and entertaining even without the context of the game's opening. We found ourselves seamlessly slipping back into the world of Marvel's Spider-Man, remembering the controls and basic abilities without the need for tutorials. It speaks to how the whole of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 operates: the fond memories you have of the first two titles but bigger, better, perfected.

The open world is the best demonstration of that. The original map returns, but it's been upgraded with much more to see and do along with five new districts that expand its size by roughly 50 per cent. Web slinging through the streets and across its rooftops still feels absolutely phenomenal, and new ways of getting about enhance the euphoria. At any moment, you can ditch the swinging for Peter or Miles' new Web Wings, allowing you to glide about the city and catch huge air time through slipstreams and open air vents. Time it right and you won't even lose any height; it's an exhilarating feeling, heightened by haptic feedback implementation. You can feel when Spider-Man reaches the apex of his swing or when he's hurtling down to the ground.
Combat has its own little rumbles and vibrations too, which — just like traversal — borrows the base set of moves from the first game and lets fights flourish with a truckload of new abilities. The most obvious are the new skills Peter Parker has picked up from the symbiote, which are excellent for crowd control. Using its tentacles, you're able to damage multiple goons at once, either slamming into them, throwing them about, or pounding them down on the ground. All operating on a cooldown, you can use them in tandem with either Spider-Man's gadgets to devastating effect during brawls.
The standard enemies you come up against have also had a bit of an upgrade in the nine months since Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales took place, with new heavy attacks designed to break your health bar in two. A new parry system is how you'll deny them of that, pressing L1 when the screen flashes red.

Having said that, a mission will sometimes ask you to ignore all that for a quieter approach. An enhanced stealth system means you're no longer restrained by the confines of the building you're in; now you can create your own paths in the rafters with deployable web lines to walk across. This makes keeping quiet so much more viable for virtually every combat encounter since you'll be creating the paths instead of having them dictated to you.
You could say the same of your main character — at least to a point. In the demo we played, you were always required to bring a specific Spider-Man to the mission start point, but you're free to choose either Peter or Miles during general open world exploration. This is done through the FNSM App (your in-game mobile phone), with a prompt at the bottom letting you switch between the two. We tested this transition multiple times throughout the preview, and control was never taken away from us for more than roughly three seconds.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 adopts the Grand Theft Auto V approach where whenever you're about to switch characters, the one you're assuming control of is always caught in the act of something. Just a few examples we saw were Miles leaving the subway and Peter scaring off a flock of pigeons. It's a fun feature that's implemented really well, never breaking immersion with a load screen.

And while much of it is lifted from the first game, the open world is the cherry on top of how Marvel's Spider-Man 2 goes above and beyond its predecessors. Rather than marking all the collectibles, side quests, and other activities on the map straight away, you now must properly explore New York to find them. As you're swinging through the streets of the many boroughs, you'll spot interactive elements giving off a sort of large neon signal in the environment. Head over to these and you'll find collectibles and extra objectives to complete, all working towards 100 per cent completion. We found Photo Ops, Spider-Bots, and Tech Parts to collect during our three-hour play session, but the map hinted at many more things we could find.
It all comes together to form an example of the current open world formula at its absolute peak. With outstanding traversal options, an interesting city to explore, and constant enjoyment to be had, it's open-ended design perfected. The game gets a little more daring when it flirts with the design philosophy of an Elden Ring or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, handing you control of discoveries and secrets. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 doesn't go all the way with it, but there's a tease there, and it makes for a world much more interesting to simply exist in. Not everything is spoon-fed to you, and it benefits from that.
What elevates the package to stardom, though, is that Insomniac Games has managed to accomplish both sides of the coin: its exceptional open world already appears ready for launch and it's coupled with the first-rate cinematics and story of a PlayStation Studios experience. When you enter a hand-crafted main mission with its own unique interior and set of cutscenes, you can feel the effort that's gone into perfecting every camera angle, every dialogue read. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is Insomniac Games at its absolute peak; it's shaping up to be its best game to date.

The question of whether the developer can make that jump into the space Naughty Dog occupies, with its 10/10 ratings and 90+ Metacritic scores, is always on the tips of tongues. In Marvel's Spider-Man 2, it seems to have its answer. What we played was outstanding; it's an experience primed for the top and an example of the best this industry offers. All we need now is the final product to confirm our confidence in Insomniac Games.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 releases for PS5 on 20th October 2023. Are you looking forward to the return of Peter and Miles? Share your excitement in the comments below. For more coverage, read our interview with senior game director Ryan Smith.
Comments 64
Sounds amazing! But the big question is, does it run at 60FPS??
It looks great. That’s the thing, it’s not new, it’s not all that exciting but it’s comfort food and I know I’ll really enjoy it. It’s coming out with in a very very good year with genuinely new and interesting games that forward the industry but there’s definitely a place for this sort of game.
im hoping the side content is alot better than the first spiderman endless collectables isnt good side content
first one was an ok 7/10 game
Sees that the title of video asks if it's any good
BAHAHAHA! 🤣 "Is it any good?" That's a good one. But seriously, glad that the games living up to expectations!
100% agreed.
Can you guys speak on whether or not a 60 FPS & Quality mode was present during your playtime or that it'll be there when the game releases?
This preview making me shoot web😫😫😫😫
So excited
@Flippygruffle @NathanKang The preview was played on the 30fps Quality Mode, but there will be a 60fps Performance Mode too.
I love the idea of discovering the side content without a giant arrow pointing you towards it. Things like that make a game that is otherwise very paint by numbers have some element of surprise.
Are you okay? Blink if you need us to call you a doctor!
I thought the first game was just okay but I loved Miles Morales. I have no idea where I'm going to fall on the opinion spectrum when it comes to this one.
Graphically it looks amazing of course. But wide open sandboxes live and die on what you can actually do within the city itself. I promise you that swinging between buildings will get boring very quickly without little mini games and diversions. It needs to feel like a real living, breathing world. Even Shenmue 20 years ago realised that and allowed you to play darts and Hang-On.
Sounds great! October can't get here soon enough.
@LifeGirl That's true, but I have to say, the traversal in the first Spider-Man and Miles Morales was so good, it made just tooling around the city enjoyable.
@Cashews This was mandated by the preview and those hosting the event lol
🕷 spiderman 2018 is one of the greatest games ever its all good that. 🕷spiderman 2 is looking amazing as well.word up son
I liked Marvel's Spider-Man and Miles Morales, but neither of those games stood out as GOTY contenders. So I'll pass on SM2 until a deep sale.
Looking forward to the game but I hope we get to see some new IP's after this. Maybe some snippets from stuff that are in development. Three Insomniac Spidey games is enough for the time being (for me).
Still thinking about what to pre-order- digital standard or deluxe.
Looks like it'll be great. Personally though, my interest in it went from 0 to 100 with Venom seemingly being teased as playable in the trailer from SDCC. Appears like he's not, so my interest is back to 0 😔
Despite being underhelmed given the hype of the first game ..will probably still buy this day one ..hope its an improvement and grips me more
@Flippygruffle IGN confirmed that the game has two modes, fidelity mode and perfomance 60fps mode. Boths has ray tracing!
Loved controlling spider-man and the fighting system in the last game, didn't love the writing, skewed a little kiddo for me. Also, too many repetitive tasks to pad out the game. I'm still gonna play this one though, eventually.
I just hope there are plenty of side bosses from spidey's rogues gallery to battle during side missions. I still have a feeling Logan / Wolverine will make an appearance at some point too to set up a shared universe
Spiderman 2 looks a lot more fun than Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild and GTA5 combined. I understand that may ruffle some feathers but I don't care, just saying how it is for me personally. Respectfully disagreeing with me is obviously all good. Each to their own and all that jazz
@Beerheadgamer82 HOW DARE YOU TYPE THAT OUT YOU DIRTY SON OF B...why would anyone care that you think Spiderman looks good?
@Flippygruffle @NathanKang According to an IGN interview, the game will have a Quality mode that runs at 30 or 40fps depending on your screen's refresh rate and a performance mode that does 60.
Both modes feature ray-traced reflections.
The first 2 were very sold 8/10 games and I am sure i will be enjoying this one too.
@Beerheadgamer82 Hey, people like what they like. No harm in that. I just could never get into the Spiderman games for some reason. Elden Ring however to me is my favorite game of all time.
@Cashews lol looks good to me and looks more fun than Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild and GTA5 combined, that's all that matters to me. I don't really care what anybody else thinks to be perfectly honest, hence why I said what I said. Its a really good put together preview even if it didn't need to mention Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild or GTA5 but I also get why it does, for context and comparison of other open worlds
I got the platinum for spiderman but could not bring myself to even finish miles as it was just more of the same and I got bored. Let's hope this one adds a bit more variety and isn't so "ubisoft"
It would be intresting to see how it is compared to the Batman games.
I got the PS5 Spiderman console with the game code on Monday and Oct 20th is too far away.
I'm so glad it's shaping up to be great. I'm not going to be able to play it this year. But looking forward to potentially Christmas or early 2024!
Insomniac taking what they did in Rift Apart and applying it to Spidey makes me really hyped.
Going to be a very, very difficult choice on what to play next month between this and Mario Wonder.
@Sakai think the last bland open world Ubisoft I played was FC6. If Ubisofts open worlds was as much fun as Insomniacs Spiderman and Miles Morales then not only would it lose some its not so good reputation its known for, it would also more than triple their game sales. Although I suppose Spiderman is such a huge name anyway and if Ubisoft did their usual bland open world version of a Spiderman game it would sell a bit more than they're used to because the Spiderman name alone
This sounds fantastic. I’m happy to see they sprinkle a little BotW inspiration on top of the standard open world formula, but not too much. Similarly to HFW and GoW:R in the sense it appears to take the prior game’s recipe and just iteratively perfects it, rather than changing the whole core gameplay
Who cares about 10/10 ratings and 90+ metacritic scores?!?! Insomniac are probably the best developer of video games in the world! Reviews be damned!
Twas my 1st ever platinum. This is a day 1 buy
Parries it is! Nice add. Playing Miles Morales right now and will have the Platinum for that by the time this comes out. Glad 40fps mode is in on release. IGN made it seem like it wouldn't be there(at least not day one).
I'll be looking forward to (hopefully) getting it for Christmas.
@pip_muzz totally, f*ck the numbers, f*uck goty, I know this is my game of the year
@mrbone I got a good deal on Amazon (via app) below €60 physical. There will be a digital add-on, so I cancelled my digital DE copy. The price of the DE seems more reasonable than the base one (€80 = crazy).
Always been a fan of venom plan on starting miles morales tonight
It sounds like a little thing but I wonder if having to spot activities rather than just being icons completely changes how you explore the open world. Sounds awesome!
James Stevenson on Twitter/X:
"30 fps, 40 fps, and 60fps. All with ray-tracing"
4K 30 FPS fidelity mode.
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@ShowerThoughts the only reason Jedi survivor is getting a non ray tracing version is because they are producing a PS4 version, if that wasn't happening it wouldn't be getting one as to many things would have it be changed to make that happen. And I suspect they lost their game director as a result of EA forcing them to do PS4 mode
Miles Morales had a 120hz was awesome.
@trev666 also 100% agree. The previous entries were just to childlike in story for me, coupled with very generic open world filler and a shell of a city that was fun to traverse for a while but quickly felt very lifeless with little in the form of meaningful interaction aside from the open world filler. The games weren't bad and had big budget production tropes abound. Yet as Sony continues to push out very much the same from most of its studios. The big budget playable movie walking simulator sequels are not hitting like they used to. Mainly because they are largely very iterative copies of one another and the devs and Sony seem hell bent on milking these ips dry.
I'm not surprised by the glowing preview on a first party title here at push square. Just know, many other outlets tell it a little more objective in noting that the game largely feels like more of the same. For me thats a deal breaker, because much of what padded out the first one was not great, and more of that is not a selling point. However, I can understand that if you resonate with the more kid like cheesy super boy tone of the story beats, that more of that aspect would totaly be a selling point for you.
Really hope that eventually Insomniac moves on to something entirely new.
Doesn't look to shabby for a Disney game
Don't know? Just installed the GOTY Spiderman today, but am sick and also to tired to even start it up after the installation process was completed. Sooooo....yes?
Is it October yet?
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Have the first two games. Enjoyed them but for me the whole open world aspect completely diluted the experience for me. The games are just padded out with rinse repeat side missions. I would prefer a linear experience just concentrating on the characters & story. More Uncharted than this open world. Will probably play but not at launch. Sonic & Mario are higher on my list.
@CreepingShadow the only agenda in terms of the lie that is the whole woke agenda rhetoric, is in fact hate. Those that care about ideas like equality and inclusion, and those that don't.
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@CreepingShadow Could you shed some light as to what exactly the "agenda" is? Sorry I might be blind to it after all. I mean, this is based on Marvel comics right? They've always been inclusive and progressive.
Does the constant praising during preview events mean that you’ll give the game a 7 when it comes out?
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It plays not like a superhero perfection, it's definitely a superhero perfection.
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Going to be starting Miles Morales tonight in anticipation of Spider-Man 2!
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