Just a few days before the first episode releases, select members of the media have shared their thoughts on the first season of HBO's adaptation of The Last of Us. With Joel played by Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey taking on Ellie's role, alongside Chernobyl creator Craig Mazin leading things, the series always had a great shot at success. However, the first wave of reviews pitch The Last of Us as a genuinely excellent piece of TV, and one of the best adaptations of a video game ever.
Unfortunately, Push Square wasn't able to view the TV series prior to release, so we will be watching the episodes and providing coverage at the same time you'll be watching it. For more information on Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show, click the link. Below you'll find a selection of reviews for The Last of Us.
Empire - 10/10
Comfortably the best adaptation of a video-game ever made: one that deepens the game’s dystopian lore, while staying true to its emotional core. Like the game, it’s a masterpiece, too.
Collidor - 10/10
In everything from the choice of directors to the decision to keep Gustavo Santaolalla’s heartbreaking score from the games, it's clear that Druckmann and Mazin adore this story and took loving care in telling the story of Joel and Ellie in this new way. The Last of Us is a phenomenal retelling of a story that was already one of the best narratives ever told in a video game, and this version highlights the importance of varying perspectives in a way that will only become more important if the series gets a second season. Druckmann and Mazin have taken this unforgettable story and made it richer and more impactful, letting us live with these characters and this world in a way that we couldn’t in the game. The Last of Us is a monumental success, and in this universe of incredible darkness, Mazin and Druckmann show us the light that makes this story so powerful.
Radio Times - 10/10
The Last of Us is the best video game adaptation of all time, and it's also a fantastic TV drama in its own right. If you're on the fence about watching it, do yourself a favour and get involved as soon as possible. Trust us, you'll be infected in no time... infected, that is, with a hunger to watch the next episode.
IGN - 9/10
HBO’s The Last of Us is a breathtaking adaptation of one of the most impactful stories told in video games and brilliantly brings Joel and Ellie’s journey to a whole new audience. Taking the essence of what made the original tale so enduring, it builds out the world of the game while also switching up some aspects to almost entirely stunning effect. Anchored by two outstanding lead performances from Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal, it delivers an enriching show for fans of the PlayStation hit, while also managing to stay welcomingly thrilling to newcomers.
The Telegraph - 4/5
Although the drama mixes up the narrative with flashbacks – including an unexpected film-within-a-film in episode three – The Last of Us's origins as a game are occasionally visible in the relentless sequence of challenges that Ellie and Joel must face. At nine episodes, it feels a little long, even if it is truncated compared to its source material. But in its scale, depiction of dread and its believable vision of friendship in disaster, The Last of Us is a rare piece of television: an adaptation that makes you want to rush out and play the game.
Gizmodo - "Best Video Game Adaptation Ever"
By sucking us in with this post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested setting, The Last of Us is able to use those expectations to shine a light on underappreciated aspects of life. Things like family, friends, love, and a nice hot meal. Lead by two award-worthy lead performances, the show features stunning production design and locations, powerful writing and filmmaking, all in service of putting two characters through a truly gut-wrenching, page-turner of a story. The season has a few peaks and valleys, but the valleys are never that low, and the peaks get incredibly high, resulting in a phenomenal season of television, destined to be one of the year’s best.
Hollywood Reporter - "Powerful Video Game Adaptation"
HBO’s The Last of Us is by far the best video game adaptation ever made for the big or small screen. That’s the blurb HBO wants for this post-apocalyptic tale of desperation, perseverance and zombies, and that’s the blurb HBO is sure to get — because it’s almost incontestably true. At the same time, it undersells just how very good The Last of Us is, simply as a TV show — albeit one existing fans will recognize as closely, at times shot-for-shot and line-for-line, linked to its Naughty Dog source material.
Rolling Stone - "A Finer Version of The Walking Dead"
It is extremely straightforward and simple in what it’s trying to do, but hard-hitting about it. I’ve never played the game, but Druckmann and Mazin have turned it into something that works incredibly well as a television show.
Vanity Fair - "One of the Best Video Game Adaptations Ever"
We already had the loss and despair of Station Eleven just a year ago; The Last of Us only adds more brutality. But the latter show proves rewarding enough, in more than fits and starts, to be worth a chilly winter’s watch. While so much seems to stalk our own streets, threatening to undo us, at least we can take small comfort in the fact that the fungus is, for now, still safely on the other side of the screen.
Entertainment Weekly - 67/100
The scope is vast, for better (soaring vistas, extensive cityscapes) and for worse (one of the premiere's two prologues is pointless). There are big-deal guest leads. The action is fine, functional. One episode completely shifts the game's canon, but some scenes get recreated shot-for-shot. That may work best for newbies, or fans who prefer adaptations barely adapted. It contributes to the feeling of watching someone else's replay.
If you weren't already going to watch, have these reviews convinced you to at least give the TV series a shot? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 96
'at times shot-for-shot and line-for-line, linked to its Naughty Dog source material.'
If only The Witcher had gotten this treatment. 😤
Positive comments about Bella's performance can only be a good thing. All aboard the hype train!
@jrt87 Yeah but this time without meaty Amazon bribes so hopefully more reliable.
Ha Who rubbed Entertainment Weekly up the wrong way??? Jeez
Not surprising when the show runner and that it would be hbo was announced.
Sony should've given horizon to them also instead of Netflix who half arse it
The small thumbnail for the link to this page looks like bella is holding a lightsaber, that would have been a bizarre crossover!
My concern is that these companies were given early access to the show with the condition of good reviews...i guess not long to find out. Also Olmaz posted a link in another article where they confirm the way the virus is spread has changed and it really has made me nervous.
The last of us is one of my favorite games of al time so I'm curious to see this. At the same time I'm preparing myself to be frustrated and disappointed like with game of thrones.
Can't wait for this. I'm going to reserve my own judgment until I've seen it myself but if these are anything to go off then we're in for a treat.
@jrt87 and rightly so because Rings of Power was fantastic.
Thought Ellie had a lightsabre from the photo, I was like, what is going on? That wouldn't be a faithful adaptation lol
Last of Us in live action is one thing but doing Horizon in a live action series would just be straight up impossible so it would have to be animated and HBO rarely if ever does animated shows. I think the last notable animated series they did was the Spawn series and that was all the way back in the 90s. So they probably had no choice but to go with Netflix.
@GuttyYZ Haven't you played the secret DLC chapter?
@PegasusActual93 Not that I care about a Horizon adaptation, but why would it be impossible?
The amount of post apocalyptic detail and fauna, the scale of everything, the amount of CG required to do that many convincing machines, etc.
It just would be way too expensive to do in live action, especially with regards to TV show length so the only practical way would be animated, which is what the Netflix adaptation will be.
Never doubted this adaptation and always had high hopes for it, despite a lot of people crapping on Bella's appearance.
Arcane, Castlevania, and Cyberpunk Edgerunners all exist so it kind of is major praise in today's age.
Netflix's Horizon zero dawn is NOT ANIMATED, it's a live action TV show set before and during the events of the game .
Hence why I'd prefer a hbo budget as Netflix as said half arse TV shows and even their films. It ideally needs rings of power money behind it
I swear to god i read it was animated but if it's live action that is a terrible idea, the concept just won't work in live action regardless who is behind it.
@ActionPanther True, but it's nice to see a production finally setting a high bar if these reviews are representative. Someone had to go first!
Agreed its a hard thing to do if serious money isn't spent, it should be almost avatar like In it's scope .
A prequel about Dr sobak and ted farro would be easier. But maybe Netflix will pay up, they got the money tbh. Stranger things season 4 is the 2nd most expensive TV show made , more then game of thrones
Not a huge Last of Us fan but chuffed to see the show executed to a high standard. We’re in a golden age of adaptations. Castlevania, Cuphead, Arcane, Sonic, Mario and now the Last of Us.
Didn’t have any doubt!
Also with 9 episodes I’m just going to wait for them all to air & just binge them with the 1 week free trial.
Unless something mad happens like Joel gets killed in episode 1 & the rest are flashbacks I can wait.
I’m waiting for the whole show to become available. Not here for this weekly release rubbish.
Music to my ears. It felt like it wasn't going to disappoint but there is always that fear with gaming adaptions, as others have said other than Edgerunners and Castlevania they have been a bit hit and miss and those 2 are animated!
@PegasusActual93 All the Star Wars series and GOT/HOTD have a ton of CGI and that works fine for the budget they have. It's not a small budget, but it's not impossible. Netflix won't do it justice, but HBO's output is mostly quite decent. Just think of Westworld, that was mostly CGI too.
I reckon Guerilla already has way higher resolution models of the machines we see in game.
A bit higher praise than I expected. (Besides Entertainment Weekly. 😄) I'm looking forward to trying it with family that do not play video games. I hold Cyberpunk Edgerunners in really high regard though so we will see if this can match that for video game adaptations.
just like EVERYTHING in life my fellow gamers "WAIT UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY SEE IT YOURSELF" remember when 10's were given across the board for another game and every one hated it? in AMerica there are only 5 more days left so lets all just chill....
The Entertainment Weekly writer is the one reviewer who's played the game.
Entertainment Weekly reads like a grumpy gamer stereotype going in looking for reasons to live up to their grumpy gamer stereotype 😭😂
Some of it is shot for shot, and some... isn't!!!
Got it set to recording because I’ll be watching football that night. Bengals vs. Ravens is too good of a game to skip out on. But I’m excited to hear it’ll probably meet the hype. Wonder how much they’ll cover in 1 season. Maybe do a second season well before TLOU2 begins if they finish the 1st game in S1??? Or more Joel backstory. I’ll take any TLOU lore plz 😁😁😎😎😉😉
@Anthony_Daniels I think that was a rumor that was recently debunked
@MakersMark what game is that?
@Type_Trubbish ...agreed. Loved it !!
@CWill97 Craig and Neil already have confirmed that if the show is renewed, they will be adapting Part 2 straight away and they will be doing it across 2 seasons, not one.
@ApostateMage Witcher S1 was pretty faithful actually. I mean not completely, but it didn't really go off the rails at that point, like it did in season 2.
My point being that we're not past season 1 of TLOU yet
@dark_knightmare2 what rumour was debunked
@IamNotPerfect Just what we need, more filler.
A 10 episode season 2 should be more than enough to show Part 2.
There's more money to be made with 2 seasons though, even if it will be at the expense of tight story telling.
Now this is how you do a TV series based off a game. Gives me high hopes for the God of War and Horizon shows.
@Anthony_Daniels nvm I was thinking of something else
@GreatAuk Dunno, I remember part 2 being longer, but I'd prefer it in one season with maybe a few more episodes. Just hope once that story is done and hbo wants to continue the show they just tell the story of new characters and wait for another game to continue Ellie and Abby's story.
Cool.thats good to know.word up son
@KaijuKaiser which one has Netflix got? I'd agree that the show Netflix has might be rushed and low quality. But with amazon I have some faith they will make a decent show and would expect a bigger budget with them.
Wow, high praise! I expected the solid HBO outing, but this sounds like it’s on another level. Really looking forward to it now.
Yet, I have to say that I didn’t agree with the positive reception of the Uncharted movie. Having played the game made the movie feel very average to me, and I think the movie was better if you had no experience with the game. I notice a lot of these critics haven’t played the game, so perhaps this will be similar.
doesn’t it take place in my home state texas ?
I caution everyone not to hype this thing to the stratosphere, as you may set a bar that will be too difficult to clear when you actually watch the show.
I liked the games, but I think there's a bit of group-think happening with everyone just falling all over each other and trying to out-praise everyone else's thoughts regarding The Last Of Us.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Honestly HBO Max is the only streaming service worth paying for, and it's also the cheapest, in my opinion.
@Type_Trubbish 😂
Its nice seeing some high praise. But gonna judge for myself. People also said TLOU2 was incredible, yet I found that lackluster compared to the first. It's not gonna click with everybody!
Considering the game is itself a CGI movie complete with screenplay already packaged, it really shouldn't be that hard to duplicate it as live action. I'm not sure why it needs to be done, but it should certainly be easy source material, far easier than book adaptations.
I just don't know why they're not calling this a "remake" or "re-director's edition"
Uh… it’s ok.
In the words of the great Comrade Dyatlov.
“Not great, not terrible.”
Part II was drug out in several parts. From a plot standpoint Abby’s campaign was about four hours longer than it needed to be (although to be fair her campaign had better combat encounters than Ellie’s).
Reviews look good. A few too many spoilerish things so I stopped reading them, but I am getting excited for episode 1. After that it’s 7 episodes of TWD before I get excited for the last.
@Type_Trubbish please tell me you are trolling pleaseeeee
@GreatAuk @tameshiyaku Part II is about twice as long in terms of playtime. But that kinda makes sense, because you do play the game twice in a way.
Makes me wonder if S2 will be focused on Ellie, and S3 on Abby? Or will they just alternate between the characters, with half the episode spent on each? Doing it like it was in the game would definitely be more confusing for the viewers who have to wait another year to get the other perspective, so they will probably just do them side by side.
I'll wait for the remastered edition.
@jrt87 lol good one I watched call me chato and the critical drinker on the rings of power played out the same as I thought!
they had peter Jackson offering help lol
This may have gone the same lol
@Toypop 8k? Our bandwidth and technology isn't there yet we can't even broadcast 4k right lol
I love how the comments read two different ways
1) I like the Last of Us and other Playstation video games I can't wait to watch this show.
2) Woke Hollywood is ruining my racist and misogynistic tv programs and video games, media should just be male power fantasies with girls in bikinis. Let's gatekeep what people like behind proclamations of "bad writing" or "poor character development" to try to make people feel like they are stupid for liking the thing.
@grapetrap NO ONE has said anything of the sort. What in the world are you reading?
Please stop this nonsense, try to live in reality, not some fictional fantasyland that only exists in your head.
Nobody ever says it as outright as I have illustrated. That's why they are called Dog Whistles as only others with the same mindset understand the hidden meaning. However, if you listen very close, as I do, these negative attitudes are all over the place. It's insidious in nature but prevalent in most comment sections on most video game and movie sites.
@grapetrap If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nail.
I am sorry my friend but it seems that with your mind already made up, you are trying to find and manufacture problems where there aren't any.
Can you at least provide an example and be specific with a post you read that can be interpreted in the manner in which you described it?
When people claim that production companies pay for good reviews. Generally, this could mean that the piece of media that is being reviewed has some sort of leftist/inclusive political agenda and they have been paid off by the production team of the offending media to give it glowing reviews in order to sell the woke Hollywood agenda. This was alluded to in the comparison to Rings of Power reviews in this comment section. First comment as a matter of fact.
Or when people claim that something has poor writing. Personally, I never went to a school that taught me how to write for TV or games but I don't think 99% of the people claiming that something has poor writing did either. This was shown in the comments when TLOU2 was brought up. Check out @toypop's comment about dropping it like a "ton of bricks" when they see any of the "warning signs". Let me guess what the warning signs are: "bad writing" or maybe "poor character development". These dog whistles are so obvious when you look for them.
Well wallet old friend, you gonna be getting skinny again
@jrt87 rings of power got better and better in each episode so good! if this is anything like it and house of the dragon then itll be epic!
@grapetrap exactly!! i see so many males who wanna act like there not homophobic or racists but it still shows when they talk. not just in gaming but movies and more as a ps lover i dont see how ppl dont want these shows. why wouldnt you want to see joel and kratos and aloy on the big screen give me more! me and you should be friends lmao we think the same!
@GreatAuk yeah they do here and all over the internet. you should use more websites instead of this one. this and ps blog and youtube and reddit and plenty more. plenty of white guys who wanna at like there not but always talk ***** if its not what they want. a straight white male. anything else is automatically labeled woke. woke is just a excuse no such thing.
@Octane I'd love that, having people wait a while to see the other perspective, spending a year or two thinking the worst of Abby, just to get their preconceptions turned upside down.
The Star Wars films are two and a half hour movies and they still cost at least twice as much as even the most expensive of TV shows. Game of Thrones isn't actually all that CGI intensive other than when dragons are on screen and maybe the White Walkers, even then those shots are used sparingly. West World wasn't that CG heavy either other than the odd scene here and there. It was mostly dialogue heavy human actor interactions especially in the first two seasons. Horizon not only would basically every shot have to be CG to properly convey the world because practical would be logistically impossible, you would also very frequently have several if not in some cases dozens of the things on screen at any one time. It's like doing Rick and Morty in live action, it's a fools errand so just stick to animation. I know people that work as CG animators, CGI is NOT cheap.
@SerJosh97 Regarding Kratos, I have seen posts right on this site from people who claim to be progressive erase my culture and appropriate it to fit their priorities regarding identity politics.
They said Kratos should be a black man, especially since the voiceover is. Excuse me?
As a Greek person I find that personally insulting. You can use my people's culture, characters (and what was once their religion) to make money/profit off it, and you can't even be bothered to find a Greek actor play a greek demigod? How is that the progressive viewpoint?
For Assassin's Creed Odyssey, they found Greek actors for both main characters. We exist. You can find us, we are out there, I promise you. There are also Greek actors still, shocking I know.
The progressive viewpoint would be not to compound an error which was started by using a voice that doesn't match the historical and cultural roots of Kratos by insisting that a black man play Kratos. That's cultural appropriation.
I bet they would blow a gasket if a white man played Black Panther, and that's just a comic book character started by white men. So I have every right to be insulted by the idea that a Greek actor need not apply for the role of Kratos.
The progressive viewpoint should be that we will correct the initial error by finding a Greek actor to play the live tv version.
Dave Bautista is part Greek, part Philippine, and I think he would do a fine job as Kratos. He has the acting ability and proper physique. He is also interested in his Greek roots and has explored them.
So long story short, certain white males have their preferences, progressives have their preferences.
Everyone has their preferences. It's not necessarily racist/misogynist or benevolent. People can just be misguided and still mean well or are just generally ignorant.
Love the fact that these critics get the whole series and we have to wait week by week. But I've already had a rant and won't be watching it until the whole series done.
But entertainment weekly whats got them all hot and bothered hahaha im not entirely sure what they are getting at with the last sentence. Im not sure what they wanted from it.
@Sil_Am I would if I could. Here in the UK we have to watch it through Now TV or Sky Atlantic.
@Bez87 You know the finale I assume.
I mean how many people here have not played The Last Of Us?
It's hard for me to generate a huge amount of interest for this since I feel we've had an over-saturation of all things The Last Of Us.
I really think they should have released the re-remake now along with the series.
This would make sense if the Greek Culture we are talking about wasn't high fantasy and mostly about a bunch of fake gods.
Ancient Greek culture, from what I have read, did not have the hangups when it came to skin color equating to race so it is very possible to have been dark-skinned and Greek. Ancient Greek Culture is not White Culture and saying so is to whitewash what is the ancient world.
Kratos came from a time of war and conquest, many cultures were amalgamated into the dominant culture at the time so it is entirely possible for him to have been any of the variety of skin tones that were in or around the Mediterranean at the time.
@grapetrap I am really disappointed in you. Why do you think you know better about this topic than I do?
Why are you diminishing my thoughts and feelings as an actual Greek person? I know who we are. I know the history of my own people. All of it.
In fact Greek culture specifically stated that skin that was too dark to their south and skin that was too light to their far north was undesirable and that of barbarians. I am not sure if you knew that.
I want to know specifically what wars you think occurred that resulted in incorporating large amounts of people from far away lands. Because I am very curious where you got this idea from.
You are trying to shoehorn 21st century "progressive" views into my people's history and behaviors. I put "progressive" in quotations because it's not progressive at all.
I guess Ubisoft wasted their time by looking for Greek actors to play the parts in Odyssey?
Anyway, you are trying to justify the use of a non Greek actor to play the role of Kratos. I am legitimately upset that you also fall into this faux progressive viewpoint.
It seems you have ignorant preferences as well and you try to justify them just like everyone else does.
@LiamCroft maybe Rotten Tomates scores can be included next time as well? It's currently sitting at 100% by critics.
@SillyBoyJudas 100% fresh rating can be achieved just as long as everyone thinks it's positive rather than negative.
All critics can think something is rated 6/10 and it will show as 100% fresh.
The data must be looked at more granularly (reviews must be read, not just looking at the overall rating.)
I'm not surprised that it's 100% fresh because it would be shocking to me for someone to rate it negatively, even if they thought it was mediocre.
Does look great
Disappointed in me...Who are you, My Dad!!?
You are right though, I'm not Greek, I'm not a historian, and I am definitely not going to sit here and argue these points with you.
I will say that the Dictionary.com definition of Cultural Appropriation has to be a dominant culture stealing from an oppressed one. Not just any time a culture is used outside of its origins.
cul·tur·al ap·pro·pri·a·tion
noun: cultural appropriation; plural noun: cultural appropriations
the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
What dominant society is appropriating Greek Culture? Greece is the cradle of Western ideas. So technically Western Culture is Greek culture.
Anyway, your initial words sounded very Nationalistic and Trump-American and that kind of close-minded thinking does trigger my keyboard fingers.
The bottom line though, your idea of Dave Bautista playing Kratos is too perfect to keep arguing with you anyway.
Your said- "antagonist starts weak or naïve"
-Ellie is still being protected by Joel and the rest of the community and is still being lied to about the truth of why she is still living
Your said - "encounters the big bad or some adversity"
-Ellie finds Joel dead and has to brave the world on her own and seek out his murderer. In this case, revenge is the adversary.
You said - "gets a kicking or suffers some kind of profound loss."
-The world is hard and the people in it are harder and she loses her innocence to all the death she creates trying to avenge Joel
You said - "Antagonist (i think you meant the protagonist) goes away, works hard, overcomes those weaknesses, then overcomes that adversity or whoops the big bad."
-She pulls away from all the death and tries to forget everything but cannot, this is where our hero is at her darkest. Finally, through the player's hard work, Ellie gets to a point where she can defeat her adversary and at the last minute she realizes that it is revenge that is the true evil in her life and finally decides to let go of the hate and come out the other end as a better person.
Your outline of what makes a good story, not mine. See it fits too.
You just don't like it because it isn't a Male Power Fantasy
Makes sense. The original game was a great story with crap gameplay. Making it purely a narrative only plays to its strengths.
I really hope there is an episode about Ish and his community.
It was never confirmed he actually died was it?
The gameplay was fantastic but different strokes.
@RainbowGazelle I really liked the gameplay in 1, limited resources to keep it exciting but never enough to be frustrating. I remember clearing out entire human areas just figuring out patterns and stealth killing everyone, not needing to fire a bullet. Not very realistic but I certainly enjoyed it.
@Balosi I did that near the end of the second game in that huge compound. I took out each of the bad guys (are they bad guys? Who knows anymore) by just lying still and patiently waiting and luring them to their death.
I'd love for the final scene in the show to be little Abby with the camera slowly cropping closer to her face looking very angry vowing revenge for what happened to her father and then the scene immediately going to black.
It would be a nice cliffhanger for season 2.
I know this is a hugely minority opinion but I like Abby a lot. More than Ellie.
Ellie was a sympathetic character in game 1 but she turned me off a bit in game 2.
I don't not like her, and of course I feel bad for what happened to Joel, but I think the right call was to sacrifice Ellie. At the very least he should have incapacitated the doctors, not kill them all.
Abby was 100% justified with her anger.
@GreatAuk The 'joel doomed mankind' thing is more open ended I think. It's never clarified that the fireflies killing Ellie would actually have found a cure, and the whole plan sounds a bit desperate to be honest.
Edit : And when you finally meet them in the final act, they hardly rolled out the red carpet for Joel and Ellie, they treated the situation terribly.
I regret buying into the hate because I almost didn't watch it. Maybe it's because I'm not a hardcore LOTR fan or something but I thought that the show was pretty great. Wouldn't put it anywhere near the movies but on its own it was definitely a binge-worthy experience.
Happy to hear the TV adaptation is getting mostly glowing reviews across the board!
I'll be there every week for sure with my Mom.
If it copied the game line for line this only strengthens my initial complaint, this has no reason to exist. Why wouldn’t I just play the videogame at that point.
Can't wait to start watching it 😍😍😍😍
@tameshiyaku As a fan of the franchise, I'd agree. But I think people not familiar with TLOU would be disappointed to find out that instead of moving the story forwards, S3 is a retelling of S2 from a different perspective. Especially after 1 or 2 years of waiting for S3. People already don't like Abby (for all kinds of stupid reasons), so I don't think that will do the character any favours unfortunately.
@PegasusActual93 ''Star Wars films are two and a half hour movies''
Mandalorian (2 seasons), Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, and the upcoming Ahsoka and Mandalorion S3 are all CGI-heavy SW live-action series, spanning anywhere from 6 to 12 episodes, rangingen between 30 minutes to an hour. Andor had 12 episodes that were around 45-50 minutes each.
And you'd be surprised how much green screen GOT had, along with post-production CGI for background elements.
And yes, I know the costs of CGI. A friend of mine is a CGI artist, and has worked on a variety of films and series. Mostly non-fiction stuff too. The amount of background elements that are edited, removed or added, even in a mundane living room or office environment is quite baffling. There's so much CGI in visual media we don't even see, because we don't even expect it there to be in the first place.
Netflix won't give it the budget it needs, but it's definitely possible. Especially if they focus on the human-human interactions and have the machines limited to one or two encounters per episode.
@PegasusActual93 And just a FYI, I looked up the budget for the Star Wars series, and they were around $15 million per episode, or around $100 million per season. Horizon Forbidden West had a budget of $110 million reportedly. So the costs a CGI-heavy TV series and a big budget video game are about the same.
If Sony (and Netflix) are willing to invest in their franchise, budget shouldn't be a problem. Especially since they also invested $120 million in the Uncharted film.
@Octane fair point, when telling the same story from two different perspectives it would make most sense financially and logistically two shoot it all in one go and perhaps release it with a few months in between, sorta like the last season of stranger things.
One can dislike a character, but I generally ignore the Abbey bashing, because it usually comes from a certain type of male that think the Tate's or Jordanson's of this world have something meaningful to say.
@grapetrap The concept of accusing production companies of paying for good reviews predates this culture war sh*t by a wide margin.
Mark my words this will top every chart. It will be massive. I’m 💯 confident. Remember my comment.
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