F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch is a poor name for a pretty darn good game. I started and completed this Metroidvania over the Christmas holidays, and I think it's gone underappreciated. Not a world-beater by any means that'll rival the love Hollow Knight gets, but it's still an impressive first outing from TiGames. Its combat is weighty with a satisfying feeling about it, the world is interesting to explore, and the abilities and weapons you acquire throughout the journey are oh so cool. I don't think you can go wrong.
I actually don't want to spoil what the anthropomorphic Rayton obtains beyond the gigantic fist on his back because the mysterious apparatus you find are genuinely game-changing. Affecting both gameplay and traversal, they're immensely rewarding to utilise. You know what I could do with, actually? Some challenge rooms to put my skills to the test.
Besides them, this is the usual Metroidvania setup on a 2D plain with rooms and hallways blocked off until you discover those elusive abilities, teasing you with their contents. There's nothing revolutionary about F.I.S.T. — it's just a really solid game in my eyes. You're unlikely to come away from it thinking it's the best game of 2021 everyone missed, but during this quiet period before Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring, why not treat yourself? The really cool thing is that it's on sale on the PS Store right now for £18.74/$22.49 for a few more days.
And that's all I have for you today. No in-depth report or a detailed breakdown of some video game or anything. Just a recommendation for what I think is a really cool game. F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch is pretty good. Give it a go if you like the look of it.
Have you played F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch? Share your own thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 40
Glad to see a China hero project game get some love. Weird voice acting aside, it's definitely one of the better games of the year. Considering Sony helped to fund the game, my wish is that they could consider forming a partnership with TiGames so they could have their very first chinese first party studio.
A few questions: How long to beat and how hard is the Platinum to get?
@Jarobusa I beat the game in about 10 hours, and the Platinum Trophy basically requires you to 100% the game, finding all collectibles and upgrades.
@EclipseZero Iconoclasts is very charming in animation and storytelling. Gameplay is solid but never overly challenging.
Strider is also super cool, though very action-focused.
Finished this over Christmas, wonderful game so it is. Another game of this genre I would recommend but it might not be to everyone's taste is a game called Aeterna Noctis.
Been playing it all day, must be off to face the final boss now after a thrilling chase sequence underground.
I also really enjoyed this one, though the last stretch had me tearing my hair out a bit! Felt great to best it though. There were also some nice touches, like the guitar player in Joffre st. or the charming noodle eating sequence.
@Jarobusa There's one trophy that's pretty annoying as it requires you to have enemies line up in a specific way and perform a rather precise sequence of moves on them. I have to spend a while doing it over. Other than that you might need a guide for a couple small things but overall just beating the game and exploring the entire map will get you close to the plat.
It's not the best game in the genre but it's very good and very nice looking too.
Glad to see F.I.S.T getting some well deserved attention on this site, I'm not a big fan of metroidvania type games, but there's something oddly engrossing about this game, it's likely due to the anthropomorphic animals in a futuristic steampunk world, it's unique, and F.I.S.T ended up being my hidden gem of the year, it deserves all the love and support it receives.
Bunny reminds me of PS2, Whiplash. Can i get the him jammed in a grinder to open a door too?
Yep, fantastic game and not $60 or has an annoying Apple Dog with a 1 hit death ability.
100% recomended if you have a Metroidvania itch
Ruined King + F.I.S.T. combo was one of the best bang for the buck combo I got (even befrore the sale)
@EclipseZero The Castlevania collection that includes Symphony of the Night and even the Castlevania Advance collection might be what you’re looking for. The producer of Bloodstained worked on most if not all of those games. For something more modern, a Record of Lodoss war game featuring Deedlit just released a few weeks ago and is challenging but quite fun.
@Jarobusa I played around 24 hours of the game and platinumed it by then. But I'm pretty sure it's doable faster. I really took my time with it. The biggest challenge for the platinum was the Combo Training with Master Wu. But also that is really manageable.
@EclipseZero a few great metroidvanias if you likes Bloodstained
Edit: obviously there’s Metroid and Castlevania including Symphony of the night too if you never played it
@Broosh I don’t know why, couldn’t get on with Iconoclasts, love the genre and it appears on all the lists but I got lost several times and it just bored me. You’re making me want it try again though
@LiamCroft It’s on my wish list and almost pounced as it’s on sale but just too many other games I’ve bought and not played. Will have to wait along with Ender Lillies
I think I remember seeing the review for this on the site. I'll have to look into it. Love me a good Metroidvania.
Yeah it looks alright. I'll wait and see if it becomes available on PS+ for now.
Looks good but I can't bring myself to buy it. Chinese developer means that the CCP gets their cut from every purchase. If the CCP ever falls and the Chinese people are once again free at some point, I'll start happily supporting their products.
@Uncharted2007 Playing devils advocate, technically they’ve already had their cut if you’ve bought a PS4 or 5, any controllers, your TV etc.
I’m always put off when I hear metroidvania, as I played too many games that were poorly signposted, leaving me to try to remember where specific openings where once the ability to open them was obtained. I have images of impenetrable mazes or, at the least, frustrating backtracking. Does that describe this game? I don’t have time to waste in mazes.
@thefourfoldroot It has a good map with collectables and other items displayed, so as long as you check it frequently you'll never get lost.
@thefourfoldroot as someone who also can get frustrated by Metroidvania style games, I found this one refreshing. It always told me where to go, it was always clear what was blocked off, and what I would need to do. I suffered through Dread's map and having no idea where to head next, but never felt that with F.I.S.T.
@themightyant Yeah I can get that. It doesn't break any new ground per-say, I just really like the creator Joakim Sandberg's other works up til that point, so I have some bias there.
@thefourfoldroot As others have said, I never had a problem with the map. Everything is clearly signposted and there's always an objective marker telling you where to go next.
@Broosh I think this ones more on me, Iconoclasts get's listed on all the best Metroidvania games lists as I said. Not sure why this one specifically didn't click when it's one of my favourite genres. But you can't like them all at the end of the day, and there's no shortage of good games to play!
@LiamCroft @weR1youR2Podcast @MightyDemon82
Thanks guys, that’s great to know and puts the game on my list of games to get if I don’t feel like playing anything in my backlog
@nessisonett Yeah, I know. But that's one reason I make conscious efforts to not buy products that are of Chinese origin. They have their hands in everything these days so I limit where I can. Luckily, the PS5 states that it's made in Japan. I'm sure they have some Chinese manufactured parts in the hardware, but I'll take what I can.
I bought it day one, enjoy it a lot but unfortunately I have too much stuff to play so I had to put it on hold. Will finish it eventually
Played a few hours and really enjoyed, put it down for Ender Lilies over xmas break but coming back to it soon
Tempted to pick this up whilst it's.on sale but got quite a bit to get through at the minute.
If I could find a physical copy for less than 100 quid I might try it.
oh wow , i looked it up on the ps store and it looks dope and pretty next gen .
so , uh….can it be cheaper please ?
Day 1 purchase here, Its a fantastic game! ENDER LILIES is another awesome Metroidvania game hardly anyone is playing
Great game, enjoyed it, got the plat. Look forward to em making another one that'll be dope.
@MyThoughts31 why not just buy digital? Or it's £30 on Play Asia (plus loads of shipping and tax I expect)
@bimboliquido Because we already wrote a review when the game came out.
Almost surprising to see a metroidvania hit PlayStationland before Switch these days, but I suppose Sony's hand in the funding that some comments here mention is quite explanatory... and suggests that Switch may not be getting this one at all. At least this genre can be expected to play nicer with Vita controls, so perhaps I'll come to play this on PS4 someday.
glances back at dozens of Switch metroidvanias in his library ... emphasis on "perhaps".
I really liked this game a lot back when I reviewed it whenever it was. September or something. It's a shame that if went under the radar for a lot of people because I thought it was one of the best of the year. It was in my top five article and everything.
I would heartily recommend picking this up if you have even a cursory interest in metroidvania games. Or if you like rabbits.
Supposedly getting a Ray Tracing patch for PS5. I'll wait for that and a lower price. Looks good though. I miss demos.
The name of your game is the first opportunity to show potential customers your creativity. If you fail at that; I don't have much hope for the rest of your game.
As much as I love Metriodvania style games, I will pass on this one.
@Barryburton97 might have to grab that 30 quid copy on play Asia thanks for the link
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