Black Myth: Wukong turned out to be a real game after all, and it launched on PS5 one whole week ago. We're hoping that most of you will have been able to form a functional opinion on the action title at this point, and so as always, we want you to give it an official Push Square rating.
In case you're curious, we gave the game a 'great' 8/10 in our Black Myth: Wukong PS5 Review. While we bemoaned performance issues on Sony's system, we heaped praise on the title's boss fights and often explosive action. "It takes time for Black Myth: Wukong's combat to truly click, but when it does, this is one of the most creative action titles on PS5. One after another, its spectacular boss battles steal the show — a procession of memorable encounters that showcase the game's incredible artistry," we concluded.
But what review score would you give Black Myth: Wukong? Is it pure monkey magic, or is it being overrated? Vote in our poll, and then try to explain yourself in the comments section below.
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Comments 55
Its a 6 out of 10. Middling combat, middling level design, middling RPG elements and a middling story.
Black Myth Wukong is the definition of a overrated modern video game in that no one would care about it if not for its graphical fidelity and overall high production value
Toward the end of chapter 2, I’m leaning toward 9/10. Potentially the third best game of 2024 so far. That could all change, of course, but that’s how I feel now.
Too hard for my slow hands...🤣😅
Post #1 and post #2 back to back. #gaming.
I’m not going to lie, I’m not one to give out 10/10s, but I find this game to be incredible in every sense of the word. I just reached chapter 3 and defeated the first main boss, but chapter 2 is what solidified its greatness for me. The amount of secrets you can uncover, from locations and boss fights, and character side quests was mind blowing. And the level design, while minimal, is interconnected in interesting ways. And this game isn’t that difficult (to me). I don’t think it’s as difficult as any Souls game, or even Lies of P. In fact, it’s not even as difficult as Stellar Blade. I wish this game wouldn’t be compared to those titles because of it being an action game, but I digress. To me, I’d classify this game as a modern God of War, but as a boss rush game. And boy, those boss fights do not disappoint, not only from a design standpoint, but also move sets, animations, and cinematic flair. The Tiger Vanguard is a good example. I’m absolutely enamored with this game, so it’s a 10/10 in my book. If I did have to throw out a complaint, it would be a lack of a map, but it’s still easily manageable. All in all, this game may have surpassed Dragon’s Dogma 2 as my GOTY.
Mmmm yummy yummy discourse. Feed my SEO belly boys.
Right now, I'd give it an 8. I haven't gotten far enough to say if that's my definitive score, but so far I'm enjoying it as much as I expected to.
After Elden Ring, getting to fight bosses with clear timings and openings feels like a breath of fresh air. It feels good to look forward to a boss encounter again instead of just dreading them.
It's a beautiful game with an engaging story and great combat. I plan on reading the source material upon completion.
As of now I'm a 9. Could go higher or lower, but I really don't see it going lower.
Just a great game.
@REALAIS I didn't say its a 2/10, I said its a 6. If you disagree with me thats fine but thats my general takeaway
It’s fun but not perfect. Solid 8-9/10.
its a 9 so far. excellent game having such a great time with it. can't rate until I finish but I am deep into chapter 3 and I love this game
@Enuo well said. it is so nice to have a similar game that is way less stressful and taxing
I haven't played enough to score it, but it's a pretty solid experience so far. Exploration and world interaction are a bit lacking, but the game is gorgeous (duh) and combat is very engaging. Not Chinese, myself, but I spent a lot of my childhood in a predominantly Chinese school, so I'm just super stoked to see Chinese folklore break into the Western market in a big way. There's a surfeit of amazing fiction to tap into and I hope this is just the beginning.
9 easily this year not surprising hit.i knew it was a instant classic since the debut.word up son
Always confused how games get a 1/10 in a sure poll. Like really?
Just beat a couple bosses from chapter 2. I’d give it an 8/10 so far. My two complaints (that mainly started from chapter 2) are the lack of direction and those bloody archers 😂
I found a secret in chapter 2 that has made this a possible GOTY for me. Everything that transpired was dope AF.
Definitely overrated IMO,fun game,finished it and never will touch it again. Too damn long
I'd give it a pretty solid 8.5, or even an 8.7.
Chapter 3 has way too many areas where you're running around an empty area for too long since a lot of the areas are too big. It's something that Chapter 3 only suffers from. Chapters 1, 2 and 4 (where I'm at at the time of writing) don't have that problem.
Game looks great, stutters are definitely not great (I have some mods to help with stutters that I haven't tested yet on PC), combat is fun. Bosses are pretty fun too. I'm having a lot of fun so far.
I'm not too far into it but it's a solid 8/10 for me. It's got issues but nothing that's hindered game play for me. Loving it.
3/10 for me
It's press X to win. Repeatedly.
Boss rush, and boring with it.
Nothing in-between; boring environments and 3 mobs to run past.
7 story not as good as i thought it would be. Invisible walls are annoying feels empty in some areas
The songs, the verses, the tapestry, the stop animation, the world, the characters... oh yeah, the "game" part is tons of fun to play also.
Art Director should do a visiting artist tour.
9. Easy
@scoobdoo Have you even played it? Because if you can beat the game just by pressing X that’s impressive. Even more so if you played the PS5 version because that’s the default jump button.
There’s plenty more to every fight then just hitting attack and you know it. Other wise you could say the same thing about Demon/Dark Souls, God of War and Devil May Cry.
@Kiefer-Sutherland no chance in hell they’ve played it with that assessment
6 or 7. Level design is weak especially with the invisible walls. The combat can be really fun but is also unbalanced. The graphics issues don't bother me too much but they're definitely noticeable. It's a fun game but certainly not some masterpiece.
Yeah ive been playin it for a few days now and must be close to wrapping up chapter 2. Loved chapter 1 in the forest, not so much 2 (i hate desert and ice locations in games for some reason) i gave it a solid 8. The invisible walls annoy me a bit and the skill tree just doesnt so alot for me. Too many unlocks and i never feel any better once upgrading something also the story isnt very well explained but apart from that its a fun game. I love the art style and the some of the bosses have been really fun and challenging. Im looking at you tiger vanguard 🤬🤬
8/10 based on what i've played. Combat and boss battles are incredible but the world is pretty generic and lifeless and the technical side ain't great.
@Kiefer-Sutherland if you just spam attack you're not going to get very far. Playing in PC and it's great. Not bad for a studios first game. There are quality of life issues like the lack of a map and shrines that don't stand out enough and tend to be behind rocks when you're trying to find one to fast travel...I would just find myself dying just so I could get back to one. Also being able to use the healing flask at full health is annoying. I dont mind the invisible walls. To me it's pretty clear in most instances where you can and can't go and I definitely appreciate not falling off narrow pathways all the time.
@Tchunga The combat is excellent especially the further you get onto it.
Refuse to buy/play. Character is ugly. Am I doing it right guys? Thats what we do around here now right?
@Realist the character is allowed to be ugly if he’s male. Female characters have to be out of your league beautiful for the game will be review bombed to oblivion.
@AhmadSumadi Durn it. Thought I had it figured out.
7/10 for me, a good game absolutely.... but it failed to make a lasting impression (for me anyway).
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I don’t think I have ever played a 1/10. A score that low means the game doesn’t function.
It's probably really good, but I'm not playing. There's just not enough time.
Audio/video not bad at all. Still trying to work out how to beat Whiteclad Noble though. Slow burn for me, fun for the most part but i'm not used to this difficulty and i usually play games on either easy or moderate although if i'm honest moderate is often challenging me, i like gaming but i'm not good at it.
I'm nearing the end of Chapter 4 and it's a strong 7.... maybe closer to an 8?
It's very addictive once you find its groove, however its groove is very repetitive - like there's no experimenting with builds or anything - you basically just spam the same abilities, then dodge around while they're on cooldown. Rinse and repeat for every boss, seems to work just fine. It basically goes from Dark Souls hard in chapter 1, to like, God of War on medium once you level up.
The game is both gorgeous and extremely ugly (on PS5 anyway). Those dreaded UE unfinished textures are EVERYWHERE, like it's nice to look at from afar but there's just too many rocks with no texture that bring it down. Also whenever you whip the camera round too fast the game basically falls apart.
The world design is kind of OK, I love the expansive areas but they're too based in "real" looking locations, just mostly trees and rock: the desert chapter was so brown and muddy I started to feel queasy.
Having said all that I can't put it down and am having fun with it so what do I know.
@CJD87 guess you're not Asian! In south east Asia this game is a huge deal. Not from there (from UK but Chinese) journey to the west is a much loved story and has inspired many characters including dbz, one piece, etc. This game really does it justice.
Easily a 9. (Chinese guy here) games just incredible and does the lore justice (it's basically a sequel but you essentially get to experience characters from the game) . I don't mind the no map, but I understand in games these days, people are used to having the helping hand. Combat and gameplay is really fun and addictive and the movesets are in line with the monkey kings abilities from the book. I can't wait to see what they will do next!
I think a 9 is pretty fair when you take into account that it's been made by such a small group. I didn't like the amount of invisible walls, but overall this game is awesome! There's enough depth in terms of build and setup to keep me happy and the amount of secrets and hidden areas is perfect! I'm caring less about missing trophies because I'm looking forward to doing another playthrough. What a game!
Here we go again. If you didn't like it, you must have not played it. 😂
I got into chapter two and I'd kinda had enough by then, may go back to it sometime in the future
Finished the game yesterday and today got the secret ending. Killed every single boss in the game and all the different numerous enemies.
Had a very good time with the it, outstanding visuals, so many boss battles, some are incredible, specially the one from the secret ending is totally epic. Had a very nice time with it, just annoying the missable stuff..
I'm Glad this game on PC has an intense save backup system where you can go back.. had to do it few times not to miss something and re-do some bosses
Indeed the world in wide areas feels like a filler at times..
In my case didn't have issues with the performance on my system, 120-140FPS/1440p DLSS-89% + FG + Full RT very high cinematic preset, however hope there will be some room to improve optimization, specially on consoles! The lack of nvidia reflex is a joke on a sponsored nvidia game..
@Lup yeah, that’s ridiculous. However, when the person says “Press X to win” and X is the jump button that’s also ridiculous. I dunno though, maybe the main character is big and his jump does damage?
@DennisReynolds Maybe if you haven't played too many action games in the last 10 or so years I could see how Wukong's combat might be somewhat decent but there are much better offerings today. Bloodborne, Monster Hunter, and the new God of War games just to name a few. Even the recent Lies of P gave you more options both in terms of offense and defense
Good game, Good developers. Happy for their success. 8/10
Im loving its vibe and enjoying its challenge. I think its a really well designed game, but it has flaws that will either put you right off, or you can easilly overlook.
Invisible walls can break immersion a bit, and the choice to not have a mini map, so you cant see where you can or cannot go, ensures you are always testing an invisable boundary. There must of been a way to better handle that?
.... And it IS hard, especially for an old man like me. Its a little rougue like though, in that you can keep levelling up and gaining more skills and stats before attempting a boss you are struggling with. I needed that in Elden Ring, and I need it in this.
I am besotted with it though, and if I had to mark it right now it has to be a strong 9..
@Tchunga Lol. Something tells me you never made it past chapter 1.
@DennisReynolds Currently on Chapter 4 and its literally just repeating the same exact light attack combo over and over again while waiting for your cooldowns to finish. And then just spamming your abilities until the boss is dead. In terms of 3D action combat, it doesn't get much simpler or basic than this
@DamzFX Great to hear your take on it, and please believe me that I am hugely supportive of the cultural impact/narrative of this game - and genuinely a pleasure to hear that it is 'doing justice' to the broader story at play.
For reference, I am UK British - so I can certainly appreciate the impetus of the cultural rhetoric... albeit I cannot really yield the fruits of this in regards to my own experience.
Objectively, this is definitely a solid game - but for me it just missed short of being 'great'... namely due to I felt it lacked a decisive identity. It felt very much a 'sum of parts' - part GoW / part Souls...
I felt like it was a perfectly tasty meal, but I had experienced all the core ingredients individually before - and served better! I liked a lot about it, but it lacked the X-Factor (for me) that its inspirations have (GoW / Souls / Nioh etc)
@jrt87 Mix it up with what exactly? There's one attack combo, a heavy attack, and 4 equipable spells. There's nothing to mix up lmao
@Tchunga I just don't believe you.
@DennisReynolds Okay don't believe me then lol. I'm not gonna sit here and try to change your mind
Glad you're having a better experience with the game than I am 👍
The ones crying about it being simple are just people that aren’t happy with anything. The fries are slightly cold, not enough action in this drama movie, the concert was too loud, etc. Oh also, probably the same people that come here saying the Lego, Indie and Live service game Ps Plus offered is the best month of the year, just get a grip guys. Between the ones that love it and the ones that think it’s ok the common sentence is “I can’t put it down”, well that’s what games should be, back when we were kids and played till 2 am with low volume to not wake mum up, you just love complaining. A solid 8.5, maybe a 9.2 if a patch fixes the minor frame drops.
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