Whisper it, but Square Enix may have an absolute zinger on its hands. There will be some long-time fans who will likely take issue with Final Fantasy XVI’s broadly action-oriented approach, but after approximately an hour of play during a recent preview event, we walked away with our jaw on the floor. If this extraordinarily high budget adventure can stick its landing, then it’ll be a Game of the Year contender for sure.
We got the impression that the Japanese publisher is confident in what it’s put together, and during a meaty presentation prior to our gameplay session, director Naoki Yoshida was in side-splittingly good spirits. In a swanky Shoreditch hotel, he – along with lead localiser Koji Fox, who was on translation duties for the day – joked through an extensive presentation, which offered a crash-course on the world of Valisthea, and the political intrigue that engulfs it.
It’s a Final Fantasy game, so we’re afraid crystals once again play a key role in the plot, but it’s clear that the development team is aiming for a more “adult” story this time around. While influences weren’t mentioned explicitly, it’s obvious the studio has been taking notes from huge Western hits like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and God of War – tonally, it’s got a strong European fantasy flavour to it, but the anime is still very much there, bubbling beneath the surface.
The story, then? It’s dense, so pull up a pew while we try to consolidate it all. As alluded to above, there are multiple crystals located around Valisthea, each one powering a different realm. Clive, the game’s unfortunately named protagonist, hails from the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, but there are several other kingdoms in the game: the Holy Empire of Sanbreque is all-powerful, for example, while the Dhalmekian Republic is a dusty trade outpost.
All of the locations surround the Crystalline Dominion, a neutral territory which forms the political epicentre of the story. Effectively, all of the other territories have entered into an uneasy alliance, where they’ve all agreed not to encroach on this important central land. But when the power begins to slowly drain from each kingdom’s crystals, it inevitably leads to a complete breakdown of the treaty between the different factions.
The story will span decades, as you’ll follow Clive through his teens, 20s, and even 30s – and you’ll visit many of the different locations all around Valisthea. It’s not, however, open world: Yoshida explained that the developer wanted to render each location in obsessive detail, and while there’ll be ample opportunity to explore, you’ll effectively be poking around in vast zones rather than a sandbox that spans hundreds of kilometres.
The main cast of characters you’ll encounter over the course of the campaign are known as Dominants, which means they effectively channel the power of elements – or Eikons, as they’re referred to in the fiction here. This forms the basis of both the party system and the skill tree, as you’ll be utilising techniques like thunder, light, and wind. All of the party members are AI controlled, but you can manually issue commands to your dog.
Which brings us to our extremely impressive demo, some five or so hours into the game. Square Enix explained that aspects of this were tailor made for preview purposes, so some elements may vary in the final build, such as the availability of specific techniques. Nevertheless, after a short medieval-style training sequence – which doubled as a tutorial – we found ourselves in the catacombs of a gothic Sanbreque dungeon, accompanied by the Eikon of Thunder’s wielder Cidolfus Telamon, this game’s version of recurring character Cid.
The writing and voice direction is excellent: it’s melodramatic in the manner you’d expect from a good anime, but it lacks the disconnected awkwardness you may anticipate from contemporary Final Fantasy games – almost as though it’s been written in English first, rather than translated from Japanese. As we alluded to above, Final Fantasy faithfuls may feel frustrated by the direction, but it’s abundantly obvious the game is playing to Western tastes.
The presentation is almost on par with a first-party PlayStation project, which is among some of the highest praise we can shower on it. The motion capture is excellent, and all of the character designs are really appealing. Yoshida said the full game will feature over 11 hours of cinematics, and while that’d usually concern us about a Final Fantasy, the quality is so good here that we can’t wait to kick back and enjoy them.
But what of the core moment-to-moment gameplay? Yoshida was eager to point out that Capcom’s former combat director Ryota Suzuki – also in attendance at the London event – was recruited for this project, and his background with character action titles like Devil May Cry 5 is evident in Final Fantasy XVI. Rather than the methodical precision of something like Elden Ring, skirmishes feel rapid like Bayonetta, with last-minute dodges slowing time and combos combining melee weapons and spells.
Effectively, you’ll channel the powers of different Eikons, unlocking hot keys in Clive’s arsenal which you can toggle with L2. Each one has a primary ability, like a grappling hook which you can use to pull enemies towards you, as well as special moves attached to cooldowns. In the case of the Phoenix, the fire-based Eikon, you can launch a cyclone-style spinning move attack – or with the Titan you can slam the ground, deploying a devastating area of effect.
Switching between these different skills does feel a little fiddly, but we’re not sure whether that’s a flaw with the game or the fact we were thrown into the demo. Nevertheless, a fight with two Valkyries named Suparna and Chirada felt distinctly God of War, as we worked to crush their willpower before launching into our Limit Break and unleashing a deadly flurry of attacks. The particle effects fill the screen, and while we were playing at 30fps, Yoshida said a 60fps performance option will be available at launch.
As we worked through the Sanbreque dungeon and to a cathedral rooftop, we faced the area’s final boss: Benedikta Harman, the wielder of Garuda, the Eikon of Wind. Yoshida had talked during his presentation about creating a playable roller-coaster ride, and this battle was filled with larger than life set-piece moments, many peppered with QTEs. While some may take issue with the lack of agency at times, it genuinely feels like a Dragon Ball Z fight, with outrageous spectacle occurring at all times.
And this is especially evident when the titans eventually face off in a kaiju cage match. Transformed into Ifrit, you’re tasked with beating down Garuda in a battle where the damage numbers are multiplied by a dozen. Ifrit can attack from range, but also throw punches and lunge in for suplexes. It does feel a little button bashy, and we suspect there may be some scripting going on, as everyone we spoke to said they finished the fight by the skin of their teeth – but it looks wild.
We should also mention that it feels great on the DualSense, too, and clearly the console exclusivity has given Square Enix the freedom to explore all of the textures made possible through the PS5’s pad. It’s even integrated the adaptive triggers during strenuous activities, like lifting gates. One other note of interest is that the title doesn’t have difficulty options, but it does provide you with some optional items you can equip to automate certain activities, like dodging and blocks.
All in all, we got the sense Final Fantasy XVI will divide the most hardcore franchise faithfuls: it’s clearly got Western consumers in its crosshairs, and it’s channelling the spirit of hugely popular franchises like The Witcher and God of War. But there’s enough Final Fantasy in it to set it apart, and the production values are off the scale. If the full game can strike the same kind of tone as our demo, then this is comfortably shaping up to be a Game of the Year candidate.
Thanks to Square Enix for inviting us to get hands on time with Final Fantasy 16 early. Have your expectations been raised by our early impressions? What are you most looking forward to experiencing in this game? Wield the power of an Eikon in the comments section below.
Comments 128
The hype is real.
I can try and answer some questions if you have them, but pretty much everything I saw is in the article already!
Can't wait. Hype train left the station long ago.
This is the ps5 game I'm most hyped for this year. Fingers crossed its awesome
Sounds insane, can't wait for this, sure some hard-core fans might get upset with combat system but time move into the future, maybe some will get annoyed its not open world but I think it's OK if the areas are designed well ( it sounds similar to how strangers in paradise works level/world design)
Sounds like it's going to be brilliant. Same month release as Diablo 4 tho, gonna be hard choice for some
"The writing and voice direction is excellent: it’s melodramatic in the manner you’d expect from a good anime, but it lacks the disconnected awkwardness you may anticipate from contemporary Final Fantasy games – almost as though it’s been written in English first, rather than translated from Japanese."
I'm pretty sure Yoshi-P or someone on the dev team confirmed that this was the case.
I'm so annoyed all the assets are so dark, I really wanted to make this article look pretty!
Trust me, the game looks stunning, though!
@RBMango Certainly wouldn't surprise me, I was really impressed!
Tied with Zelda TOTK for my most hyped game of the year for sure.
Yeah, this pretty much confirms the game isn't for me. Nothing about this sounds like what I want out of this series.
Hopefully they don't mess up FF7 Rebirth.
I'm curious about world design. It sounds like what was shown was highly scripted for the preview. Did you get the impression or were told if this is more linear or open world in nature. What about rpg elements. Anything you could glimmer from UI?
Clive really is an unfortunate name. My next door neighbour is called Clive and he's a complete d***
Still, excited for this!
I didn't realise it was Hiroshi Minagawa, who is the art director. Final Fantasy XII/Vagrant Story. Very impressive.
@KundaliniRising333 "The story will span decades, as you’ll follow Clive through his teens, 20s, and even 30s – and you’ll visit many of the different locations all around Valisthea. It’s not, however, open world: Yoshida explained that the developer wanted to render each location in obsessive detail, and while there’ll be ample opportunity to explore, you’ll effectively be poking around in vast zones rather than a sandbox that spans hundreds of kilometres." We didn't see any of that, though.
As for RPG stuff, there's gear you can equip for various buffs and bonuses and a skill tree.
Can't wait for the game, glad I finally have ps5 again
@KundaliniRising333 says here, I think?
The story will span decades, as you’ll follow Clive through his teens, 20s, and even 30s – and you’ll visit many of the different locations all around Valisthea. It’s not, however, open world: Yoshida explained that the developer wanted to render each location in obsessive detail, and while there’ll be ample opportunity to explore, you’ll effectively be poking around in vast zones rather than a sandbox that spans hundreds of kilometres.
I've never played a FF game. I think I've got FFXV in my PSN Library through the PS Plus Collection. Can I just jump in there?
@get2sammyb "Yoshida explained that the developer wanted to render each location in obsessive detail, and while there’ll be ample opportunity to explore, you’ll effectively be poking around in vast zones rather than a sandbox that spans hundreds of kilometres"
I can't stress enough how much I appreciate that approach to world building.
@StrickenBiged All the numbered Final Fantasy games are their own self-contained stories anyway, so you're fine anywhere.
I'd personally recommend Final Fantasy 7 (or even, honestly, Remake) if you're looking for a first Final Fantasy experience. Personally, I liked 15, though!
Grapple arm! Oh boy this doing to make character action fans very happy. I hope it has quieter moments of exploration though, and plenty of equipment/spell/ability customisation; I do like a good fiddle around in the menus in FF.
Noctus and..............
Great article, very much looking forward to this game. I don't buy many games on day 1 anymore but this is looking a likely early purchase.
@dschons Same. I like open world games, but not everything needs to have one.
@get2sammyb Exactly. I'd rather have smaller worlds with a love for detail than huge worlds that feel huge for the sake of it.
@get2sammyb Thanks! When it comes to FF7, I'm thinking I might wait until they have remade the whole thing. I'm expecting a "complete edition" to drop, hopefully not in vain.
I'll move FFXV up my backlog I think. I'm enjoying Hogwarts for the moment, but eager to try something completely new to me after that's done.
@StrickenBiged You can jump in pretty much anywhere as the mainline games are only very loosely connected with some recurring themes, magic and monster designs, etc (with the exception of X-2 being a direct sequel to X and the 3 XIII games).
That said, XV is commonly considered one of the weakest entries - even though I enjoyed it myself, I would have to agree with that.
VII Remake is probably the best modern entry point (it's on PS+ Extra), while VI (originally on SNES), VII and IX (PS1) or X (PS2) are all great examples of classic FF.
@StrickenBiged Yeah, while I enjoyed FFVIIR for what it was, and it is a much more modernised in terms of gameplay/QoL/aesthetics, you're simply not getting the full story that you would have if you played the current version of FFVII that exists on the PSN/eShop. If you can get past the PS1-era graphics (although I find the designs quite charming) and turn based battles, it's definitely a good start if you've never played a FF game before (although personally I would recommend IX)
Eugh...."Western", "Adult" (which means the Western idea of "adult" which means dark, gritty, and joyless, the same "adult" idea we've been dealing with since the 60's when LotR was classified as "children's lit" in the UK (but not in the US!!) "written in English first"....this sounds like everything I was afraid it was going to be. Drastically losing interest.
I'm sure it's a fine Square Enix attempt at making a CDPR/SSM game to appeal to the large CDPR/SSM market synergizing with the sales preferences of the PS market. But if you just want Square to make games that are the reason you buy Square games, this isn't looking like a good fit. (And to head off the usual retort, no, I don't mean turn-based.)
@get2sammyb You say it doesn't have difficulty options but it was recently announced that there's a story mode. Though rather than being simply a very easy mode, it's a mode with loads of different things you can toggle on and off. So you can put on auto-attacks, easier dodging and other things to tailor the experience and change how it plays to a large degree.
I just hope for a good story in the game. i know the combat is gonna be nice but a good story would be amazing. my favorite story in the franchise is ff6.
In Yoshi-P's team I trust.
@Matroska Yeah, that's correct. I think I did mention it in the article: "One other note of interest is that the title doesn’t have difficulty options, but it does provide you with some optional items you can equip to automate certain activities, like dodging and blocks."
From what I understood, everyone gets these items, you just decide whether you want to use them or not.
This sounds like the opposite of what FF should be, but that’s been true of the series for over a decade now. Unsurprising, but no less disgusting seeing what this series has become.
Fingers crossed DQXII trying to be ‘dark’ doesn’t rob that series of its charm and identity as well.
I've been avoiding the coverage for this one as much as possible, if only because I want it to be good.
15 was a massive letdown despite the hype going in, so I'm hoping this one truly does shape up to be a great game.
This will divide FF fans for sure. Peppered QTEs and button mashing? I hope the game does well but I don't like the strong western influences I keep hearing of. I will temper my expectations for now.
@kyleforrester87 I like that way more than an open world so I'm pretty happy about it
I pre-ordered the game. It already looks way better than FFXV, I. I can't wait. For me, it looks like a mix of FF references, The Witcher 3, soulsborne games and Devil May Cry. How this can possibly go wrong?
just release it love these games.
So, the opposite of the FFVII remake? Count me in.
@StrickenBiged They are all seperate stories , so all games can be played in any order you like
I am glad I am not the only one not feeling this entry. Even from the first trailer something didn't sit right with me for this game. Doesn't seem like a final fantasy game to me maybe they are trying to appeal to the more casual audience.
@bindiana What do you mean by casual audience? I can understand "different audience", but I don't think FF15 presented itself as a hardcore title in comparison to this?
This looks really well-made by a talented team who cares about putting a high quality product out there, but to me it's just not Final Fantasy. I get the direction of the series is shifting and I'll probably get this at some point, but everything I see about this game just screams Devil May Cry instead, which isn't a bad thing but still.
I'd love to play through a demo myself or just see more of the story to get a feel of what you mean by it's Western inspired. You seem to only be talking in terms of story, writing. But judging by the trailers, this games writing is no different than XIV and that game doesn't feel the slightest bit western to me
There's those button mash words again lol. Some call 7R button mashy but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no doubt the combat will be great here. But still no really solid explanation of how world exploration works. I don't need an open world but I do hope it's filled with lots of interesting things
Still my most hyped game of this year. June can't come soon enough man. I'm dying to play this already
Hope can take off the damage numbers..Everything looks good, but a bit overly flashy, couldn't always see what was going on..Hope it turned down somewhat..And hope there not too much qte button mashing.
We probably get ff16 and a PlayStation showcase in the same month 😳.
Good lord June is going to be absolutely insane. Literally both of my most anticipated games of the year, SF6 and FF16, drop in the same month.
And then Trails into Reverie comes the next month? My social life is going be nonexistent this summer!🤣
I know the shift to pure action combat is disappointing for some but to be fair it has been a long time since FF was anywhere close to turn-based anyway. I think that ship has sailed at this point.
Thankfully I like both so I'm in great shape!
What a bizarre comment you seem very insecure, just because people have a different opinion to you they are "weebs"
Already preordered the Deluxe Edition and I don’t want to know any more about the game, I won’t read these previews nor reviews, I just want to play it ASAP.
@KaijuKaiser you don’t have to be so derogatory - “weebs saying the game isn’t Japanese enough for them”? At the end of the day this franchise has certain expectations around it in terms of style so I can understand some people being taken aback
I quite like the style they have gone for, but equally I’d like it to have its fair share of eastern weirdness. Hopefully Moogles, Chocobos and so on scratch that itch.
hype is real, another Day 1 on my list. The games just keep coming - love it!
The series having radically different approaches to gameplay started with 8, to be fair. Prior to that, the main series tweaked the core formula, improved on it in some ways, but they were simple RPGs through and through.
8 started that trend by revamping the leveling system completely. 9 was a "return to form". 10 switched it up by doing turn-based again over ATB. 11 was an MMO. 12 evolved the ATB by blending it with aspects of an MMO. 13 went back to ATB but streamlined it to such an extreme it removed most control from the player. 14 was a refinement of the MMO introduced with 11. And then 15 went ahead and dropped most pretenses about being an RPG and went full-on Kingdom Hearts.
I always figured this shift, while starting with 8, was a result of Dragon Quest being brought into the fold after the merger. At least, that's when it started shifting in the extreme.
Granted, anyone who expects the next game to not be radically different from the last at this point is being a little silly. They've been doing it so long it's hard to remember a time before it. But I would count myself among those who do hope for another FF9 style "return to form" with a classic turn based RPG. Even though we have the superior Dragon Quest games to enjoy that kind of gameplay.
Damn my hype jumped to the roof. This year is stacked with great titles, and in the same time I can't spend so much money and my playtime is more limited... Decisions, decisions...
I find the weeb comment particularly amusing because the original Final Fantasy took a lot of its inspiration from Lord of the Rings, you know that book written by prolific Japanese author JRR Tolkien?
@Andee I think I have read some of his manga
@get2sammyb I really loved Final Fantasy XV. Like if you take the time to do all the side quests and stuff prior to hitting the linear section, the ending has such a HUGE emotional impact.
It's like, it all starts as this light-hearted "guys night out" with all this bonding that just organically happens as you continue to play, and then [expletive] hits the fan and the tone changes completely.
I'll be honest, the ending got me a little misty.
It truly felt like this bookend to Final Fantasy as a franchise (I mean, obviously it wasn't going to be, but it truly felt that if Square Enix never made another Final Fantasy again, I would have been satisfied).
Yeah casual audience was probably the wrong word. But looking back 15 was light on RPG elements. I presume alot could be down to which era you got into final fantasy. Me being the PS1 era when I got into the series clouds my opinions on other eras
That's a fantastic preview and well written. Thanks Sammy.
The hype is real for this title which looks and sounds fantastic and cant come soon enough for me!
I know its not a popular opinion, but I loved FF XV and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it - and I've played them all since FF IV on the snes (yes I'm that old).
From what I've seen, this one could be one to remember, even among the greats of these titles. We have a feast of goodness ahead for us this year!
@get2sammyb @RBMango Skill Ups's video goes into some detail on this. Basically the English localisation Director Koji Fox sat next to the Japanese writer during the writing process and they went back and forth on ideas together. Then Fox translated and localised the script and was motion and lip sync director for the captured cutscenes which were done in English. And the Japanese Script was then tweaked to better match the English acting.
Sounds a lot like Final Fantasy XII (one of my faves) meets God of War 2018 and I have nothing against it! We have more than enough JRPGs playing it safe so I always like SE trying to shuffle things up and even take ideas from the west and throw them in the mix.
Final fantasy 16 is going to be amazing.word up son
@bindiana To be fair, FF7 introduced a lot of what might have been called casuals at the time to the genre. These days if FF wants to continue being a monster franchise it has to attract a big western audience. Otherwise I think development budgets will dwindle.
Hopefully this will onboard a new generation of western Final Fantasy fans in the same way FF7 did, and then in a few years FF18 will be the equivalent of FF9!!
This isn't what I want from Final Fantasy, but then Final Fantasy hasn't been what I want longer than it has so what does it matter? At the very least this sounds like something I will at least like which is an improvement over everything post IX.
@KaijuKaiser I don't usually like to dismiss criticism cause people are well within their right to want FF to be a certain way it might have been before and, with how different each entry is from one another, just isn't anymore. But it's the only group of people that make me scratch my head in confusion more than Pokemon fans albeit for different reasons. The "FF fans" that claim it doesn't feel like final fantasy and especially the ones that claim it isn't Japanese enough. Both are not even remotely true unless being FF and japanese to you means having turn based combat with 16 bit era graphics
It probably doesn't help with this particular article (maybe others, I haven't read other previews) claiming it feels more western but considering the team behind it and their style of writing with the entries they've done, I don't really believe it. I just don't understand how you watch the trailers already out and think that isn't FF or Japanese
First mainline FF title I’m getting since FFX. Can’t wait, it looks amazing.
@get2sammyb Oops sorry, I must've skimmed past that.
I'm still not sold sadly. Change sure, but a complete genre change is going to lose some people I'm afraid, sure maybe gain even more as well though if it goes well for them.
I have so little interest in this.It really looks so generic now that if you released this without the FF name, no-one would ever think it was an FF game. FF used to lead the way, now they simply copy other titles.
At this point they should have rebranded this into a different series a few games ago.
The series is not what it once was, and they are trying to propel it back to it's highest heights and bring in new players.
As a LONG time series fan I couldn't be more excited about this, the series had stagnated and needed new blood and new ideas.
I've just come off watching and reading 4-5 previews and everyone seems super-enthused. It seems Yoshi-P and his team have been able to rip up and re-write the FF handbook bringing new life and fresh ideas to the series. Great news.
So, first off an admission; I've never played a Final Fantasy game! Yeah, I know, sorry about that. So, the article mentions the return of crystals. Does this mean that I need to know what's going on within the FF universe? Are there returning characters that I need to know the history of? Ultimately, is this going to prove a good point in which to start my FF journey? The games looks really interesting, I'm just not sure whether this is the right place to start...
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87
Perfect. Thanks. Had missed that.
@Fiendish-Beaver yeah it looks like a fine place to start. Final fantasy is many completely separate stories that just tend to share similar things, like monster types and (previously) spells etc
@Fiendish-Beaver Nah, you'll be fine — the Crystals reference is just one of numerous oft-recurring elements that many FF games share, but you don't need to have played any previous games to understand others; aside from a couple of direct sequels (FFXIII 1-3, FFX 1-2, and FFXII: Revenant Wings), they're all completely unconnected standalone universes
I think the game looks like it could be a good game, though a bit predictably trend-chased and tailored to a particular player. Namely "the soulsborne/Nier fan that thinks GoW is the greatest thing ever." Which I'm sure is a profitable market, but it's not FF's market. I think the biggest problem is that they're calling it FF at all. It's at best a spinoff to me. And rightfully should have been a new IP. They don't want to take the hit of doing a new IP so they decided to take their old IP name slap some familiar elements on it but otherwise build a totally new IP as a soulsborne/DMC clone tailored for the western trends.
Maybe it will sell better being called "FF", and I'm sure that's why they did it, but for fans, I think this game looks more enjoyable viewed as a new IP that's not FF, or is at minimum FF-adjacent, rather than viewing it as an actual FF game. Actual FF may just be a dead series outside the MMO. This is more like someone buying the rights to FF and using the name on their own series that has nothing to do with FF. Kind of like Arkane did with Prey, even if it's still the same company.
I think I'd personally have a more positive view on it if it were exactly that, a new IP, rather than trying to play mental twister to think of it as somehow the next FF when it clearly just isn't beyond the name.
@kyleforrester87 That's really the issue I think. Previously FF was the most accessible, popularized in the west face of the JRPG. Today it's a "monster franchise designed to appeal to the huge western audience" and decided to switch genres, themes, moods, and basically anything just to suit the market rather than have it's own identity. It's a brand name that sells not an actual series identity anymore. At what point does changing the brand identity to be some other identity stop making sense, and it's basically the same as just ending the series and creating a different one but keeping the name purely for marketing?
Looking at this this isn't an FF game, nothing about it seems to connect with any identity FF has ever had, even the bad ones, it seems to connect with FF even less than the spinoffs of Type 0 and Stranger of Paradise. This is a spin-off DMC/Soulsborne clone with Witcher/GoW theming and a loose FF skin and branding slapped over it for sales.
At this rate a wholly expect FFXVII will be a squad based online shooter with NBA and Marvel licensing and a zombie survival horde mode because of course and still be "FF, because FF needs to change to to be a modern western mega franchise!"
There's a certain point that they really need to say "FF isn't a huge market and we'll budget FF accordingly and make a new series to be our new western blockbuster, rather than trying to awkwardly meld the two markets forever."
@KaijuKaiser The "weeb" comment is kind of weird, because we're talking about FF which is by definition "weeb" content. If this one isn't, that's the problem. Nobody that's a fan of Persona would want the next Persona to be a dark, serious, joyless hellscape because Witcher is popular in the West, that's what SMT is for. Nobody that's a fan of Horizon wants the next Horizon to feature highly stylized anime waifu Aloy. Except...that's what Guerilla seems to be planning to give us in the online game.... Similarly, in the other direction, Soul Hackers was a anime-style but gritty and serious game, and part of why Soul Hackers 2 failed spectacularly was a lot of the fans of an already niche series were turned off by the sudden style change to colorful and bubbly. The whole point of a brand is to set expectations of what the overall tone and structural feel to expect is. FF hasn't known what it wanted to be since the late '00s and it's now deviated so far it's just a meld of trending genres and themes, and none of them its own. It's not about turn based vs action. It's not really even about what FF is, it's more about what it's not which is "a narrative driven linear action game tonally and thematically similar to every other major blockbuster."
But it's ok, XIII is so well loved and nothing at all went wrong there, everybody loved it....
This just strikes me as Squeenix being Squeenix and building a product to chase trends, probably with completely unrealistic sales expectations, assuming "hey, Neir was popular, Souls is popular, if me make the next FF just more Nier and Souls, then we'll hit Call of Duty sales numbers for sure!" It'll sell 20M and then they'll tell us it underperformed.
@Fiendish-Beaver From what we see of this game the less you previously know about FF the more you will like it.
I just hope the lock on/ camera is better than DMC 5.
I literally stopped playing the game because controlling those felt so janky.
That is my only concern with this game ever since I read who was in charge of the combat.
I will definitely need to play the demo to see how I feel about it.
Everything else about it is a day one for me, but the combat is make or break
Hyped for sure. Not a huge fan of the very basic battle arenas in the b roll footage though. I hope it's just the generic larger encounters that use this very aged immersion breaking arena look. Otherwise what we have is decent effects and OK character models set across a series of backdrops noticeably less detailed and for me jarring.
Obviously not the first title aside from FF that do this, but it being a current Gen only title I hope it's just not coming through as well in the footage, and the same level of detail and quality is throughout most aspects of the design.
I also do worry that in an attempt to make combat more arpg, that they don't diminish complexity to the extent that the entry feels so little a FF rpg and more of a linear corridor action game. We have a ton of those already and it's not necessarily the best idea to appeal to more by completely taking out the rpg out of such a legendary rpg ip. As I am in the minority in thinking that devil may cry 5 was boring and simplistic and man I despise qte sequences and really hope they didn't make the entire game as easy as many previews have suggested the difficulty without the crutches is.
Looking forward to hearing more for sure and the demo to come. Who am I kidding though, unless it's just terrible, I'm playing it, however I thought FF15 was absolutely terrible.
@NEStalgia You make a lot of good points, but you're also speaking without having actually played it. I don't think you can just write it off as a DMC/Soulsborne clone. I am pretty hopeful there will be enough in it to feel like a Final Fantasy title, but on a personal level it's no major loss to me if it does not as I have not thoroughly enjoyed a FF game since 10.
I do understand what you mean about them slapping the FF name on a product to get sales but ehhh.. it feels like it's a matter of perspective at the end of the day. Can you really blame them? Will it generate interest/sales/justify development costs and lead to (hopefully) new and even better FF games in the future..? Final Fantasy has a legacy that deserves some respect but let's not be too cynical.
Previews like this make it sound very promising.
Clive is such a village dogwalkers name, so when I read that you have a dog in game, I just have visions of this character being a 62 year old man, who likes to stop and have a chat with people whilst popping to the shops with his dog, Peter.
Never played a Final Fantasy, so I'm intrigued to see more, as I'm definitely part of the "western market" this is being aimed at for better sales 😁
Can't wait to play, the game looks beautiful, even if it´s FF only thematically. My first FF was VIII, and despite how divisive it was/is, I absolutely adore this game, from the story to the music to the combat. I don't think FF will return to turn based gameplay anytime soon, I think Octopath Traveler is the new FF for old school gamers.
@kyleforrester87 Of course we haven't played it and have limited information to go on, certainly. And I blame Square (much like the Sonic Frontiers prerelease coverage) if what they showed isn't what the game really is like. But so far, it seems like it's not a shift to an action RPG, which I'm totally fine with, but a shift to an action adventure focusing on combo-driven and/or hard for the sake of hard combat, that doesn't even bear resemblance to any tonal or thematic cohesion with past FF. Everything that's described in every piece of coverage makes it sound much more like a bigger Stranger of Paradise than an FF game (but with less tonal and thematic FF-ness than SoP.)
"Will need to new and even better FF games"
Will it lead to anything FF? Or will it lead to more spending on other new games that they name FF but are completely other things?
If FIFA/EA Permier League, whatever they're going to call it just switches to American football, is it still FIFA/Premier? What if it helps it sell better and helps them make more even better American football games that they call FIFA/Premier? Again at what point is changing everything about a series into something different but retaining the name just a cynical use of a brand for sales vs having any meaning?
@DrGonzo I agree "real" FF was Sakaguchi's FF, for sure. However, even since then, weird as it's been, FF has still been able to wear the mantle of "unique" 13, 13-2, 13-3, 15, you can't really say any of them are really anything like anything else, love it or hate it. Everything we've seen of 16 seems like a very predictable mashup of EVERYTHING else. And naturally that's why reception seems good because the masses seem to mostly consume anything that is exactly like everything.
TBH, much as I deride it and there's a lot that's terrible about it, I'd be willing to say Forspoken is the "real" FFXVI before I'd say this is from what we've seen. Bad though it may be it's at least unique and tonally and structurally fits what one might expect from an FF game than anything shown here minus the eidolons existing.
Y’know, a lot of the concerns that have been and are being raised about the gameplay for XVI remind me an awful lot of the things we heard way back when about games like FF Tactics, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, and Vagrant Story — games that are considered classics nowadays. (Yes, only one of those games bears the name Final Fantasy, but they are all series-adjacent.) I’m definitely willing to keep an open mind in regards to the gameplay and style; it’s the lack of character diversity in the world-building, and Square’s more recent track record with women in its games, that gives me cause for concern.
Mah brothers and sisters, we have a good one
@awaltzforvenus I suspect series stalwarts won't like some of the changes, but I think generally this is going to be really well received.
I like Final Fantasy and I was blown away by it.
@NEStalgia I do think there's enough Final Fantasy remaining here to make it not feel like something else entirely. It even does the little jingle at the end of a battle!
It's definitely a different kind of Final Fantasy game, and it's certainly pulling inspiration from games like God of War and The Witcher, but I think there's enough Final Fantasy left to make it stand alone.
I was very impressed with it!
I'm pretty sure this has already been said countless times above, but none of this looks or sounds promising. For a start, why they chose such a dark and muddy looking area for this demo is a mystery. I can believe the game looks great overall but this section doesn't appear to illustrate this at all (even if it probably does look better when you see it running on the hardware).
And look, I really need to admit upfront that I want Final Fantasy to remain turn based, but the combat sounds awful. I could have bought action combat if it was like FF7R, where there was an element of turn based menu selection involved, but Final Fantasy should not be DMC or Bayonetta (as much as I like the latter). And big boss battles stuff with QTEs? Awful.
On top of all of that, the last thing they should be doing is going down the western style RPG route. I'm sure games like The Witcher and Skyrim are fine for some people, but I play Japanese RPGs for a reason. They shouldn't be selling out FF to what presumably is a bigger market. I don't think they need to.
So, I will buy the game on release day, and I'll probably enjoy it for what it is. But will it really be Final Fantasy in anything but name? It doesn't sound like it at all.
This is the game I'm most excited for this year. I quite like that they change up the formula just as RGG has done with Yakuza/Like a Dragon.
@get2sammyb That's reassuring to hear! I still don't like hearing things like it pulling so much inspiration from GoW and Witcher, not that I don't like GoW and Witcher, I do, but I don't want FF to try to be GoW and Witcher any more than I want those to try to be FF.
At least it probably won't corrupt save files like Witcher, so that's a differentiator out of the box
@mcdreamer I think that does echo a lot of my feelings. I love JPRGS. I love WRPGS. I love action adventures. I.....generally like combo-driven action games like DMC and Bayonetta though they become very one-note very fast to me. I don't really love soulsborne at all, though I admit Elden Ring has pulled me in more than any other such game just as a curio at least in the open world.
But trying to create a hybrid of those distinct things doesn't necessarily mean something becomes better than the sum of it's parts. Sometimes it's just mixing your peas and mashed potatoes to create something unlikable out of two otherwise likable things. Like peanut butter and bacon. Sammy says it still feels like good FF and is the only one with hands on time, so that's something. But using DMC combat for a few hours preview is one thing, grinding through a whole RPG with it to the end is another.
Skyrim and Witcher, and Mass Effect, and Horizon are all my jam. Yakuza is one of my all time favorites and is really a WRPG by design, reminiscent of older Bioware titles, and has always been action-based, until the newest title that went turn based.
But I don't necessarily think FF is a better FF by emulating them. And then going all Nier/DMC/Bayonetta in the combat. Those games are great. Those games last like 15 hours max. Do we want to grind an 80 hour+ RPG with that fatiguing combat combat? Yakuza combat gets tiring enough sometimes and it doesn't depend on high-level combo play, juggling, and heavy QTE.
IDK the previews say it's ok, and we'll have to see, but everything in the official info just seems like its a disjointed mashup of parts that maybe shouldn't go together. I'm still highly cautious about this title. Maybe it's misplaced caution, but it's not ringing my bells yet.
@get2sammyb Yeah; as one of those series stalwarts, I don’t necessarily love the changes to the format, but I’m also not going to rail against them without playing it, either. There are definitely things that make a Final Fantasy game to me, and neither combat style nor lighter/darker tone necessarily factor very high — VI has remained my favorite video game for nearly 30 years, and it has some of the most grim content the series has seen to date — but I do share in some of the other concerns raised about it. I’m still cautiously optimistic, given the team that’s working on it and some of what’s being said about this preview, so we’ll see! Definitely want to be blown away by it, for sure.
Excited for this although the only FF I’ve played is FFX-2. I am really glad it is not a full open world. Open world games usually take a lot of time to finish and I simply don’t have time. I like more fast paced action than turn based.
I'm not a FF fan with FF12 being the only one i've trurly loved but i must say i'm pretty excited for FF16, it looks amazing and sounds it and the fact its not open world is quite a relief as while its my favourite type of game i am getting burnt out on them.
Eikons= Archons.
Looks really dark... literally. As far as GOTY, popular opinion, or not, it's going to lose to Hogwarts Legacy. That's just going to be a given and I'll eat my Black Wizard hat, if it doesn't.
I'm glad we're getting a FF game thats not set in a sci-fi world/future-ish world. I prefer the more medieval esthetic honestly. Also I know they'll likely never do it but a style similar to FFIX would be amazing.
Either way I'm excited for for FFXI. I'm willing to give the combat a fair shake.
Glad to see this is going well. While the game looks interesting I’ve always loved the ATB system and hope Square finds other places to use it if not in final fantasy.
Idk about losing to Legacy. Haven’t played it yet but by all accounts isn’t it basically just a third person shooter with a Harry Potter skin over it. Not to say that’s a bad thing I just want more unique games to be considered contenders.
I finally bought a PS5, and this was the game that put a gun to my head to make it possible. Very excited for this one!
"The story will span decades, as you’ll follow Clive through his teens, 20s, and even 30s..."
AKA anime/gamer culture adulthood, middle-age, and elderly.
Oh thank god its meant to appeal to us like a western game.
There's a really good review and interview with Yoshi P by the Youtuber Skill Up that's quite enlightening when it comes to his vision when making FFXVI, I really recommend checking it out. Him being almost offended by the JRPG monicker says a lot, and given that something like Elden Ring came out straight from a Japanese studio, seems understandable. It's quite funny that people say XVI is not JRPG enough- there's probably no more JRPG-y FF than X-2, XIII-2 and LR, and to this day they're mocked to death (even if I personally like them). Trying that direction obviously didn't work and the classic formula is a bit dated for today's standards. I don't necessarily want a DMC but if the story still follows the lore and matches the usual FF lines, I think some evolution is welcome. We already have remakes on the way (VII Reunion and possibly IX), I think I can do with those if I crave a more classic experience in a next gen envelope.
@ShogunRok The hype was real for Final Fantasy XV as well...
@Fath Yeah anime characters in their 30s are OLD xD
Now finally a real game!! After all these let downs the past few months. This will be a pre-order . I love the final fantasy mmo and this being no turn based is a must for me. And key word production like a Sony first party.
@NEStalgia Yeah, I agree with all of what you're saying here too. I especially like your point about a great set of ingredients not necessarily creating something greater than their sum.
I also worry about this style of combat not working well over a longer game. I really enjoyed Bayonetta 3 last year, so much so that I went back and played 2, but I was also glad the games are short. Whilst they have deep combo systems, in practice I learn and few and make it through the games with them alone. And certainly "deep combo systems" are not what I'm looking for when it comes to any RPG. I really love the From games and prefer that style of combat, but again I'm not sure I'm looking for that in a more traditional RPG. Like FF.
I guess in the end, as you say, we will see. I'm 100% certain I'll be playing the game. I just hope we start hearing stuff which makes it more exciting rather than less.
It all sounds good to me apart from the combat. Hopefully the demo will win me over.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy. Great article and Im super hyped after reading this. Did you see any form of skill tree? Is it a typical FF level up system? I'm cool with it no matter what but I'm just curious.
Guess I'll be pre-ordering this...I wonder if there is a collector's edition 🤔
Thank you, @Balosi, @Andee and @NEStalgia. Sounds like an ideal place to start then...
@Browny Yeah, while Final Fantasy has been the series that tends to "move with the times", for better or worse, Dragon Quest has always been a reliable, dependable, "traditional" turn-based JRPG, at least in terms of its mainline numbered iterations (which is why I always think they should have called DQX "Dragon Quest Online" or something, as that always felt like a bit of an outlier)
@Valgore There is a skill tree, yes! So it looks like, from what I saw, all the different Eikons have their own skill trees that you can use to power them up.
Yoshida also mentioned during the presentation that you can respec at any time to try different things out.
Basically the only reason I have a PS5.
And i’m not 100% on it yet but I have faith in the XIV team and their confidence in this game is selling me on it. Regardless it’s something I need to play.
I would actually disagree with the naming of DQX; it was a great way to demonstrate that even when moving into the MMO genre, the "Enix" team within Square-Enix were still more than capable of making an MMO feel distinctly Dragon Quest. It was modified just enough to work as an MMO, but the turn based menu-driven combat is still there.
Now if only it wasn't such a financial gamble for Square to localize it... then we all would have been playing it here in the west. I'll go cry myself to sleep again now.
@Browny Ah, I know right? They've already done the offline version — just rope in their (very competent) localisation team to smash out a version that us poor chumps in the west can play!
@mcdreamer Yeah, in some ways it's silly, it's kind of the age old "what's in a name." I think if it were a brand new Platinum-style Square IP that weren't called FF16, the dialogue around it would be totally different. Some of us wouldn't be as skeptical about if this is going to be a complete let down for an FF game, we'd just look and say "oh, that looks like a promising new IP, not sure if it'll be totally for me or not though with all that DMC combat." We'd approach it like Forspoken and either be pleasantly surprised or softly let down. And you wouldn't have the people instantly going "OMGOMGOMGOMG NEW FF MUST BY 10 COPIES I'M SURE IT'LL BE SO AMAZING!!" And the fact that Square knows that taking anything and saying it's FF will produce that latter response, is what's kind of worrying. Just the name has set the tone of dialogue around it, and the dialogue still doesn't match what we keep seeing.
The funny thing is, we went through this with 13 and pretty much everyone was disappointed. We went through this with 15, and....it's actually a decent game, but's also awkward and uneven. You'd think after 2 generations the name wouldn't sell so instantly anymore.
I want to believe Sammy, and knowing it has the end battle music etc says something about how the battle is structured, but preview impressions are different from playing dozens of hours, and previews of Forspoken were good, too, calling it "inFamous-like".....and that..... was a poor-to-solidly-middling game. And it didn't have the burden of being called FF Sixteen.
Edit: I'm also worried by how often I hear people say it'll be great because XIV is great......and that worries me personally because I've tried XIV several times and every time I walk away not understanding the hype at all. I'm sure it has great storytelling and cutscenes later, but the gameplay feels like a late 90's early 00's PC MMO.
@get2sammyb Sweet. Cheers for the info Sammy. Really looking forward to this. 👍🏻👍🏻
@NEStalgia Yeah, that's it. I think if this was called anything other than Final Fantasy I'd be somewhat more interested in it. The name sets a tone as you say and not what some long time fans are expecting.
I actually started 13 again before Christmas and I managed to get quite a few hours in before I got distracted. It's still going to have the corridor problem and all but without the weight of expectations on it now it sort of seems OK. It also looks surprisingly good on the Series X. I'd like to go back to it eventually. 15 I could never quite get into but will try again one day for sure.
As for 14, I'm pretty sure I'll never play that one. Online games aren't my thing, especially one which is so massive now, but I too only hear good things.
@Deemo37 I don't think it's going to lose, despite what some people may want to think, was more to my point. It's definitely not a shooter, it's as much an action adventure, with RPG elements, as God of War or Horizon. I think it will be hard to dethrone, even if it doesn't wind up being my GOTY.
@NEStalgia Yeah, I feel like the series got hijacked as well. There was nothing after FF VII that interested me. I didn't even see how it was Final Fantasy. Maybe this changes but as someone else pointed out, looks more like a Devil May Cry game. So, if we see a poster of a Moggle somewhere in the game, we'll know it's Final Fantasy?
If I didn't already have a PS5, would definitely be buying one for this game. Easy GOTY 2023 contender far as I'm concerned...
Sony (likely) paying for exclusivity is highly suspect. 🤔
@EVIL-C You still rocking an Xbox 360?
@tselliot XSX and PS5, to be precise. 🧐
Still rocking Sony's arrogance from the PS3 days? 😉
Why are the pics so dark?? HDR?
I'm not a die hard final fantasy fan tbh but this looks wicked. Who cares if its more action based like god of war or devil may cry. A change of style certainly didnt hurt god of war or assassins creed so i'll have a stab at this as it ticks all boxes for me..square enix just sold me a game..
You lost me at Clive
What's wrong with the name, Clive?
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